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Michael Miller edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 6 revisions

Below you will find the list of Neo Methods. They should only be used with Neo Features. While an attempt has been made to keep this list up to date, new features may not be listed.


The Neo800KbpsMethod was the standard one to use with most Arduino boards and for most NeoPixel LED models.
It is now recommended to use the newer LED model specific methods, like NeoWs2811xMethod.
On the Esp8266 using this Method has a Pin restriction. Please review NeoEsp8266Dma800KbpsMethod for details.


Same as Neo800KbpsMethod but running at the older and slower data rate. It will be very rare that you need to use this method.

NeoPixel LED model specific Methods

Use one of these methods that are more specific to the NeoPixel LED model that you have.

NeoWs2811Method - This method is meant to be used with the external chip Ws2811 that drives separate LEDs. You will see a surface mount chip mounted on the strip.
NeoWs2812Method - This method has a short reset time compared to NeoWs2812xMethod, saving 250us per frame. But it is primarily compatible with older model LEDs.
NeoWs2812xMethod - WS2812b or other latter variances to the WS2812.
NeoWs2813Method - While the name is more specific, there is no difference between this and NeoWs2812xMethod.
NeoSk6812Method - This method has a short reset time compared to NeoWs2812xMethod, saving 220us per frame.
NeoLc8812Method - This method has a short reset time compared to NeoWs2812xMethod, saving 220us per frame.
NeoApa106Method - This method has a short reset time and pulse lengths that sit between 800Kbps and 400Kbps bus speeds that are commonly found.
NeoTm1814Method - This method is specific to Tm1814 unique protocol and must be used with the Tm1814 features.

Platform specific Methods

In most cases the above should be all the methods you need to use for all platforms. In a few cases, there are alternative methods that are useful to use on some platforms. Below are links to the platform specific methods.

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