The base HDL reference is Release 2021_R2 of the Analog Devices HDL Repository. This HDL reference design does not support Intel Cyclone V SoC in ADRV9002 projects. For this reason, we are customizing it for the Cyclone V SoC using the Intel Arria 10 SoC HDL code prepared in the ADRV9002 project. The following files have been modified by us:
/ip/hdl/library/axi_adrv9001/intel/axi_adrv9001_if.v *
* The original axi_adrv9001_if.v is located in /hdl/library/axi_adrv9001
- Clone Yonaguni-FPGA.
- If you want to create a CMOS project, create an "ip" folder in the "yonaguni_cmos_linux" folder.
- Move to "ip" folder and make a symbolic link to "HDL" folder.
$ mkdir ip
$ cd ip
$ ln -s ../../hdl hdl
- If you want to create a LVDS project, do the same thing as above in the "yonaguni_lvds_linux" folder.
Use Quartus Prime Lite Edition 20.1.1.
Launch Quartus and select the project file "yonaguni_cmos.qpf". (e.g. CMOS project.)
On Quartus, launch "Platform Designer" and select "system_bd.qsys".
In Platform Designer, run "Generate > Generate HDL...".
Run "Start Compilation" on Quartus.
Write "yonaguni_cmos.rbf", which is created in the "output_files" folder, to the BOOT partition of the SD card.
if an LVDS project, "yonaguni_lvds.rbf" will be created, so change the file name to "yonaguni_cmos.rbf".