The library to get access to the 'Setapp' API services in your E2E UI tests
- Create feature branch and perform changes.
- Push changes to the origin and create pull-request.
- After pull-request merging update local master.
- Bump version and add a tag (for example using
npm version
). - Push changes to the origin.
- Publish a new version to the GitHub Packages.
TIP: you can use np to perform steps 4-6 automatically
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- patch - when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes
- minor - when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
- major - when you make incompatible API changes
The debug package is using to log API requests/responses data. By default, all logging of API calls disabled
Please, use DEBUG=macpaw:qa-api-services
key in the main project to enable logging:
DEBUG=macpaw:qa-api-services npm run e2e-local