- Prolog
- Measure environment decibel (MAX9814 - SSD1306)
- Obstacle Detection (Laser Sensor - SSD1306)
- Light Barrier (ALLNET: B18 - Pushover)
- Environment Sensing (Bosh: BME680 - Web Server)
- Measure Distance (Pimoroni: VL53L1X - SSD1306)
- Temperature via WebBLE (Allnet: B38 Temp. Sensor)
This time we turn to other sensors and various possibilities to display the measured values or to react to them. Depending on the options and sensors that are available, simply adapt the examples to your needs.
In this example, the ambient noise is to be measured and shown on a display (in decibel).
- mandatory 1x Microphone (example MAX9814)
- mandatory 1x I2C OLED (example 0.96" 128x64)
- few cables
- optional a breadboard
Here you can see the respective wiring for the circuit.
Device Name | Device Pin | ESP32 Pin |
OLED Display | GND | GND |
OLED Display | VCC | 3V3 |
OLED Display | SCL | 22 |
OLED Display | SDA | 21 |
Microphone | GND | GND |
Microphone | Vdd | 3V3 |
Microphone | Out | 34 |
# create local script
$ touch ~/Projects/ESP/examples/sensors/max9814.py
Since an OLED display is used here to display the decibel values, other modules and fonts are required in addition to the example script.
Source Code for example
Source Code for module
Source Code for module
Source Code for font
Check your circuit careful, connect the microcontroller and copy needed files to the microcontroller.
# connect via rshel
(venv) $ rshell -p [SERIAL-PORT]
# copy module file into /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/ssd1306.py /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/writer.py /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/freesans20.py /pyboard/lib/
# copy script as main.py
/your/current/path> cp examples/sensors/max9814.py /pyboard/main.py
# start repl
/your/current/path> repl
Start with keys Control
+ d
or press reset
key. To stop the loop press keys Control
+ c
, to leave the REPL, press keys Control
+ x
Everything goes very fast and your vehicles and robots must be able to stop and resume movements very quickly. With the following example you will learn to control these fast movements via obstacle detection. A laser sensor is used for this.
Note: The example uses IRQ multiplexing to respond to interrupts! If you don't understand how IRQs working, please have a look here.
- mandatory 1x Laser Sensor 10929 (Waveshare)
- mandatory 1x I2C OLED (example 0.96" 128x64)
- few cables
- optional a breadboard
Here you can see the respective wiring for the circuit.
Device Name | Device Pin | ESP32 Pin |
OLED Display | GND | GND |
OLED Display | VCC | 3V3 |
OLED Display | SCL | 22 |
OLED Display | SDA | 21 |
Laser Sensor | GND | GND |
Laser Sensor | VCC | 3V3 |
Laser Sensor | DOUT | 23 |
# create local script
$ touch ~/Projects/ESP/examples/sensors/laser_sensor_10929.py
# download images
$ curl -L 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lupin3000/ESP/master/images/src/go.pbm' -o images/src/go.pbm
$ curl -L 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lupin3000/ESP/master/images/src/stop.pbm' -o images/src/stop.pbm
The OLED display is used to display 2 images for obstacle detection (Stop & Go). Therefor 2x *.pbm
images and 1x driver module are required in addition to the example script.
Source Code for example
Source Code for module
Check your circuit careful, connect the microcontroller and copy needed files to the microcontroller.
# connect via rshel
(venv) $ rshell -p [SERIAL-PORT]
# copy images into /pyboard/ directory
/your/current/path> cp images/src/go.pbm /pyboard/
/your/current/path> cp images/src/stop.pbm /pyboard/
# copy script as main.py
/your/current/path> cp examples/sensors/laser_sensor_10929.py /pyboard/main.py
# copy module file into /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/ssd1306.py /pyboard/lib/
# start repl
/your/current/path> repl
Start with keys Control
+ d
or press reset
key. To stop the program and to leave the REPL, press keys Control
+ x
In the next example, a sensor with a light barrier is used. As soon as the light barrier is interrupted, a push notification should be sent to a mobile. An NTP time synchronization is carried out beforehand so that the time of the interruption can be sent.
- mandatory 1x Light Barrier (Allnet)
- mandatory Pushover Application (Pushover)
- internet
- few cables
- optional a breadboard
Here you can see the respective wiring for the circuit.
Light Barrier | ESP32 |
+5V | 5V5 |
OUT | 23 |
# create local script
$ touch ~/Projects/ESP/examples/sensors/allnet_B18_light_barrier.py
The microcontroller needs to have internet connection! Therefor you need to set the device in station mode via boot.py
. You can reuse the example from here.
Source Code for example
Source Code for station setup
Check your circuit careful, connect the microcontroller and copy needed files to the microcontroller.
