From 39fe94ef08dae0f9dcb03c65092ecd3f3440e946 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marius <> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 11:51:18 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Beta version added reduce unused code from States version --- custom-ui-beta.js | 930 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 930 insertions(+) create mode 100644 custom-ui-beta.js diff --git a/custom-ui-beta.js b/custom-ui-beta.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcc0d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/custom-ui-beta.js @@ -0,0 +1,930 @@ +var Name = "CUSTOM-UI (JS)"; +var Version = "20210323-BETA"; +var Description= "adapted for HA 2020.X.X + "; +`%c ${Name} is installed \n%c Version ${Version} ${Description}`, + 'color: gold; font-weight: bold; background: black', + 'color: white; font-weight: bold; background: steelblue' ); + +!function (t) { + var e = {}; + function s(i) { + if (e[i]) + return e[i].exports; + var n = e[i] = { + i: i, + l: !1, + exports: {} + }; + return t[i].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, s), + n.l = !0, + n.exports + } + s.m = t, + s.c = e, + s.d = function (t, e, i) { + s.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { + configurable: !1, + enumerable: !0, + get: i + }) + }, + s.r = function (t) { + Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { + value: !0 + }) + }, + s.n = function (t) { + var e = t && t.__esModule ? function () { + return t.default + } + : function () { + return t + }; + return s.d(e, "a", e), + e + }, + s.o = function (t, e) { + return, e) + }, + s.p = "", + s(s.s = 0) +} +([function (t, e, s) { + "use strict"; + function i(t, e, s, i = !1) { + t._themes || (t._themes = {}); + let n = e.default_theme; + ("default" === s || s && e.themes[s]) && (n = s); + const a = { + ...t._themes + }; + if ("default" !== n) { + const s = e.themes[n]; + Object.keys(s).forEach(e => { + const i = "--" + e; + t._themes[i] = "", + a[i] = s[e] + }) + } + if (t.updateStyles ? t.updateStyles(a) : window.ShadyCSS && window.ShadyCSS.styleSubtree(t, a), !i) + return; + const o = document.querySelector("meta[name=theme-color]"); + if (o) { + o.hasAttribute("default-content") || o.setAttribute("default-content", o.getAttribute("content")); + const t = a["--primary-color"] || o.getAttribute("default-content"); + o.setAttribute("content", t) + } + } + function n(t) { + return t.substr(0, t.indexOf(".")) + } + function a(t) { + return n(t.entity_id) + } + function o(t, e, s) { + const i = t; + let n; + i.lastChild && i.lastChild.tagName === e ? n = i.lastChild : (i.lastChild && i.removeChild(i.lastChild), n = document.createElement(e.toLowerCase())), + n.setProperties ? n.setProperties(s) : Object.keys(s).forEach(t => { + n[t] = s[t] + }), + null === n.parentNode && i.appendChild(n) + } + s.r(e); + const r = (t, e) => 0 != (t.attributes.supported_features & e), + l = ["climate", "cover", "configurator", "input_select", "input_number", "input_text", "lock", "media_player", "scene", "script", "timer", "vacuum", "water_heater", "weblink"]; + new Set(["fan", "input_boolean", "light", "switch", "group", "automation"]); + const c = new WeakMap, + d = t => "function" == typeof t && c.has(t), + u = void 0 !== window.customElements && void 0 !== window.customElements.polyfillWrapFlushCallback, + h = (t, e, s = null) => { + let i = e; + for (; i !== s; ) { + const e = i.nextSibling; + t.removeChild(i), + i = e + } + }, + p = {}, + m = {}, + g = `{{lit-${String(Math.random()).slice(2)}}}`, + y = `\x3c!