This repository is a complement to the DT Proficiency Module on KATIE. It contains some notes, input files, and sample scripts. You must use KATIE to check grades and submit assignments.
- The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America
- Preamble of the Constitution of the United States of America
- The Constitution of the United States of America
- The United States Bill of Rights
- The hunting of the Snark
- library.txt
- animals.txt
- book_titles.txt
- error.log
- input_regex.txt
- roster.txt
Notes for the topics of the module.
contains major elements of a Bash script: parameters, redirection, conditions, loops, function definition.
contains commands necessary to clean up a directory after executing commands in the Linux commands guide.
Bash implementation of the guess-a-number game.
used to generate the library.txt.
used to generate the passwd.txt.