A C Library for Robust Peak Finding in 2D images with Python Wrapper. The relevant paper can be found here
The RobustPeakFinder.c is writetn in C language and can be used to detect Bragg peaks in a 2D diffraction pattern or to count peaks in any other image. The method is based on the library implemented in RGFLib.c presented in Robust Gaussian Fitting library. A modification of CrystFEL is now availble that performs RPF to a good extent and can be found in robustFEL project.
Giving the bad pixel mask in the input is necessary. The RPF algorithm is looking for outstanding pixels. If bad pixels who are outstanding often, are not masked, they will be picked up. We suggest to use the mask makers found in robustFEL project.
After cloning this repo and putting the RGFLib.c beside this Makefile, run the following command to generate a shared library RobustPeakFinder.so:
Note: using the first line of the C file also compiles the library.
A Python wrapper is written in the file RobustPeakFinder_Python_Wrapper.py. Tha wrapper will be looking for the .so shared library file.
Two Python tests are also provided:
1- A Test written specifically to read a HDF5 file from Australian Synchotron: RobustPeakFinder_Python_Test_for_AS.py
2- A Simple test to prove that the code is working in the file: RobustPeakFinder_Python_Test_Simple.py. Simply type in:
make test