# connect via rshel
(venv) $ rshell -p [SERIAL-PORT]
# copy script as main.py
/your/current/path> cp examples/sensors/allnet_B18_light_barrier.py /pyboard/main.py
# copy boot.py into /pyboard/
/your/current/path> cp examples/network/boot.py /pyboard/boot.py
# start repl
/your/current/path> repl
Start with keys Control
+ d
or press reset
key. To stop the program and to leave the REPL, press keys Control
+ x
In this example, the measurement data of the BME680 are displayed in the browser.
- mandatory 1x Bosh Sensortec BME680 (or similar)
- few cables
- optional a breadboard
Here you can see the respective wiring for the circuit.
BME680 | ESP32 |
VCC | 3V3 |
SCL | 22 |
SDA | 21 |
# create local script
$ touch ~/Projects/ESP/examples/sensors/bosch_sensortec_bme680.py
The connection will be via WLAN (access point mode). For html a template is used.
Source Code for example
Source Code for template
Source Code for module
Check your circuit careful, connect the microcontroller and copy needed files to the microcontroller.
# connect via rshel
(venv) $ rshell -p [SERIAL-PORT]
# copy script as main.py
/your/current/path> cp examples/sensors/bosch_sensortec_bme680.py /pyboard/main.py
# copy template.htm into /pyboard/
/your/current/path> cp examples/sensors/template.htm /pyboard/
# copy module file into /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/bme680.py /pyboard/lib/
# start repl
/your/current/path> repl
Start with keys Control
+ d
or press reset
key. To stop the program and to leave the REPL, press keys Control
+ x
In this example two I2C devices are used in the bus. With the sensor you can measure distances and show them on the display.
If you don't know the HEX addresses, just use the I2C scanner from one of the previous tutorials.
- mandatory 1x Pimoroni VL53L1X TOF (or similar)
- mandatory 1x I2C OLED (SSD1306)
- few cables
- optional a breadboard
Here you can see the respective wiring for the circuit.
VL53L1X | SSD1306 | ESP32 |
VCC | VCC | 3V3 |
SCL | SCL | 22 |
SDA | SDA | 21 |
All connections of the circuit are connected in parallel.
# create local script
$ touch ~/Projects/ESP/examples/sensors/pimoroni_vl53l1x.py
Two driver modules are needed! One for the sensor and a second for the display.
Source Code for example
Source Code for module
Source Code for module
Check your circuit careful, connect the microcontroller and copy needed files to the microcontroller.
# connect via rshel
(venv) $ rshell -p [SERIAL-PORT]
# copy script as main.py
/your/current/path> cp examples/sensors/pimoroni_vl53l1x.py /pyboard/main.py
# copy module files into /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/vl53l1x.py /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/ssd1306.py /pyboard/lib/
# start repl
/your/current/path> repl
Start with keys Control
+ d
or press reset
key. To stop the program press keys Control
+ c
and to leave the REPL, press keys Control
+ x
It can happen that there are problems with the
connection, simply prepare everything in the terminal and execute the command immediately after the USB connection. If that doesn't work either, interrupt the 3V power supply first.
Web Bluetooth (WebBLE) is an exciting advance in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) development. With less effort you can create awesome applications for example without any internet connection, LAN/WLAN technologies, server or heavy backend programming. Also, (for IoT somehow important) with less power consumption. Here now a very basic example.
- mandatory 1x temperature sensor (Allnet: B38 Temperature Sensor)
- mandatory 1x device with Google Chrome Browser (with WebBLE support)
- few cables
- optional a breadboard
Here you can see the respective wiring for the circuit.
B38 | ESP32 |
+5V | V5 |
SCL | 22 |
SDA | 21 |
# create local script
$ touch ~/Projects/ESP/examples/sensors/allnet_B38_temperature.py
# create local html
$ touch ~/Projects/ESP/examples/sensors/webBLE.htm
One helper module and an HTML page is needed! The HTML page stays at the device where Bluetooth is enabled and Google Chrome browser is installed.
Source Code for example
Source Code for helper module
Source Code for local
Check your circuit careful, connect the microcontroller and copy needed files to the microcontroller.
# connect via rshel
(venv) $ rshell -p [SERIAL-PORT]
# copy script as main.py
/your/current/path> cp examples/sensors/allnet_B38_temperature.py /pyboard/main.py
# copy module file into /pyboard/lib/
/your/current/path> cp lib/ble_advertising.py /pyboard/lib/
# start repl
/your/current/path> repl
Start with keys Control
+ d
or press reset
key. To stop the program press keys Control
+ c
and to leave the REPL, press keys Control
+ x
on the device and open the HTMLwebBLE.htm
inside Google Chrome. PressConnect to device
button. Select theESP32
and wait for few seconds.
Helpful Chrome URLs
- chrome://bluetooth-internals/#adapter to connect without HTML
example - chrome://flags to enable "Experimental Web Platform features"