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Build Script


This script builds dosbox-staging with your choice of compiler, release type, and additional options. It runs on MacOS, Linux, Windows, and possibly other operating systems.

If this is your first time building dosbox-staging, then you will need to install its development tools and dependencies, which is covered in the notes below.


  • Windows newer than XP
    • NTFS-based C:, because msys2 doesn't work on FAT filesystems
  • MacOS 10.x
  • Haiku up-to-date
  • Ubuntu 16.04 or newer
  • Fedora up-to-date
  • RedHat or CentOS 7 or newer
  • Arch-based distribution up-to-date
  • OpenSUSE Leap 15 or newer

Windows Procedures

Install MSYS2

  1. Download and install Chocolatey:

  2. Open a console and run Cholocatey's command line interface (CLI) to install msys2 and git:

    choco install msys2 git --no-progress

    Chocolatey v0.10.15
    Installing the following packages:
    msys2 git
    By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
    msys2 v20180531.0.0 [Approved]
    msys2 package files install completed. Performing other installation steps.
    Installing to: C:\tools\msys64
    Extracting 64-bit C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\msys2\tools\msys2-base-x86_64.tar.xz
    Extracting C:\tools\msys64\msys2-base-x86_64-20180531.tar to C:\tools\msys64...
    Starting initialization via msys2_shell.cmd
    PATH environment variable does not have C:\tools\msys64 in it. Adding...
  3. Launch a new MSYS2 terminal (not a CMD prompt or Powershell window):

    1. Start Menu > Run ... c:\tools\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd
    2. Run all subsequent steps within this terminal.

Clone and Build a Windows Binary

  1. Clone and enter the repository's directory:

    1. git clone
    2. cd dosbox-staging

    Be sure to run all subsequent steps below while inside the repo's directory.

  2. (🏁 first-time-only) Install the build tools and runtime dependencies:

    ./scripts/ -m msys2 -c clang | xargs pacman -S --noconfirm

  3. Build an optimized binary with either compiler:

  • GCC: ./scripts/ -c gcc -t release --bin-path /mingw64/bin
  • Clang: ./scripts/ -c clang -t release --bin-path /mingw64/bin
  1. To build a debug binary, use -t debug in place of -t release.

macOS Procedures

Builds on macOS can be performed with Clang or GCC. For general use, we recommend building with Clang as it supports linking with Apple's CoreMidi SDK. Developers interested in testing wider compiler coverage might also be interested in building with GCC. The following sections describe how to install and build with both compilers.

Install Dependencies under macOS

Before installing either Brew or MacPorts, the Apple's Xcode tools need to be installed and the license agreed to:

Xcode Installation

  1. Install the command line tools: xcode-select --install
  2. Accept the license agreement: sudo xcodebuild -license

Install the Brew Package Manager and Dependencies

  1. Download and install brew per the instructions here:

  2. Update it with: brew update

  3. Install git with: brew install git

  4. Clone the repository: git clone

  5. Change directories into the repo: cd dosbox-staging

  6. Install dependencies:

    brew install $(./scripts/ -m brew -c gcc)

Install the MacPorts Package Manager and Dependencies

  1. Build and install MacPorts along with dosbox-staging dependencies with the following sequence:

    git clone --quiet --depth=1
    cd macports-base
    make -j"$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)"
    sudo make install
    sudo port -q selfupdate
  2. Clone the repository: git clone

  3. Change directories into the repo: cd dosbox-staging

  4. Install depedencies:

    sudo port -q install $(./scripts/ -m macports -c gcc)

Build a macOS Binary (common for Brew and MacPorts)

  1. Build an optimized binary with various compilers:
  • Clang: ./scripts/ -c clang -t release -p /usr/local/bin
  • GCC (brew): ./scripts/ -c gcc -v 9 -t release -p /usr/local/bin
  • GCC (macports): ./scripts/ -c gcc -v mp-9 -t release -p /opt/local/bin
  1. To build a debug binary, use -t debug in place of -t release.

