1 | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | 2 | <!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
3 | 3 | <resources>
4 |
| - <string name="title_accept">D’acord</string> |
5 |
| - <string name="title_deny">No hi estic d\'acord</string> |
6 |
| - <string name="title_fix">Repara</string> |
7 |
| - <string name="title_all">Tots</string> |
8 |
| - <string name="title_restrict">Restringir</string> |
9 |
| - <string name="title_bootloop">La restricció pot causar un bootloop</string> |
10 |
| - <string name="title_force_stop">Força aturada automàtica</string> |
11 |
| - <string name="title_help_instructions"> |
| 4 | + <string name="title_accept">D’acord</string> |
| 5 | + <string name="title_deny">No hi estic d\'acord</string> |
| 6 | + <string name="title_fix">Repara</string> |
| 7 | + <string name="title_all">Tots</string> |
| 8 | + <string name="title_restrict">Restringir</string> |
| 9 | + <string name="title_bootloop">La restricció pot causar un bootloop</string> |
| 10 | + <string name="title_force_stop">Força aturada automàtica</string> |
| 11 | + <string name="title_help_instructions"> |
12 | 12 | Prem sobre la icona o sobre el nom de la app i selecciona les restriccions a aplicar.
13 | 13 | Si és possible, les apps s\'aturaran automàticament per tal d\'aplicar (o esborrar) les restriccions immediatament tot i que algunes aplicacions necessitaran que es reiniciï l\'equip per tal que les modificacions siguin efectives (veure les icones més a baix).
14 | 14 | <![CDATA[<br><br>]]>Mantingues premut sobre el nom o la icona d\'una app per tal d\'obrir-la.
15 |
| - <![CDATA[<br><br>]]>Mira\'t <![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/M66B/XPrivacyLua/blob/master/README.md">la documentació</a>]]> |
16 |
| - i <![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/M66B/XPrivacyLua/blob/master/FAQ.md">les preguntes freqüents</a>]]> per més informació. </string> |
17 |
| - <string name="title_help_installed">Restricció instal·lada</string> |
18 |
| - <string name="title_help_system">Applying restrictions can result in problems</string> |
19 |
| - <string name="title_help_settings">App restriction settings</string> |
20 |
| - <string name="title_help_persistent">Applying restrictions requires a device restart</string> |
21 |
| - <string name="title_help_exception">Applying restriction failed (tap icon to see why)</string> |
22 |
| - <string name="menu_show">Show</string> |
23 |
| - <string name="menu_show_user">Show user apps</string> |
24 |
| - <string name="menu_show_icon">Show apps with icon</string> |
25 |
| - <string name="menu_show_all">Show all apps</string> |
26 |
| - <string name="menu_search">Search</string> |
27 |
| - <string name="menu_help">Help</string> |
28 |
| - <string name="menu_notify_new">Notify on new apps</string> |
29 |
| - <string name="menu_restrict_new">Restrict new apps</string> |
30 |
| - <string name="menu_companion">Pro features</string> |
31 |
| - <string name="menu_readme">Documentation</string> |
32 |
| - <string name="menu_faq">FAQ</string> |
33 |
| - <string name="menu_donate">Donate</string> |
34 |
| - <string name="msg_no_service">Module not running or updated</string> |
35 |
| - <string name="msg_review_settings">Review privacy settings</string> |
36 |
| - <string name="msg_usage">Restricted \'%1$s\'</string> |
37 |
| - <string name="msg_exception">Error in %1$s</string> |
38 |
| - <string name="msg_restrict_sure">Are you sure to toggle \'%1$s\' for all apps?</string> |
39 |
| - <string name="msg_no_browser">No browser available to open link</string> |
40 |
| - <string name="group_determine_activity">Determine activity</string> |
41 |
| - <string name="group_get_applications">Get applications</string> |
42 |
| - <string name="group_get_calendars">Get calendars</string> |
43 |
| - <string name="group_get_call_log">Get call log</string> |
44 |
| - <string name="group_get_contacts">Get contacts</string> |
45 |
| - <string name="group_get_location">Get location</string> |
46 |
| - <string name="group_get_messages">Get messages</string> |
47 |
| - <string name="group_get_sensors">Get sensors</string> |
48 |
| - <string name="group_read_account">Read account name</string> |
49 |
| - <string name="group_read_clipboard">Read clipboard</string> |
50 |
| - <string name="group_read_identifiers">Read identifiers</string> |
51 |
| - <string name="group_read_network">Read network data</string> |
52 |
