**What inspired me to create Eat-Them-All? **
I love playing board game and I had an idea of creating a game for two players while learning classic snake game and further integerate more technique from other games such as Monopoly, Pacman, DiceRolling..etc. It is a strategy game but also need some dice-rolling luck to win the game!
Game Rule
This is a 2-player game. first put your name in the box and start the game!
You and your rival will take turn: choose your direction to go and roll the die to eat as many as possible of fruits. Every fruit eaten your score will +1
How to win
The game will end once all the fruits are eaten and nothing left on tha table. Whoever has highest score once all the table is clear win!
What's on the gameboard
two players on the gameboard (player one will be yellow circle / player two will be pink circle) and multiples fruits. the month of players will be open toward the moving direction and can be changed by click direction button (up, down, left, right)
Javascript learned ** The game is using techniques from many popular games such as Pac-man** for circle monthes open and closed and change direction; Monopoly's move base of dice result and handle the event based on the move; snake-game's collision detection and canvas set-up.
- create Class constructor
- collission detection
- player in turn
- draw circle and rotate it depending on the moving direction using
- intro page and end page set up
- ramdomise dice and display