Using custom styling
A paragraph with some text and a link.
Add a header via the barhtml
option and include your custom header markup. Change the CSS to your needs and link to it through the csspath
simplemenu: {
barhtml: {
header: '<div class="menubar"><a href="#"><img class="logo" src="img/logo.svg"></a><ul class="menu"></ul></div>'
csspath: 'css/mycustomstyle.css'
plugins: [ Simplemenu ]
You can also move the slidenumber into the menubar by just adding a div with the class slide-number
to it:
simplemenu: {
barhtml: {
header: '<div class="menubar"><a href="#"><img class="logo" src="img/logo.svg"></a><ul class="menu"></ul><div class="slide-number"></div></div>'
csspath: 'css/mycustomstyle.css'
plugins: [ Simplemenu ]