--${g}--\x3e`, + b = new RegExp(`${g}|${y}`), + _ = "$lit$"; + class f { + constructor(t, e) { + = [], + this.element = e; + let s = -1, + i = 0; + const n = [], + a = e => { + const o = e.content, + r = document.createTreeWalker(o, 133, null, !1); + let l = 0; + for (; r.nextNode(); ) { + s++; + const e = r.currentNode; + if (1 === e.nodeType) { + if (e.hasAttributes()) { + const n = e.attributes; + let a = 0; + for (let t = 0; t < n.length; t++) + n[t].value.indexOf(g) >= 0 && a++; + for (; a-- > 0; ) { + const n = t.strings[i], + a = S.exec(n)[2], + o = a.toLowerCase() + _, + r = e.getAttribute(o).split(b); +{ + type: "attribute", + index: s, + name: a, + strings: r + }), + e.removeAttribute(o), + i += r.length - 1 + } + } + "TEMPLATE" === e.tagName && a(e) + } else if (3 === e.nodeType) { + const t =; + if (t.indexOf(g) >= 0) { + const a = e.parentNode, + o = t.split(b), + r = o.length - 1; + for (let t = 0; t < r; t++) + a.insertBefore("" === o[t] ? v() : document.createTextNode(o[t]), e),{ + type: "node", + index: ++s + }); + "" === o[r] ? (a.insertBefore(v(), e), n.push(e)) : = o[r], + i += r + } + } else if (8 === e.nodeType) + if ( === g) { + const t = e.parentNode; + null !== e.previousSibling && s !== l || (s++, t.insertBefore(v(), e)), + l = s, +{ + type: "node", + index: s + }), + null === e.nextSibling ? = "" : (n.push(e), s--), + i++ + } else { + let t = -1; + for (; -1 !== (t =, t + 1)); ) +{ + type: "node", + index: -1 + }) + } + } + }; + a(e); + for (const t of n) + t.parentNode.removeChild(t) + } + } + const w = t => -1 !== t.index, + v = () => document.createComment(""), + S = /([ \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d])([^\0-\x1F\x7F-\x9F \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d"'>=/]+)([ \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d]*=[ \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d]*(?:[^ \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d"'`<>=]*|"[^"]*|'[^']*))$/; + class C { + constructor(t, e, s) { + this._parts = [], + this.template = t, + this.processor = e, + this.options = s + } + update(t) { + let e = 0; + for (const s of this._parts) + void 0 !== s && s.setValue(t[e]), e++; + for (const t of this._parts) + void 0 !== t && t.commit() + } + _clone() { + const t = u ? this.template.element.content.cloneNode(!0) : document.importNode(this.template.element.content, !0), + e =; + let s = 0, + i = 0; + const n = t => { + const a = document.createTreeWalker(t, 133, null, !1); + let o = a.nextNode(); + for (; s < e.length && null !== o; ) { + const t = e[s]; + if (w(t)) + if (i === t.index) { + if ("node" === t.type) { + const t = this.processor.handleTextExpression(this.options); + t.insertAfterNode(o.previousSibling), + this._parts.push(t) + } else + this._parts.push(...this.processor.handleAttributeExpressions(o,, t.strings, this.options)); + s++ + } else + i++, "TEMPLATE" === o.nodeName && n(o.content), o = a.nextNode(); + else + this._parts.push(void 0), s++ + } + }; + return n(t), + u && (document.adoptNode(t), customElements.upgrade(t)), + t + } + } + class x { + constructor(t, e, s, i) { + this.strings = t, + this.values = e, + this.type = s, + this.processor = i + } + getHTML() { + const t = this.strings.length - 1; + let e = ""; + for (let s = 0; s < t; s++) { + const t = this.strings[s], + i = S.exec(t); + e += i ? t.substr(0, i.index) + i[1] + i[2] + _ + i[3] + g : t + y + } + return e + this.strings[t] + } + getTemplateElement() { + const t = document.createElement("template"); + return t.innerHTML = this.getHTML(), + t + } + } + const E = t => null === t || !("object" == typeof t || "function" == typeof t); + class O { + constructor(t, e, s) { + this.dirty = !0, + this.element = t, + = e, + this.strings = s, + = []; + for (let t = 0; t < s.length - 1; t++) +[t] = this._createPart() + } + _createPart() { + return new T(this) + } + _getValue() { + const t = this.strings, + e = t.length - 1; + let s = ""; + for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) { + s += t[i]; + const e =[i]; + if (void 0 !== e) { + const t = e.value; + if (null != t && (Array.isArray(t) || "string" != typeof t && t[Symbol.iterator])) + for (const e of t) + s += "string" == typeof e ? e : String(e); + else + s += "string" == typeof t ? t : String(t) + } + } + return s + t[e] + } + commit() { + this.dirty && (this.dirty = !1, this.element.setAttribute(, this._getValue())) + } + } + class T { + constructor(t) { + this.value = void 0, + this.committer = t + } + setValue(t) { + t === p || E(t) && t === this.value || (this.value = t, d(t) || (this.committer.dirty = !0)) + } + commit() { + for (; d(this.value); ) { + const t = this.value; + this.value = p, + t(this) + } + this.value !