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+# First Flight #5: Santa's List - Findings Report
+# Table of contents
+- ## [Contest Summary](#contest-summary)
+- ## [Results Summary](#results-summary)
+- ## High Risk Findings
+ - ### [H-01. Arbitrary user can call `buyPresent` on behalf of token owner without validation](#H-01)
+ - ### [H-02. Missing check for uninitialized status enum value leads to arbitrary minting](#H-02)
+ - ### [H-03. Anyone can trigger`checkList` due to the missging validation](#H-03)
+- ## Medium Risk Findings
+ - ### [M-01. Mismatch amount in `PURCHASED_PRESENT_COST` and burn amount.](#M-01)
+- ## Low Risk Findings
+ - ### [L-01. Solidity version 0.8.22 might not work on Arbitrum](#L-01)
+# Contest Summary
+### Sponsor: First Flight #5
+### Dates: Nov 30th, 2023 - Dec 7th, 2023
+[See more contest details here](https://www.codehawks.com/contests/clpba0ama0001ywpabex01hrp)
+# Results Summary
+### Number of findings:
+ - High: 3
+ - Medium: 1
+ - Low: 1
+# High Risk Findings
+## [H-01] Arbitrary user can call `buyPresent` on behalf of token owner without validation
+### Relevant GitHub Links
+## Summary
+Anyone can call `buyPresent` even though they do not have santaTokens. There is mismatch between the protocol document and the implementation.
+## Vulnerability Details
+In the documentation, it points out that the `buyPresent` function is only callable by anyone with `SantaToken`. However, there is no balance check in the function. Consider there are two users, A and B. A has `santaToken` and approve to the `santasList` contract, he/she is going to buy present for friends. B sees the chance and trigger `buyPresent` right before A executes the function. B can simply pass the address of A in the `presentReceiver` parameter and the token of A will be burnt and B will receive the NFT.
+## Impact
+Unintended behavior for `buyPresent` function might lead to the loss of token for token owner.
+## Tools Used
+Manual Review
+## Recommendations
+1. Check whether `msg.sender` in `buyPresnet` function has enough balance.
+2. burn the token of `msg.sender`, not the `presentReceiver`.
+3. allocating NFT for `presentReceiver`, not `msg.sender`.
+## [H-02] Missing check for uninitialized status enum value leads to arbitrary minting
+### Relevant GitHub Links
+## Summary
+When the `SantasList::s_theListCheckedOnce` and `SantasList::s_theListCheckedTwice` are not initialized, the default value of the enum will be `NICE`. It will bypass the validation rules in `SantasList::collectPresent` and earn the NFT.
+## Vulnerability Details
+Since the default value of enum type will be its first value in the enum structure. In this case, all the default mapping value will be `NICE`. User bypasses the validation rules in `SantasList::collectPresent` since `s_theListCheckedOnce[msg.sender] == Status.NICE` and `s_theListCheckedTwice[msg.sender] == Status.NICE`. Users are able to mint and receive the NFT even though they should be marked naughty later.
+## Impact
+Unintended amount of NFTs will be allocated.
+## Tools Used
+Manual Review
+## Recommendations
+Add a new type in the first element in `Status`, such as `UNINITIALIZED`.
+## [H-03] Anyone can trigger `SantasList::checkList` due to the missging validation
+### Relevant GitHub Links
+## Summary
+Arbitrary user can update the `s_theListCheckedOnce` array due to the missing access control. In the natspec of the protocol, it points out that there should be `onlySanta` modifier for `SantasList::checkList` function.
+## Vulnerability Details
+In the `SantasList::checkList` function where the `s_theListCheckedOnce` array is updated, there is no access control and anyone can update the value. An user can bypass the first validation easily.
+## Impact
+The first validation is useless since anyone can update its value.
+## Tools Used
+Manual Review
+## Recommendations
+Add `onlySanta` modifier in the `SantasList::checkList` function
+# Medium Risk Findings
+## M-01. Mismatch amount in `PURCHASED_PRESENT_COST` and burn amount.
+### Relevant GitHub Links
+## Summary
+The protocol documentation outline the price to buy the present is `2e18` but the `buyPresent` funciton only charge `1e18`.
+## Vulnerability Details
+In the protocol documentation, it states that:
+`The cost of santa tokens for naughty people to buy presents` is `2e18`.
+However, in the `buyPresent` function it only burn `1e18` for each operation, that is, users pay less than they are required.
+## Impact
+Protocol lose funds due to the incorrect calculation of the cost buying the gift.
+## Tools Used
+Manual review
+## Recommendations
+Update the unit of burning tokens to `2e18`.
+# Low Risk Findings
+## L-01. Solidity version 0.8.22 might not work on Arbitrum
+### Relevant GitHub Links
+## Summary
+There is important update after solidity version 0.8.20, the push0 opcode is introduced which might not work in other EVM compatible chains.
+## Vulnerability Details
+EIP-3855 introduces a breaking change in solidity version 0.8.20. And the push0 opcode is utilized which might not be updated on layer 2 chains such as Arbitrum or others.
+## Impact
+It will lead to unintended behavior and the failure of deployment.
+## Tools Used
+Manual Review
+## Recommendations
+Use solidity 0.8.19 or earlier version instead.