All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Variable Compatibility
- Adds the ability to change the compatibility of a mod based off the lobby settings. Defaults to ClientOnly compatibility.
- Disable certain functionality on LAN | authored by @1A3Dev
- Fix LAN-related issues | authored by @1A3Dev
- Changed internal method to hide the lobby from vanilla clients.
- Fixed the fatal error introduced in Lethal Company v62 that caused the mod to not function correctly.
- Prevent vanilla clients from seeing modded lobbies in the lobby list.
- Fixed issue with unloaded plugins.
- Fixed incorrect LobbyCompatibility spelling in Thunderstore.toml (@1A3Dev)
- Fixed manually registered plugins not being filtered from the auto-discovered list of plugins, and hence having an "unknown" duplicate entry.
- Changed Thunderstore Icon to be 256x256 to fit Thunderstore Upload Reqs
- Mod compatibility information
- Block incompatible clients from joining lobbies
- Modded leaderboard
- register method for easier soft dependencies or dynamic registration
- Lobby browser UI with diff information