== p && this.committer.commit() + } + } + class A { + constructor(t) { + this.value = void 0, + this._pendingValue = void 0, + this.options = t + } + appendInto(t) { + this.startNode = t.appendChild(v()), + this.endNode = t.appendChild(v()) + } + insertAfterNode(t) { + this.startNode = t, + this.endNode = t.nextSibling + } + appendIntoPart(t) { + t._insert(this.startNode = v()), + t._insert(this.endNode = v()) + } + insertAfterPart(t) { + t._insert(this.startNode = v()), + this.endNode = t.endNode, + t.endNode = this.startNode + } + setValue(t) { + this._pendingValue = t + } + commit() { + for (; d(this._pendingValue); ) { + const t = this._pendingValue; + this._pendingValue = p, + t(this) + } + const t = this._pendingValue; + t !== p && (E(t) ? t !== this.value && this._commitText(t) : t instanceof x ? this._commitTemplateResult(t) : t instanceof Node ? this._commitNode(t) : Array.isArray(t) || t[Symbol.iterator] ? this._commitIterable(t) : t === m ? (this.value = m, this.clear()) : this._commitText(t)) + } + _insert(t) { + this.endNode.parentNode.insertBefore(t, this.endNode) + } + _commitNode(t) { + this.value !== t && (this.clear(), this._insert(t), this.value = t) + } + _commitText(t) { + const e = this.startNode.nextSibling; + t = null == t ? "" : t, + e === this.endNode.previousSibling && 3 === e.nodeType ? = t : this._commitNode(document.createTextNode("string" == typeof t ? t : String(t))), + this.value = t + } + _commitTemplateResult(t) { + const e = this.options.templateFactory(t); + if (this.value instanceof C && this.value.template === e) + this.value.update(t.values); + else { + const s = new C(e, t.processor, this.options), + i = s._clone(); + s.update(t.values), + this._commitNode(i), + this.value = s + } + } + _commitIterable(t) { + Array.isArray(this.value) || (this.value = [], this.clear()); + const e = this.value; + let s, + i = 0; + for (const n of t) + void 0 === (s = e[i]) && (s = new A(this.options), e.push(s), 0 === i ? s.appendIntoPart(this) : s.insertAfterPart(e[i - 1])), s.setValue(n), s.commit(), i++; + i < e.length && (e.length = i, this.clear(s && s.endNode)) + } + clear(t = this.startNode) { + h(this.startNode.parentNode, t.nextSibling, this.endNode) + } + } + class I extends T {} + let U = !1; + try { + const t = { + get capture() { + return U = !0, + !1 + } + }; + window.addEventListener("test", t, t), + window.removeEventListener("test", t, t) + } catch (t) {} + const N = t => t && (U ? { + capture: t.capture, + passive: t.passive, + once: t.once + } + : t.capture), + k = new class { + handleAttributeExpressions(t, e, s, i) { + const n = e[0]; + return "." === n ? new class extends O { + constructor(t, e, s) { + super(t, e, s), + this.single = 2 === s.length && "" === s[0] && "" === s[1] + } + _createPart() { + return new I(this) + } + _getValue() { + return this.single ?[0].value : super._getValue() + } + commit() { + this.dirty && (this.dirty = !1, this.element[] = this._getValue()) + } + } + (t, e.slice(1), s).parts : "@" === n ? [new class { + constructor(t, e, s) { + this.value = void 0, + this._pendingValue = void 0, + this.element = t, + this.eventName = e, + this.eventContext = s, + this._boundHandleEvent = (t => this.handleEvent(t)) + } + setValue(t) { + this._pendingValue = t + } + commit() { + for (; d(this._pendingValue); ) { + const t = this._pendingValue; + this._pendingValue = p, + t(this) + } + if (this._pendingValue === p) + return; + const t = this._pendingValue, + e = this.value, + s = null == t || null != e && (t.capture !== e.capture || t.once !== e.once || t.passive !== e.passive), + i = null != t && (null == e || s); + s && this.element.removeEventListener(this.eventName, this._boundHandleEvent, this._options), + i && (this._options = N(t), this.element.addEventListener(this.eventName, this._boundHandleEvent, this._options)), + this.value = t, + this._pendingValue = p + } + handleEvent(t) { + "function" == typeof this.value ? || this.element, t) : this.value.handleEvent(t) + } + } + (t, e.slice(1), i.eventContext)] : "?" === n ? [new class { + constructor(t, e, s) { + if (this.value = void 0, this._pendingValue = void 0, 2 !