This is the MINIMALIST version of the Automated Solar Charging Dashboard. This contains only items which relate directly to the control of the Automations - so graphs, weather etc have been excluded.

Paste the following directly into your HA overview.
In overview (or your main HA view whatever that is called), click the 3 dots top right and "edit dashboard".
Click the 3 dots top right again and choose "raw configuration editor"
After "views:" on line 1, click and hit return, then paste the code below into the new line
Hit save, then X (top left) to exit
Install the following HACS Frontend:
You must have "Solcast PV Solar" and "Solax Modbus" HACS Integrations installed and configured to your own system:
- Solcast note: I find that hitting the code button and downloading the zip file has more success with installation.
- The naming convention used with this integration is important. By default, sensors should present as, for example: "sensor.solcast_forecast_tomorrow". When adding this integration, ensure that no changes are made to the naming convention to preserve functionality in this code pack.
- The naming convention used with this integration is important. By default, sensors should present as, for example: "sensor.solax_house_load". When adding this integration, ensure that no changes are made to the naming convention to preserve functionality in this code pack.
- title: Minimalist
path: minimalist
icon: mdi:weather-sunny
badges: []
- square: false
columns: 1
type: grid
- square: false
type: grid
- show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
action: toggle
entity: input_button.reset_consumption_defaults
name: Restore Defaults
show_state: false
icon_height: 20px
- show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
action: toggle
entity: input_boolean.flux_discharge
icon_height: 20px
name: Flux Discharge
show_state: true
- show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
action: toggle
entity: automation.solar_battery_charge_automation
show_state: true
icon: mdi:battery-charging-40
icon_height: 20px
name: Auto Charge
- show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
entity: automation.solar_update_times
icon_height: 20px
name: Update Times
show_state: false
action: call-service
service: automation.trigger
entity_id: automation.solar_update_times
skip_condition: false
icon: mdi:clock-time-eight-outline
columns: 4
- square: false
type: grid
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: input_number.expected_consumption
fill_container: false
icon_type: none
name: Usage Today
display_mode: buttons
secondary_info: none
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: input_number.expected_consumption_tomorrow
name: Usage Tomorrow
icon_type: none
fill_container: false
display_mode: buttons
secondary_info: none
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: input_number.target_usable_soc
display_mode: buttons
icon_type: none
fill_container: false
name: Target SoC
primary_info: name
secondary_info: none
columns: 3
- square: false
type: grid
- show_name: true
show_icon: false
show_state: true
type: glance
- entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_remaining_today
name: Solcast Rem Today
- entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_tomorrow
name: Solcast Tomorrow
- entity: sensor.soc_usable_kwh
name: Usable SoC Now
- entity: sensor.remaining_consumption_today
name: Usage Left Today
- entity: sensor.soc_required_charge
name: Auto Charge
- entity: sensor.battery_charge_power
name: Charge Power
- entity: sensor.soc_charge_time_hhmm
name: Total Charge Time
- entity: sensor.charge_start_time
name: Charge Start
- entity: sensor.soc_charge_end_time_hhmm
name: Charge End
columns: 3
columns: 1
- type: entities
- entity: sensor.auto_charge_scheduled
name: Auto Charge Status
- entity: sensor.soc_at_start_of_offpeak_tonight
name: SoC at Start of Offpeak Tonight (2am)
- entity: sensor.soc_at_end_of_offpeak_tonight_with_charge
name: Soc at End of Offpeak Tonight (5am)
- entity: sensor.soc_at_start_of_offpeak_tomorrow_display
name: Soc at Start of Offpeak Tomorrow (2am +1)
show_header_toggle: true
- square: false
columns: 1
type: grid
- show_name: true
show_icon: false
show_state: true
type: glance
- entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_d3
name: Solcast Day 3
- entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_d4
name: Solcast Day 4
- entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_d5
name: Solcast Day 5
- entity: sensor.solcast_forecast_d6
name: Solcast Day 6
- entity: sensor.api_last_polled
name: API Polled
- entity: sensor.api_used
name: API Used
- entity: number.solax_timed_discharge_start_hours
name: Flux disch Start
- entity: number.solax_timed_discharge_end_hours
name: Flux disch End
columns: 4
- square: false
type: grid
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: input_number.boost_charge
icon_type: none
layout: vertical
display_mode: buttons
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: input_number.base_load
layout: vertical
fill_container: false
icon_type: none
display_mode: slider
name: Base Load
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: number.solax_timed_charge_current
icon_type: none
name: Charge Current
fill_container: false
layout: vertical
columns: 3
- square: false
type: grid
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: input_number.battery_capacity
display_mode: buttons
fill_container: false
icon_type: none
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: input_number.overdischarge_soc
display_mode: buttons
icon_type: none
name: Overdischarge SoC
- type: custom:mushroom-number-card
entity: input_number.force_charge_soc
display_mode: buttons
icon_type: none
name: Forcecharge SoC
columns: 3
- type: entities
- entity: sensor.soc_total_usable
name: Useful System Capacity
- entity: sensor.soc_usableforcecharge
name: System Capacity Above Forcecharge
- entity: sensor.calculated_charge_current
name: Calculated Charge Current