All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed image pull policy to
- Separated concerns by distinguishing between the installation of external Helm charts and the Kubernetes resources needed by applications in a deployed cluster. Additionally split GitHub Action workflows and incorporated conditionals based on the selected
at the job level - Considered Repository environments
- Sample C# ASP.NET Core HelloWorld service along with a CI workflow for building and pushing the container image, including the build artifacts of the service, to an Azure Container Registry (ACR)
- Nginx and sample-service helm charts and kustomization's required for GitOps
- [Feature] AKS or EKS deployment trough terraform cli tool and HCL files.
- [Feature] ArgoCD or Flux installations on deployed k8s cluster
- [Feature] CD wofklow for on demand deployments of an Azure Storage Account Container (For storing terraform state files)
- [Feature] CD wofklow for on demand deployments of k8s clusters (Options: AKS or EKS) and installation of GitOps tools (Options: ArgoCD or Flux) or destruction of k8s clusters trough Github
trigger (Requires an Azure Storage Account Container) - CD wofklow for on demand deployments of an ACR (Required for storing docker images)