Not much of a backstory here... there is an embedded flag in here somewhere, your job is to find it.
- I mean, the title literally says 'steghide'
- Perhaps there is more than one layer to the stego?
David Morgan (r0m)
- Download the BMP file
- Create custom script to extract all 1000 QR codes
- Tested on a few major GPTs, none will autosolve
- Each QR code is 290x290px
- Figure out there are 40 QR codes across and 25 down
- Need to build a loop within a loop in the script to carve and save each of the 40 squares before moving to the next line
- Add to script capability to read each QR and write contents to a dictionary
- Use steghide to extract next layer (another BMP file)
- Create script to dictionary attack (one created earlier) against the next layer - the patriotCTF.bmp image has the embedded flag, but must use steghide with password to decrypt and extract it
- Decode final QR code BMP for the flag