| - <string name="group_read_notifications">Read notifications</string> |
53 |
| - <string name="group_read_sync">Read sync data</string> |
54 |
| - <string name="group_read_telephony">Read telephony data</string> |
55 |
| - <string name="group_record_audio">Record audio</string> |
56 |
| - <string name="group_record_video">Record video</string> |
57 |
| - <string name="group_send_messages">Send messages</string> |
58 |
| - <string name="group_use_analytics">Use analytics</string> |
59 |
| - <string name="group_use_camera">Use camera</string> |
60 |
| - <string name="group_use_tracking">Use tracking</string> |
| 15 | + <![CDATA[<br><br>]]>Mira\'t <![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/M66B/XPrivacyLua/blob/master/README.md">la documentació</a>]]> i <![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/M66B/XPrivacyLua/blob/master/FAQ.md">les preguntes freqüents</a>]]> per més informació. </string> |
| 16 | + <string name="title_help_installed">Restricció instal·lada</string> |
| 17 | + <string name="title_help_system">Poden sorgir problemes després d\'aplicar restriccions</string> |
| 18 | + <string name="title_help_settings">Ajustaments de les restriccions de les apps</string> |
| 19 | + <string name="title_help_persistent">S\'haurà de reiniciar el dispositiu després d\'aplicar restriccions</string> |
| 20 | + <string name="title_help_exception">No s\'han pogut aplicar les restriccions (premeu la icona per veure per què)</string> |
| 21 | + <string name="menu_show">Mostra</string> |
| 22 | + <string name="menu_show_user">Mostra apps de l\'usuari</string> |
| 23 | + <string name="menu_show_icon">Mostra apps amb icona</string> |
| 24 | + <string name="menu_show_all">Mostra totes les apps</string> |
| 25 | + <string name="menu_search">Cerca</string> |
| 26 | + <string name="menu_help">Ajuda</string> |
| 27 | + <string name="menu_notify_new">Notificar per a noves apps</string> |
| 28 | + <string name="menu_restrict_new">Restringeix noves apps</string> |
| 29 | + <string name="menu_companion">Característiques Pro</string> |
| 30 | + <string name="menu_readme">Documentació</string> |
| 31 | + <string name="menu_faq">Preguntes Més Freqüents</string> |
| 32 | + <string name="menu_donate">Donar</string> |
| 33 | + <string name="msg_no_service">El mòdul s\'ha actualitzat o no és actiu</string> |
| 34 | + <string name="msg_review_settings">Revisa els ajustaments de privadesa</string> |
| 35 | + <string name="msg_usage">S\'ha restringit %1$s</string> |
| 36 | + <string name="msg_exception">Error en %1$s</string> |
| 37 | + <string name="msg_restrict_sure">Voleu aplicar \'%1$s\' a totes les aplicacions?</string> |
| 38 | + <string name="msg_no_browser">No s\'ha trobat un navegador compatible per obrir l\'enllaç</string> |
| 39 | + <string name="group_determine_activity">Determina l\'activitat</string> |
| 40 | + <string name="group_get_applications">Obtén les aplicacions</string> |
| 41 | + <string name="group_get_calendars">Obtenir calendaris</string> |
| 42 | + <string name="group_get_call_log">Obtenir el registre de trucades</string> |
| 43 | + <string name="group_get_contacts">Obtenir els contactes</string> |
| 44 | + <string name="group_get_location">Obtenir la localització</string> |
| 45 | + <string name="group_get_messages">Obtenir els missatges</string> |
| 46 | + <string name="group_get_sensors">Obtenir els sensors</string> |
| 47 | + <string name="group_read_account">Llegir el nom de compte</string> |
| 48 | + <string name="group_read_clipboard">Llegir el portapapers</string> |
| 49 | + <string name="group_read_identifiers">Llegir identificadors</string> |
| 50 | + <string name="group_read_network">Llegir dades de xarxa</string> |
| 51 | + <string name="group_read_notifications">Llegir notificacions</string> |
| 52 | + <string name="group_read_sync">Llegir dades de sincronització</string> |
| 53 | + <string name="group_read_telephony">Llegir dades de telefonia</string> |
| 54 | + <string name="group_record_audio">Enregistrar so</string> |
| 55 | + <string name="group_record_video">Enregistrar vídeo</string> |
| 56 | + <string name="group_send_messages">Enviar missatges</string> |
| 57 | + <string name="group_use_analytics">Utilitzar analítiques</string> |
| 58 | + <string name="group_use_camera">Utilitzar la càmera</string> |
| 59 | + <string name="group_use_tracking">Utilitzar rastrejament</string> |
61 | 60 | </resources>
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