Linux Procedures

Install Dependencies under Linux

  1. Install git: sudo apt install -y git

  2. Clone the repository: git clone

  3. Change directories into the repo: cd dosbox-staging

  4. (🏁 first-time-only) Install dependencies based on your package manager. In this example, we use Ubuntu 20.04:

    sudo apt install -y $(./scripts/ -m apt -c clang)

    For other supported package managers, run: ./scripts/

Build a Linux Binary

  1. Build an optimized binary using various compilers:
  • Clang: ./scripts/ -c clang -t release -m lto

  • GCC (default version): ./scripts/ -c gcc -t release -m lto

  • GCC (specific version, ie: 10): ./scripts/ -c gcc -v 10 -t release -m lto

    ⚠️ Raspberry Pi 4 users should avoid link-time-optimized builds for now. Simply drop the -m lto in your build line.

  1. To build a debug binary, use -t debug in place of -t release -m lto.

Haiku Procedures

Install Dependencies under Haiku

  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Change directories into the repo: cd dosbox-staging

  3. (🏁 first-time-only) Install dependencies:

    pkgman install -y $(./scripts/ -m haikuports -c clang -v 9)

Build a Haiku Binary

  1. Build an optimized binary using various compilers:
  • Clang: ./scripts/ --compiler clang -t release -m lto --prefix=$HOME/config/non-packaged
  • GCC: ./scripts/ -c gcc -t release --prefix=$HOME/config/non-packaged
  1. To build a debug binary, use -t debug in place of -t release.

  2. Install the binary: make install

  3. Edit your configuration file by running: dosbox -editconf and make the following suggested changes (leave all other settings as-is):

    windowresolution = 800x600
    output = texturenb
    texture_renderer = software
    scaler = none
    glshader = none
    core = normal

    The state of Haiku's GPU Hardware-acceleration is being discussed here:

  4. You may now run dosbox inside any directory in your Terminal.

Additional Tips

Compiler variations

The compiler, version, and bit-depth can be selected by passing the following common options to the and scripts:

  • --compiler clang or -c clang to use CLang instead of GCC
  • --compiler-version 8 or -v <version> to specify a particular version of compiler (if available in your package manager)
  • --bit-depth 32, to build a 32-bit binary instead of 64-bit

Release types

Build release types includes:

  • release, optimizes the binary and disables some checks, such as assertions.

  • debug, adds debug symbols and disables optimizations for ideal debugging.

    • You can run the resulting binary in the GNU debugger: gdb /path/to/ dosbox, followed by run mygame.bat
  • pgotrain adds Profile Guided Optimization (PGO) tracking instrumentation to the compiled binary.

    This allows the recording of profile statistics that can be used to compile a PGO-optimized binary. Note that PGO optimization is different from Automatic Feedback Directed Optimization (AutoFDO) mentioned below.

    After compiling your PGO binary, the build script presents instructions describing how to generate and use the profiling data.

  • warnmore, displays additional helpful C and C++ warnings for developers.

  • fdotrain, add tracing symbols used to generate AutoFDO sampling data.

  • $SANITIZER TYPE, builds a binary instrumented with code to catch issues at runtime that relate to the type of sanitizer being used. For example: memory leaks, threading issues, and so on. This is for Linux and macOS only.

    • see ./scripts/ --help for a list of sanitizer-types that are available.
    • Run your binary like normal and it will generate output describing problematic behavior
    • Some sanitizers accept runtime options via an environment variables, such as ASAN_OPTIONS, described here:

Build Results, Rebuilding, and Cleaning

After building, your dosbox or dosbox.exe binary will reside inside ./dosbox-staging/src/.

The build script records the prior build type and will clean if needed between builds. To manually remove all intermediate object files and ephemeral auto-tools outputs, run make distclean.

To additionally remove all files except for the repository files, use git clean -fdx.


The build script will make use of ccache, which saves compiled objects for potential re-use in future builds (hence the name, "cache") to speed up build times. If you performed the one-time installation step above, then you will already have ccache installed.

Simply having ccache in your path is sufficient to use it; you do not need to invasively symlink /usr/bin/gcc -> ccache.

The build script enables ccache's object compression, which significantly reduces the size of the cache. It will also display cache statistics after each build. To see more details, run ccache -s.

