Feng, Mengkai
Email: [email protected]
B.Sc in Chemistry
2011-2015, Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China
Ph.D. in Chemical Physics
2015-2021, Department of Chemical Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
2021-2024, Hefei National Research Center for Microscale,
University of Science and Technology of China
Assistant Researcher 2024- , AI4EC lab, Tan Kah Ken Inovation Laboratory, Xiamen University
Supercooled liquids, disordered system, and glass transition
Theories such as mode-coupling theory, mean-field theory (replica method), random-first order transition,
Simulations (Monte-Carlo and Molecular dynamics)
Spin glass model and corresponding analytical methods
Gardner transition
Non-equilibrium statistical physics
Stochastic thermodynamics
Large deviation theory
Non-Hermitian physics and exceptional point
Chemical/Biological systems: modeling, simulations, and corresponding theories
Physics of active matter system
Motility induced phase separation (MIPS)
Hydrodynamic interactions
Simulations(Molecular dynamics)
Theoretical method including dynamical density functional theory, phenomenological theories, and etc.
Programming languages : C/C++, Cuda, Python, Fortran
Mode-coupling theory for the glassy dynamics of dense active particle system
Mixing effect on the glass transition of the active-passive particle system, based on the above work
Effective interaction between active Brownian particles, including the influence of hydrodynamics interaction
Studying the hydrodynamic interaction on MIPS, with the above method
Providing a theoretical understanding on the re-entrant MIPS, solely induced by the motility
Investigating the inertial effect of the underdamped active particle, and establishing the corresponding mode-coupling theory to study the inertial effect on glass transition
Extending the Dean’s equation to the active particle system
Using the method above to analysis a kinesin (motor protein) acceleration behavior in active particle bath
Effective diffusion and mobility of a tracer in active particle bath
Structure factor of nonequilibrium fluid such as active particle system
Feng M, Hou Z.*, Effective diffusion of a tracer in active bath: a path-integral approach. National Science Open, 2024, 3(4).
Feng M, Hou Z.*, Mode-coupling theory for the dynamics of dense underdamped active Brownian particle system. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2023, 158(2).
Su J1, Feng M1, Du Y, Jiang H*, Hou Z.*, Motility-induced phase separation is reentrant. Communications Physics, 2023, 6(1): 58.
Feng M, Hou Z.*, Unraveling on kinesin acceleration in intracellular environments: A theory for active bath. Physical Review Research, 2023, 5(1): 013206.
Feng M, Hou Z.*, Effective Dynamics of Tracer in Active Bath: A Mean-field Theory Study. arXiv preprint, 2021, arXiv:2110.00279.
Feng M, Hou Z.*, Mode-coupling theory for glass transition of active-passive binary mixture. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 31(4): 584-594.
Feng M, Hou Z.*, Mode-coupling theory for nonequilibrium glassy dynamics of thermal self-propelled particles. Soft Matter, 2017, 13(25): 4464-4481.
Ding H, Feng M, Jiang H, Hou Z.*, Nonequilibrium glass transition in mixtures of active-passive particles. arXiv preprint, 2015 arXiv:1506.02754.