- allow users to export and delete their data
Expand l10n functionality to include timezone and time-format (h12, h24) configs
Mod Log (in a channel and on web)
ban, kick und tempban commands. warn/strike commands
Make basic custom commands work
Finish Documentation of TrixieScript
Allow use of more basic custom commands, allow custom command aliases, disabled channels AND whitelisted channels and multiple possible replies (randomly selected) custom commands (both basic and TrixieScript)
a schedule reboot owner command that schedules a reboot for the next time trixie isn't playing or recording any audio
watch commands for derpibooru, furaffinity, e621, patreon, youtube
get rid of the boop, hug, etc commands
- Cache more Database stuff that's possibly impacting performance or makes too many calls that could impact performance
- Purchasable roles
- Marketplace (incl. purchasable roles)
- CC fix Logical Expression logic
- repair toString on arrays
- suspiciousness levels and alerts for users
- New config system that can store all guild specific configurations, incl. !config configurations and locale configs
- User Profiles
- XP System
- Reputation System (Reputation level shown in profile, @Loneless 🍩 or 🍩 as reaction to +1)
- Badges (default badges by Trixie and custom badges that a server can create, incl. automatic assignment on specific custom events)
- Add Database abstraction that makes it easier to keep track of all database tables and operations