- P1 (Lines 39-40): One must continuously update one's own location in relation to features in the environment
- P2 (Lines 41-42): Landmarks can be used to navigate effectively
- P3 (Lines 43-44): One can navigate by encoding the geometry of the environment (distances or directions of stable surfaces)
- P4 (Lines 45-46): Objects can be located in space by a logical process of elimination
- P5 (Lines 47-49): Objects can be tracked over spatial displacement
- P6 (Line 50): One can use the physics of the environment to obtain a reward
- P7 (Lines 51-52): One should avoid places in an environment that are dangerous or end the trial
- O1 (Lines 2-4): Objects have depth in more than two dimensions and move in 2.5- or 3-dimensional space
- O2 (Lines 5-6): Inanimate objects change motion when contacted and only when contacted
- O3 (Lines 7-8): Solid objects do not occupy the same space
- O4 (Lines 9-10): Objects persist, even when occluded
- O5 (Lines 11-13): Object functions can be predicted by their forms (e.g. certain affordances can be gleaned from the shape of an object)
- O6 (Lines 14-15): Solid objects are subject to the forces of gravity
- O7 (Lines 16-17): Sets of objects can be more or less than other sets of objects
- O8 (Lines 18-19): Objects have trajectories that can be anticipated
- A1 (Lines 20-22): Agents have preferences for object-based goals
- A2 (Lines 23-25): Agents act efficiently
- A3 (Lines 26-28): Agents affiliate with others who perform prosocial actions
- A4 (Lines 29-31): Agents are preferred when they act prosocially, recognizing that agents' actions reflect intentions and beliefs informed by what they have observed
- A5 (Lines 32-34): Agents share a set of common characteristics
- A6 (Lines 35-36): Agents only know what they have seen or experienced
- A7 (Lines 37-38): Agents can provide solutions to problems and convey knowledge