== s.length || "" !== s[0] || "" !== s[1]) + throw new Error("Boolean attributes can only contain a single expression"); + this.element = t, + = e, + this.strings = s + } + setValue(t) { + this._pendingValue = t + } + commit() { + for (; d(this._pendingValue); ) { + const t = this._pendingValue; + this._pendingValue = p, + t(this) + } + if (this._pendingValue === p) + return; + const t = !!this._pendingValue; + this.value !== t && (t ? this.element.setAttribute(, "") : this.element.removeAttribute(, + this.value = t, + this._pendingValue = p + } + } + (t, e.slice(1), s)] : new O(t, e, s).parts + } + handleTextExpression(t) { + return new A(t) + } + }; + function P(t) { + let e = j.get(t.type); + void 0 === e && (e = { + stringsArray: new WeakMap, + keyString: new Map + }, j.set(t.type, e)); + let s = e.stringsArray.get(t.strings); + if (void 0 !== s) + return s; + const i = t.strings.join(g); + return void 0 === (s = e.keyString.get(i)) && (s = new f(t, t.getTemplateElement()), e.keyString.set(i, s)), + e.stringsArray.set(t.strings, s), + s + } + const j = new Map, + D = new WeakMap; + (window.litHtmlVersions || (window.litHtmlVersions = [])).push("1.0.0"); + const L = (t, ...e) => new x(t, e, "html", k), + M = 133; + function R(t, e) { + const { + element: { + content: s + }, + parts: i + } = t, + n = document.createTreeWalker(s, M, null, !1); + let a = V(i), + o = i[a], + r = -1, + l = 0; + const c = []; + let d = null; + for (; n.nextNode(); ) { + r++; + const t = n.currentNode; + for (t.previousSibling === d && (d = null), e.has(t) && (c.push(t), null === d && (d = t)), null !== d && l++; void 0 !== o && o.index === r; ) + o.index = null !== d ? -1 : o.index - l, o = i[a = V(i, a)] + } + c.forEach(t => t.parentNode.removeChild(t)) + } + const B = t => { + let e = 11 === t.nodeType ? 0 : 1; + const s = document.createTreeWalker(t, M, null, !1); + for (; s.nextNode(); ) + e++; + return e + }, + V = (t, e = -1) => { + for (let s = e + 1; s < t.length; s++) { + const e = t[s]; + if (w(e)) + return s + } + return -1 + }, + H = (t, e) => `${t}--${e}`; + let z = !0; + void 0 === window.ShadyCSS ? z = !1 : void 0 === window.ShadyCSS.prepareTemplateDom && (console.warn("Incompatible ShadyCSS version detected.Please update to at least @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@2.0.2 and@webcomponents/shadycss@1.3.1."), z = !1); + const W = ["html", "svg"], + F = new Set; + window.JSCompiler_renameProperty = ((t, e) => t); + const $ = { + toAttribute(t, e) { + switch (e) { + case Boolean: + return t ? "" : null; + case Object: + case Array: + return null == t ? t : JSON.stringify(t) + } + return t + }, + fromAttribute(t, e) { + switch (e) { + case Boolean: + return null !== t; + case Number: + return null === t ? null : Number(t); + case Object: + case Array: + return JSON.parse(t) + } + return t + } + }, + q = (t, e) => e !== t && (e == e || t == t), + G = { + attribute: !0, + type: String, + converter: $, + reflect: !1, + hasChanged: q + }, + J = Promise.resolve(!0), + K = 1, + Y = 4, + Q = 8, + X = 16, + Z = 32; + + + + + + + window.customUI = window.customUI || { + + domHost(t) { + if (t === document) + return null; + const e = t.getRootNode(); + return e instanceof DocumentFragment ? : e + }, + lightOrShadow: (t, e) => t.shadowRoot ? t.shadowRoot.querySelector(e) : t.querySelector(e), + getElementHierarchy(t, e) { + if (null === t) + return null; + const s = e.shift(); + return s ? window.customUI.getElementHierarchy(window.customUI.lightOrShadow(t, s), e) : t + }, + getContext(t) { + if (void 0 === t._context) { + t._context = []; + for (let e = "HA-ENTITIES-CARD" === t.tagName ? window.customUI.domHost(t) : t; e; e = window.customUI.domHost(e)) + switch (e.tagName) { + case "HA-ENTITIES-CARD": + e.groupEntity ? t._context.push(e.groupEntity.entity_id) : !1 === e.groupEntity && e.states && e.states.length && t._context.push(`group.