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Alinka jest aplikacją desktopową, która wspiera wydawanie orzeczeń, wraz z innymi niezbędnymi dokumentami przez polskie Poradnie Psychologiczno - Pedagogiczne.

Nazwa Alinka jest imieniem rzeczywistej osoby, która wykonuje tą nużącą, ale bardzo potrzebną pracę. Mam nadzieję, że pewnego dnia ta aplikacja pomoże w jej pracy. :)

Alinka is a desktop application which supports creation of decisions, decreese and others documents by Polish Psychological-Pedagogical Counseling Institution.

Application's name: Alinka is name of real person, which has to do that boring, but very important work. I hope that some day that application will help in her work. :)

Development environment


Node 10.x (you can use exacly the same Node version that we use on Appveyor).


Install Node dependencies

npm install

After that we need to rebuild binary dependencies using electron-rebuild.

npm run rebuild

That probaly will require additional OS-based dependencies on Ubuntu. On Windows we need to install Python and Visual Studio C++ toolkit. More detailed description is available in node-gyp README. Be aware, that the description there suggest to set msvs_version to 2017 in npm but it occurs, that sqlite module requires in fact MS Visual Studio 2015. Necessery tools (look for Redistributables and Build Tools and then for Microsoft Build Tools 2015 Update 3 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3) can be downloaded from


Run application

npm run start

Generate documents using fixtures

For testing purpose, documents can be rendered without react frontend, using bare npm command:

npm run gen_documents [DOCUMENT_TYPE]


Coding rules

  1. General components (for example Dropdown, Icon which you can use anywhere in the app) place in components folder but custom components which depends on a parent component place within parent folder (Sidebar -> Navigation)

  2. Start components' name (class component as well functional component) and styles class name with uppercase

  3. Use css modules ( to style components Usage:

import styles from "./Header.scss";

const Header = () => (
  <header className={styles.Header}>
   <img className={styles.Image} src="test-image.jpg" />
  1. Name main component container the same as component name
const Header = () => (
  <header className={styles.Header}>
   <img className={styles.Image} src="test-image.jpg" />
  1. If a component style has to have custom styles inside some component use css modules exceptions -> :global with BEM methodology - so a block name should be the same as a component name, use camelCase for the rest modifier part example:

Header.js file:

const Header = () => (
  <header className={styles.Header}>
   <img className="Header__image" src="test.jpg" />

Header.scss file:

.Header {
  :global(Header__image) {
  /whatever you want/
  1. We want to the build app which is up to date with React features that's why when you can use React hooks and its state instead of class component


Creates a dist folder and packages it into a Windows installer (the installer folder can be copied to a Windows OS and executed): npm run dist