When using our logos and brand identity, you've got to follow a few indications that we're listing in this section of our Handbook.
First and foremost, in written form, MarsBased is one word and one word only, with a capital M and a capital B. Unless required to do so, the name of the company shall not be spelt in all uppercase (MARSBASED) or all lowercase letters (marsbased).
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Our main logo is the one with the name of the company:
Over dark backgrounds, we prefer using the red version of the logo. This is the logo used on our website:
We have an alternative white version of the logo, but we don't use it very often nowadays:
Finally, we sometimes use green/turquoise when the red color is already highly prominent, or used by a different title, like on our podcast website:
Only use the green/turquoise logo over a #262728 background, like in this example:
Sometimes, when we're forced to use a smaller logo or one with squared proportions, we use the following ones instead:
Follow the same color principles explained above.
In social networks, platforms, and tools, where we need to display a company profile picture, we typically use one of the following options:
We use the following colours in all of our communications and assets:
Red Mars ©
- RGB: 255, 0, 51
- CMYK: 0%, 100%, 80%, 0%
- HEX: #FF0031
Green Martian ©
- RGB: 0, 255, 191
- CMYK: 100%, 0%, 25%, 0%
- HEX: #00FFBE
Grey Space Suit ©
- RGB: 38, 39, 40
- CMYK: 5%, 2%, 0%, 84%
- HEX: #262728