OR automotores
The client requested a solution for a recurring problem: When a customer asked my client about the cars in stock, the client had to respond with multiple ecommerce links or with individual images.
This is a simple React solution with very few components that fetches data from a noSql Firebase DB. It centralizes the entire vehicle stock on a single web page, with the solely purpose to redirect the customer to the ecommerce link where they can find more information related to the car that is of their interest.
app.netlify.com (from ghPages)
- Header.jsx
- GalleryContainer.jsx
- ContactUsContainer.jsx
- react-bootstrap
- MaterialUi
The stock of vehicles is updated through the noSQL database Firestore (a Google service).
Clone the repository. Run "npm install". Run "npm start" on the IDE terminal. The app should automatically open in development mode. Otherwise, you can open the app manually by accessing the host [http://localhost:3000] in the browser.
The project was initialized with "npx create-react-app".