responseFor :: Text -> Text
responseFor (strip -> query)
| isSilent = "Fine. Be that way!"
| isQuestion && isYelled = "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!"
| isQuestion = "Sure."
| isYelled = "Whoa, chill out!"
| otherwise = "Whatever."
isSilent = Text.null query
isQuestion = (snd <$> unsnoc query) == Just '?'
isYelled = Text.any isLetter query && not (Text.any isLower query)
is a very simple but inefficient representation of textual data.
This solution works with Text
instead, which is a data type designed specifically for working with text.
It also employs a view pattern.
The Text
type and associated functions live in the Data.Text
module of the external text
To be able to use it, you need to add this package to the list of dependencies in package.yaml
- base
- text # 👈 Add this line
Thereafter you can import functions as you would normally:
-- allow using the following names by themselves
import Data.Text (Text, strip, unsnoc)
-- require all other names from `Data.Text` to be prefixed with `Text.`
import qualified Data.Text as Text
For various reasons, some of GHC's features are locked behind switches known as language extensions. You can enable these by putting so-called language pragmas at the top of your file:
-- These 👇 are language pragmas
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Bob (responseFor) where
The rest of your code here
By default, "abc"
is interpreted by the compiler as denoting a String
To get a Text
value instead, you need to explicitly convert using Text.pack
someString :: _ -- compiler infers `String`
someString = "abc"
someText :: _ -- compiler infers `Text`
someText = Text.pack "abc"
This is a bit inconvenient.
The OverloadedStrings
extension allows you to use string literals for Text
as well.
-- This only works with OverloadedStrings enabled
someText :: Text
someText = "abc"
Recall, patterns occur in the following positions:
-- in `case` expressions
_ = case expression of
pattern -> expression
-- in function definition syntactic sugar
name pattern pattern = expression
The most common kinds of patterns are
_ = case e of
x -> _ -- binding pattern
Nothing -> _ -- constructor pattern
_ -> _ -- wildcard pattern
The ViewPattern
extension adds the view pattern to the language, which has the form expression -> pattern
When a value is matched against it, first the expression
is applied to it as a function, and then the result of this is matched against the pattern
One of its uses is the 'pre-processing' of arguments before pattern matching on them.
minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
minimum (sort -> xs) =
case xs of
[] -> Nothing
x : _ -> Just x
This implementation of minimum
first sort
s its argument, before pattern matching on it to retrieve the first element (if present).
Another way of writing this function, without the view pattern, is
minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
minimum unsorted =
let xs = sort unsorted
in case xs of
[] -> Nothing
x : _ -> Just x
This is a bit more verbose.
But more importantly it introduces an extra name: unsorted
We intend to use it only once (to sort
it), but we might accidentally use it in more places.
By eliminating the need for an extra name, the view pattern makes it impossible to make this mistake.
The solution highlighted above uses a view pattern to remove initial and trailing spaces from the input.
That way, isSilent
and isQuestion
need not do it themselves anymore, or the introduction of an otherwise unnecessary name (for the stripped query) is avoided.