${a(e.states[0])}`); + break; + case "MORE-INFO-GROUP": + case "STATE-CARD-CONTENT": + e.stateObj && t._context.push(e.stateObj.entity_id); + break; + case "HA-CARDS": + t._context.push(e.getAttribute("data-view") || "default_view") + } + t._context.reverse() + } + return t._context + }, + findMatch: (t, e) => e ? e[t] ? t : Object.keys(e).find(e => t.match(`^${e}$`)) : null, + maybeChangeObjectByDevice(t) { + const e = window.customUI.getName(); + if (!e) + return t; + const s = this.findMatch(e, t.attributes.device); + if (!s) + return t; + const i = Object.assign({}, t.attributes.device[s]); + return Object.keys(i).length ? window.customUI.applyAttributes(t, i) : t + }, + maybeChangeObjectByGroup(t, e) { + const s = window.customUI.getContext(t); + if (!s) + return e; + if (! + return e; + const i = {}; + return s.forEach(t => { + const s = this.findMatch(t,; +[s] && Object.assign(i,[s]) + }), + Object.keys(i).length ? window.customUI.applyAttributes(e, i) : e + }, + _setKeep(t, e) { + void 0 === t._cui_keep ? t._cui_keep = e : t._cui_keep = t._cui_keep && e + }, + maybeApplyTemplateAttributes(t, e, s, i) { + if (!i.templates) + return window.customUI._setKeep(s, !0) , s; + const n = {}; + let a = !1, + o = !1; + if (Object.keys(i.templates).forEach(r => { + const l = i.templates[r]; + l.match(/\b(entities|hass)\b/) && (a = !0); + const c = window.customUI.computeTemplate(l, t, e, s, i, s.untemplated_attributes && s.untemplated_attributes[r] || i[r], s.untemplated_state || s.state); + null !== c && (n[r] = c, "state" === r ? c !== s.state && (o = !0) : "_stateDisplay" === r ? c !== s._stateDisplay && (o = !0) : c !== i[r] && (o = !0)) + }), window.customUI._setKeep(s, !a), !o) + return s; + if (s.attributes === i) { + const t = window.customUI.applyAttributes(s, n); + return, "state") && null !== n.state && (t.state = String(n.state), t.untemplated_state = s.state), +, "_stateDisplay") && (t._stateDisplay = n._stateDisplay, t.untemplated_stateDisplay = s._stateDisplay), + window.customUI._setKeep(t, !a), + t + } + return Object.assign({}, s) + }, + maybeApplyTemplates(t, e, s) { + const i = window.customUI.maybeApplyTemplateAttributes(t, e, s, s.attributes); + let n = i !== s; + function a(s) { + s && (Object.values(s).forEach(s => { + const a = window.customUI.maybeApplyTemplateAttributes(t, e, i, s); + n |= a !== i + }), a(s.device), a( + } + return a(s.attributes.device), + a(, + i !== s ? i : n ? Object.assign({}, s) : s + }, + applyAttributes: (t, e) => ({ + entity_id: t.entity_id, + state: t.state, + attributes: Object.assign({}, t.attributes, e), + untemplated_attributes: t.attributes, + last_changed: t.last_changed + }), + maybeChangeObject(t, e, s, i) { + if (s) + return e; + let n = window.customUI.maybeChangeObjectByDevice(e); + return n = window.customUI.maybeChangeObjectByGroup(t, n), + (n = window.customUI.maybeApplyTemplateAttributes(t.hass, t.hass.states, n, n.attributes)) !== e && n.attributes.hidden && i ? null : n + }, + updateMoreInfo() { + var majorVersion = window.customUI.lightOrShadow(document, "home-assistant").hass.connection.haVersion.split(".")[0]; + var minorVersion = window.customUI.lightOrShadow(document, "home-assistant").hass.connection.haVersion.split(".")[1]; + s = 0, + i = setInterval(function () { + ++s >= 2 && clearInterval(i); + try { + var t; + if (majorVersion > 0 || minorVersion >= 118) { + var moreInfoNodeName; + var contentChild; + contentChild = document.querySelector("home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].querySelector("more-info-content").childNodes; + for(var c=0; c< contentChild.length;c++){ + var nodeItem = contentChild.item(c); + if(nodeItem.nodeName.toLowerCase().startsWith("more-info-")){ + moreInfoNodeName = nodeItem.nodeName.toLowerCase() + } + } + if (moreInfoNodeName == "more-info-group") { + var moreInfoNestedNodeName; + var contentChildNested; + contentChildNested = document.querySelector("home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].querySelector("more-info-group").shadowRoot.childNodes; + for(var c=0; c< contentChildNested.length;c++){ + var nodeItemNested = contentChildNested.item(c); + if(nodeItemNested.nodeName.toLowerCase().startsWith("more-info-")){ + moreInfoNestedNodeName = nodeItemNested.nodeName.toLowerCase() + } + } + t = document.querySelector("home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].querySelector("more-info-group").shadowRoot.querySelector(moreInfoNestedNodeName).shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-attributes").shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".data-entry") + } else { + t = document.querySelector("home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].querySelector(moreInfoNodeName).shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-attributes").shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".data-entry") + } + } else if (minorVersion >= 115) { + var moreInfoNodeName; + var contentChild; + contentChild = document.querySelector("home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].childNodes; + for(var c=0; c< contentChild.length;c++){ + var nodeItem = contentChild.item(c); + if(nodeItem.nodeName.toLowerCase().startsWith("more-info-")){ + moreInfoNodeName = nodeItem.nodeName.toLowerCase() + } + } + if (moreInfoNodeName == "more-info-group") { + var moreInfoNestedNodeName; + var contentChildNested; + contentChildNested = document.querySelector("home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].querySelector("more-info-group").shadowRoot.childNodes; + for(var c=0; c< contentChildNested.length;c++){ + var nodeItemNested = contentChildNested.item(c); + if(nodeItemNested.nodeName.toLowerCase().startsWith("more-info-")){ + moreInfoNestedNodeName = nodeItemNested.nodeName.toLowerCase() + } + } + t = document.querySelector("home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].querySelector("more-info-group").shadowRoot.querySelector(moreInfoNestedNodeName).shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-attributes").shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".data-entry") + } else { + t = document.querySelector("home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].querySelector(moreInfoNodeName).shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-attributes").shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".data-entry") + } + } else if (minorVersion >= 113) { + // >= 113 + t = document.getElementsByTagName("home-assistant")[0].shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-dialog").getElementsByClassName("content")[0].querySelector("more-info-content").childNodes[0].shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-attributes").shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".data-entry") + } else { + // < 113 + t = document.getElementsByTagName("home-assistant")[0].shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-more-info-dialog").shadowRoot.querySelector("more-info-controls").shadowRoot.querySelector("paper-dialog-scrollable").querySelector("more-info-content").childNodes[0].shadowRoot.querySelector("ha-attributes").shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".data-entry") + } + if (t.length) { + var e; + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { + var o = t[n].getElementsByClassName("key")[0]; + if (o.innerText.toLowerCase().trim() == "hide attributes") { + e = o.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("value")[0].innerText.split(",").map(function(item) { return item.replace("_", " ").trim(); }); + e.push("hide attributes"); + } + } + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { + var o = t[n].getElementsByClassName("key")[0]; + (e.includes(o.innerText.toLowerCase().trim()) || e.includes("all")) && ( = "none") + } + clearInterval(i) + } + } catch (err) {} + }, 100) + }, + installStatesHook() { + customElements.whenDefined("home-assistant").then(() => { + const t = customElements.get("home-assistant"); + if (!t || !t.prototype._updateHass) + return; + const e = t.prototype._updateHass; + t.prototype._updateHass = function (t) { + const { + hass: s + } = this; + t.states && Object.keys(t.states).forEach(e => { + const i = t.states[e]; + if (i._cui_keep) + return; + const n = window.customUI.maybeApplyTemplates(s, t.states, i); + s.states && i !== s.states[e] ? t.states[e] = n : i !