There are several different test suites in this directory.
- perftsuite.epd : Testing move generation
- searchsuite.epd : Testing the search engine
This test suite should be run whenever changes are made to the board representation or the move generating function.
Use the command
mchess -p perftsuite.epd
to verify the generation of legal moves.
This takes approx two minutes on an average PC to complete.
This test suite contains over five hundred "interesting" positions, taken from
Use the command
mchess -s searchsuite.epd
to do a test of the search function.
This takes approx ten hours on an average PC to complete, because each position has a time limit of one minute.
After completion, the file searchsuite.epd.log contains the results of each test.
On an average machine, I get the following results:
- Bratko-Kopec Test : 8 out of 24
- CCR One Hour Test : 5 out of 25
- Kaufman Test : 3 out of 25
- Longuet Chess Test II : 2 out of 35
- Null Move Test-Positions : 3 out of 5
- Silent but deadly : 35 out of 134
- Win at Chess : 166 out of 300
Total : 222 out of 548, i.e. 40.5 %
Additionally, there are a number of .fen files with interesting positions.