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Autotest is a cross-platform unity module that execute scripts into your application in order to run automatic testing.


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Autotest is a cross-platform unity module that execute scripts into your application in order to run automatic testing. This module is basically an embedded HTTP server that wait for a run request to execute the scripts found in its body.

With all the pre-included functionalities, it is perfect for testing flows as Loading, UI or state machines. This module is also highly extensible for your custom needs.

This repository is a project sample. You can access the library here:

To clone this project, do not forget to fetch the sub modules.

git clone --recurse-submodules

Supported platforms

  • Unity Editor (Windows x64, MacOS x64)
  • Standalone Player (Windows x64, MacOS x64)
  • Android (armv7, arm64)
  • iOS (armv7, arm64)

Tested on Unity 2019.2.x and Unity 2019.3.x with Api Compatibility Level set to .Net Standard 2.0.


Lua is the scripting language used by the module. CSharp environment can be directly used within the lua context (thanks to the NLua framework).

A script is considered as successfull if it can reach the end without throwing any error. If an error is thrown, the script is stopped immediatly.

You can find scripts samples into the AutotestScripts folder.

Basic script

function run()
    -- Script here

import(string) Import a CSharp namespace.

function run() Entry point of the script.

Scripting API

void Restart() Restart the app synchronously

void Log(string) Log a message from script. You can retreive the logs at the end of the execution.

void Error(string, string) Force the script to fail and write an error in the logs.

GamObject GetGameObjectFromPath(string) Get a GameObject from an absolute path (i.e. Parent/Child/Name). An error will be throw if not found. This function is quicker than SearchForGameObject.

GameObject SearchForGameObject(string) Search for a GameObject in the scene. The pattern could be used as a path (i.e. Parent/Child/Name). Null will be return if not found. Be carefull, this method is slow.

GetComponent(GameObject, Type) Return a Component from the GameObject. An error will be throw if not found.

void Wait(float) Wait for several seconds

void WaitForEnabled(GameObject) Wait for a GameObject to be enabled.

void WaitForEnabled(GameObject, float) Wait for a GameObject to be enabled with a timeout. An error will be throw if the request timeout.

void WaitForDisabled(GameObject) Wait for a GameObject to be disabled.

void WaitForDisabled(GameObject, float) Wait for a GameObject to be disabled with a timeout. An error will be throw if the request timeout.

void WaitForEvent(string) Wait for an event to be fired.

void WaitForEvent(string, float) Wait for an event to be fired with a timeout. An error will be throw if the request timeout.

void RegisterEventAsError(string) Register an event into the error trigger list. If received, this event will be processed as a script error and will stop the execution.

void UnregisterEventAsError(string) Remove an event from the error trigger list.

void CheckForEnable(GameObject) Check if the GameObject is enabled and throw an error if not.

void CheckForDisable(GameObject) Check if the GameObject is disabled and throw an error if not.

void Tap(GameObject) Tap on the GameObject.

void Click(GameObject) Tap on the GameObject. Unlike Tap, it will throw an error if the GameObject is not enabled or does not have a clickable Button component.

void Drag(GameObject, GameObject, GameObject, float) Drag the first GameObject from the second GameObject's position to the third GameObject's position using the specified duration.

void DragFromPosition(GameObject, Vector2, Vector2, float) Drag the GameObject between two screenspace positions using the specified duration.

void InputText(GameObject, string) Simulate a keyboard input into an InputField. Throw an error if the GameObject does not have an InputField component.

Implementation into project

Add the Autotest folder into your project and reference the Autotest.asmdef into your game assemblies.

To enable the Autotest module, you need to define the 'AUTOTEST' scripting symbol in the Project Settings.

The module API is designed as Conditional and will be ignored if you do not declare the 'AUTOTEST' scripting symbol. This allows you to ship a build with the Autotest module disabled without modifiying your source code.

CSharp API

void Autotesting.Initialize(Action) Activate the module and provide a custom function to restart the app when script need it.

void Autotesting.Event(string) Send an event to the running script.

Extend scripting functionalities

You can extend functionalities by adding static methods on the Autotest/Internal/ScriptFunctions.cs file. Theses methods will be automatically exposed in the lua context as global functions.

Note: the Unity's API is monothread but the lua scripts are running in a separate thread. You can use AutotestingInternal.unityBinding.ExecuteOnMainThread to synchronize your call to the Unity API.


You can change settings by editing the Settings.cs file.

Port: Port use by the http server to process scripts. Default value: 4679.


Communication with the module is provided by HTTP.

GET http://{device}:{port}/run

Headers None

Content List of all scripts to run formated as bellow.

LUA {script_name1}:
LUA {script_name2}:

You can use the 'AutotestScripts/' bash script to automaticaly format body.


  • 200: success
  • 417: at least one of the scripts failed
  • 500: unkown error (probably while parsing the request)

Sample curl -s -w "%{http_code}\n" --data-binary "$(AutotestScripts/"


NLua - .Net lua integration framework

KeraLua - Native lua binding

Lua - Scripting backend (version 5.4)


This module is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. I will not provide any support other than major issues fix.

Tested on Unity 2019.2.x and Unity 2019.3.x


Autotest is a cross-platform unity module that execute scripts into your application in order to run automatic testing.







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