To learn more about ccache run ccache -h, and read

Optimization Modifiers

The following modifier flags can be added when building a release type:

  • -m lto, optimize the entire object space instead of per-file (Only available on Mac and Linux)

  • -m fdo, performs feedback directed optimizations (FDO) using an AutoFDO data set. Export the FDO_FILE variable with the full path to your merged FDO dataset. For example:

    • GCC: export FDO_FILE=/full/path/to/current.afdo and then build with:

      ./scripts/ -c gcc -t release -m fdo -m lto

    • Clang: export FDO_FILE=/full/path/to/current.profraw, and then build with:

      ./scripts/ -c clang -t release -m fdo -m lto

    The section below describes how to collect an AutoFDO dataset for GCC and Clang.

AutoFDO Procedures

Feedback Directed Optimization (FDO) involves recording performance data from the Linux kernel and using it to direct the compiler's optimizer.

Prerequisites for AutoFDO

  • An Intel processor that supports the last branch record (LBR) instruction.

  • A Linux kernel built with Branch Profiling tracers enabled:


    These can be enable directly in your kernel's .config file or using make menuconfig via the following menu options:

    1. Kernel hacking --->
    2. [*] Tracers --->
    3. Branch Profiling (Trace likely/unlikely profiler)
    4. (X) Trace likely/unlikely profiler
  • The AutoFDO software package. It may be available via your package manager or built from sources

    • Note about compiler versions the autofdo binaries need to be compiled with the exact version of the compiler that will later be used to compile our final optimized version of dosbox-staging.

      So for example, if you install autofdo via package-manager, then it will be valid for the default version of gcc and clang also installed by your package manager. Where as if you plan to build with gcc-<latest>, then you will need to compile autofdo from sources using gcc-<latest> by pointing the CC and CXX environment variables to the newer gcc binaries.

    • Note about clang If you plan to compile with a version of clang newer than your package manager's default version, then you will need to compile autofdo from source and configure it with the corresponding version of llvm-config. For example, if I want to build with clang-10, then I would configure autofdo with: ./configure --with-llvm=/usr/bin/llvm-config-10.

    • The included .github/scripts/ script can be used to build and install autofdo, for example:

      • default GCC:

        sudo .github/scripts/

      • newer GCC:

        export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-9
        export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-9
        sudo .github/scripts/
      • Clang version 10:

        sudo .github/scripts/

  • The pmu-tools software package, which can be downloaded from This is a collection of python scripts used to assist in capturing sampling data.

Record Data for AutoFDO Builds

  1. Ensure the custom Linux Kernel supporting LBR tracing is running.

  2. Build dosbox-staging from source using the fdotrain target: ./scripts/build.h -c gcc -t fdotrain

  3. Record kernel sample profiles while running dosbox-staging:

    /path/to/pmu-tools/ record -F max -o "" -b -e br_inst_retired.near_taken:pp -- /path/to/fdo-trained/dosbox ARGS

    Where is the file that will be filled with samples.

    Repeat this for multiple training runs, each time saving the output to a new -o file. Ideally you want to exercise all code paths in dosbox-staging (core types, video cards, video modes, sound cards, and audio codecs).

  4. Convert your sample profiles into compiler-specific records using tools provided in the autofdo package:

    For GCC, run:

    • create_gcov --binary=/path/to/fdo-trained/dosbox -gcov=samples-1.afdo -gcov_version=1

      ... for each .prof file, creating a corresponding .afdo file.

    • At this point, you now have an .afdo file for each .prof file. Merge the .afdos into a single curren.afdo file with:

      profile_merger -gcov_version=1 -output_file=current.afdo *.afdo

    For Clang, run:

    • create_llvm_prof --binary=/path/to/fdo-trained/dosbox --out=samples-1.profraw

      ... for each *.prof file, creating a corresponding .profraw file.

    • At this point, you now have a .profraw file for each .prof file. Merge them into a single current.profraw file with:

      llvm-profdata-<version> merge -sample -output=current.profraw *.profraw

Build Using AutoFDO Data

You can now use your merged .afdo or .profraw file to build with the -m fdo modifier by placing your current.afdo/.profraw file in the repo's root directory, or point to it using the FDO_FILE environment variable, and launch the build with ./scripts/ -c <gcc or clang> -t release -m lto -m fdo.