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0fd8d8e · Oct 8, 2024


304 lines (222 loc) · 9.81 KB

File metadata and controls

304 lines (222 loc) · 9.81 KB

Migration Guide

From version 2.3.x to 3.0.0

This version has some breaking changes. Please read the following to update your project.

Title (from layout)

The Title component from the layout-header package has been renamed. Another component was also named Title in the title package. To avoid conflicts, the Title component from the layout-header package has been renamed to HeaderTitle.

- import { Title } from '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-layout-header';
+ import { HeaderTitle } from '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-layout-header';

- import '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-layout-header/dist/Title/af-title-bar.css';
+ import '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-layout-header/dist/HeaderTitle/af-title-bar.css';

- <Title title="Titre de mon application" />
+ <HeaderTitle title="Titre de mon application" />


The Modal component has been fully refactored.
In a technical standpoint, we removed the use of react-modal library and replaced it with a simple dialog html element. This change allows us to have a better accessibility and a better performance.
In a functional standpoint, we removed the isOpen prop as the dialog element doesn't work that way. To open a dialog you have to call the showModal function that will set the open attribute on the dialog element. To close the dialog you have to call the close function that will set the open attribute to false.
In order to do that, you can use ref to get the dialog element and call the showModal and close functions.

- <Modal isOpen={isOpen} onOutsideTap={onClose}>
+ const modalRef = useRef<HTMLDialogElement>(null);
+ <Modal ref={modalRef} onOutsideTap={onClose}>
- <button onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}>Open Modal</button>
+ <button onClick={() => modalRef.current.showModal()}>Open Modal</button>
- <button onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)}>Close Modal</button>
+ <button onClick={() => modalRef.current.close()}>Close Modal</button>

Also we removed the prefix Modal for the subcomponents of the Modal component.
For example, Modal.HeaderBase is now HeaderBase, Modal.Body is now Body, Modal.Footer is now Footer.

- <Modal.HeaderBase>My Header</Modal.HeaderBase>
+ <HeaderBase>My Header</HeaderBase>

Keep in mind that those components should be wrapped inside a Modal component.

Lastly, for your tests to keep working, you will need to define what the showModal and close functions do. For that you can use the following code in your setupTests.ts file :

window.HTMLDialogElement.prototype.showModal = vi.fn(function mock(
  this: HTMLDialogElement
) { = true;

window.HTMLDialogElement.prototype.close = vi.fn(function mock(
  this: HTMLDialogElement
) { = false;


In this version, we refactored the form onChange event. Previously we used to override the native onChange event of the input. Now we use the native onChange event to keep it simplier and reduce the codebase and possible issues.
For your forms to still work, you need to change the way you handle the onChange event.

Before to get the value of the input, you would do something like this :

const handleChange = (event) => {

Now you can directly get the value from the native event :

const handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {

This change has to be done on all the form components that you use in your project :

  • Card
  • Checkbox
  • Choice
  • Date
  • File
  • Number
  • Pass
  • Radio
  • MultiSelect
  • Select
  • Text
  • Textarea

From version 2.2.0 to 2.3.0


The Title component used to have some different css based on a specific classModifier or className. For classModifier it was called bigTitle and for className it was af-subtitle. This two custom css have now been deleted for the component. If you are using them on your project, you should remove them and make this implementation yourself. The Title component only implement what our UXs have designed.

From version 2.0.x to 2.1.0


Some functions have been deleted or moved from the toolkit-core. It is for example the case of the ClassManager utils that could be used like that in 2.0.x

import { ClassManager } from '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-core';


In 2.1.x the ClassManager doesn't exist anymore and you can target the functions directly.

import { getComponentClassName } from '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-core';



With the tree shaking and the separation between CommonJS and ECMAScript files, you shouldn't import the components from the component folder of the react-toolkit-all package.

Before :

import { Alert } from '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-all/component/alert';

After :

import { Alert } from '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-all';

From version 1.x to 2.0.x

Date Input

We updated the React DatePicker from 1.X to 3.X. The library no longer uses moment. Instead it uses DateFns as a dependency for date management. Therefore, the Date Input no longer uses moment object for the value, but a Javascript Date object. Also, the onChange callback returns a Date value instead of a moment value.

The locale param also changed. It is a string which sets the language of the component. You can find the full list on DateFns's website. This feature uses the dynamic import in order to import only the locales needed by the user. Make sure that your project is compatible with code splitting. (create-react-app does it out-of-the-box).

We also added a format prop which allows to specify how value is formatted in viewValue and in the field. It has to be a unicode format

In 1.X:

  label="Enter a date"
  value={moment('11/26/2017', 'MM/DD/YYYY')}

In 2.0.x

  label="Enter a date"
  value={new Date('11-26-2017')}


We merged CollapseCard and CollapseCardBase so now there is just CollapseCard. You can now use onToggle prop on CollapseCard.

Breaking Change : collapse prop is now replaced by isOpen who is easier to understand.

Don't just replace the prop name ! Be sure that you have the expected behaviour.

In 1.X

  onToggle={() => {}}

In 2.0.X:

  onToggle={() => {}}

Package react-toolkit-all

The component Title (from @axa-fr/react-toolkit-layout-header) has been renamed to HeaderTitle to add @axa-fr/react-toolkit-title to the @axa-fr/react-toolkit-all package.

- import { Title } from '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-all';
+ import { HeaderTitle } from '@axa-fr/react-toolkit-all';

File Upload Data Handling

In 1.X

  • Direct iteration over files and appending them to FormData.
- const data = new FormData();
- files.forEach(({ file, fieldname, referentialName, type }) => {
-  data.append('Files', file, cleanFileName(;
-  data.append('FieldName', fieldname);
-  data.append('Referential', referentialName);
-  type && data.append('Type', type);

In 2.0.x

  • Asynchronous handling of files.
  • Files fetched as blobs.
  • Metadata such as field name and type appended to FormData.
+ const data = new FormData();
+ await Promise.all(
+ ({ file, fieldname, referentialName, type }) => {
+    const blob = await fetch(file.preview).then((response) => response.blob());
+    data.append('Files', blob, cleanFileName(;
+    data.append('FieldName', fieldname);
+    data.append('Referential', referentialName);
+    type && data.append('Type', type);
+  })


There has been a change in the representation of boolean values in the events associated with checkbox state changes. In 1.x, boolean values were directly used in events, but after in 2.0.x, these values are now represented as strings indicating the boolean state.

Here is an exemple to adapt to this change :

-export const handleChange = (e) => {
-  const newValue = !e.value;
-  // Rest of the logic

+export const handleChange = (e) => {
+  const newValue = e.value === 'true';
+  // Rest of the logic

Input Components

There has been a requirement change regarding the label attribute for all types of inputs. In the 1.x version, providing a label for the TextInput component was optional. However, in the 2.0.x version, a label is mandatory for all input components.

Here's an example demonstrating how to adapt to this change:

- <TextInput
-   name="textInputName"
-   id="textInputId"
-   value="textInputValue"
-   onChange={e => handleChange(e)}
- />

+ <TextInput
+   name="textInputName"
+   id="textInputId"
+   value="textInputValue"
+   onChange={e => handleChange(e)}
+   label=""
+ />

In this example, the TextInput component previously didn't have a label specified, which now causes an issue. To resolve this, an empty label attribute has been added to comply with the new requirement.