== n && (t.states[e] = n) + }), +, t), + t.themes && s._themeWaiters && (s._themeWaiters.forEach(t => t.stateChanged(t.state)), s._themeWaiters = void 0) + }; + const s = window.customUI.lightOrShadow(document, "home-assistant"); + s.hass && s.hass.states && s._updateHass({ + states: s.hass.states + }) + }) + }, + installStateBadge() { + customElements.whenDefined("state-badge").then(() => { + const t = customElements.get("state-badge"); + if (t) + if (t.prototype._updateIconAppearance) { + const e = t.prototype._updateIconAppearance; + t.prototype._updateIconAppearance = function (t) { + t.attributes.icon_color && !t.attributes.entity_picture ? ( = "", Object.assign(this.$, { + color: t.attributes.icon_color, + filter: "" + })) :, t) + } + } else if (t.prototype.updated) { + const e = t.prototype.updated; + t.prototype.updated = function (t) { + if (!t.has("stateObj")) + return; + const { + stateObj: s + } = this; + s.attributes.icon_color && !s.attributes.entity_picture ? ( = "", this._showIcon = true, this._iconStyle = { + color: s.attributes.icon_color + }) :, t) + } + } + }) + }, + installClassHooks() { + window.customUI.classInitDone || (window.customUI.classInitDone = !0, window.customUI.installStatesHook(), window.customUI.installStateBadge()) + }, + init() { + if (window.customUI.initDone) + return; + window.customUI.installClassHooks(); + const t = window.customUI.lightOrShadow(document, "home-assistant"); + t.hass && t.hass.states ? (window.customUI.initDone = !0, window.addEventListener("location-changed", window.setTimeout.bind(null, 100)), console.log(`Loaded ${Name} ${Version} ${Description}`), window.addEventListener("hass-more-info", window.customUI.updateMoreInfo), window.CUSTOM_UI_LIST || (window.CUSTOM_UI_LIST = []), window.CUSTOM_UI_LIST.push({ + name: `${Name}`, + version: `${Version} ${Description}`, + url: "" + })) : window.setTimeout(window.customUI.init, 1e3) + }, + getName: () => window.localStorage.getItem("ha-device-name") || "", + setName(t) { + window.localStorage.setItem("ha-device-name", t || "") + }, + computeTemplate(t, e, s, i, n, a, o) { + const r = t.indexOf("return") >= 0 ? t : `return \`${t}\`;`; + try { + return new Function("hass", "entities", "entity", "attributes", "attribute", "state", r)(e, s, i, n, a, o) + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof SyntaxError || t instanceof ReferenceError) + return console.warn(`${}: ${t.message} in template ${r}`), null; + throw t + } + } + }, + window.customUI.init(), + s(1); + class lt { + constructor(t) { + this.value = t.toString() + } + toString() { + return this.value + } + } + const ct = function (t, ...e) { + const s = document.createElement("template"); + return s.innerHTML = e.reduce((e, s, i) => e + function (t) { + if (t instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) + return t.innerHTML; + if (t instanceof lt) + return function (t) { + if (t instanceof lt) + return t.value; + throw new Error(`non-literal value passed to Polymer's htmlLiteral function: ${t}`) + } + (t); + throw new Error(`non-template value passed to Polymer's html function: ${t}`) + } + (s) + t[i + 1], t[0]), + s + }; + function ut() { + customElements.define("dynamic-element", class extends Polymer.Element { + static get properties() { + return { + hass: Object, + stateObj: Object, + elementName: String, + inDialog: { + type: Boolean, + value: !1 + } + } + } + static get observers() { + return ["observerFunc(hass, stateObj, elementName, inDialog)"] + } + observerFunc(t, e, s, i) { + o(this, s ? s.toUpperCase() : "DIV", { + hass: t, + stateObj: e, + inDialog: i + }) + } + }) + } + Polymer && Polymer.Element && customElements.get("home-assistant") ? ut() : customElements.whenDefined("home-assistant").then(() => ut()), + customElements.whenDefined("state-card-display").then(() => { + customElements.define("dynamic-with-extra", class extends(customElements.get("state-card-display")) { + static get template() { + return ct + } + }) + }) + }, function (t, e) { + window.JSCompiler_renameProperty = function (t) { + return t + } + } + ]); \ No newline at end of file