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Structure of the Database

Randy McDermott edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 36 revisions

The MaCFP database is organized around specific phenomena or unit problems in fire physics. Each problem has a directory at the root level of the database. And each problem is assigned task leaders to gather and present the available target experimental data. The database structure for a given problem is ultimately the choice of the task leaders. But below we provide a suggested structure, which we followed in setting up the Extinction benchmarks.

|   +---UMD_Line_Burner
|       +---Computational_Results
|       +---Documentation
|       |   +---LaTeX_Source
|       +---Experimental_Data
|       +---Plots
|       +---Processing_Scripts

Under a unit problem we have directories for each experiment. Let's look at the UMD_Line_Burner experiment.
