define GAN as a minimax game which Generator wants to minimize V while Discriminator wants to maximize it ⭐
discriminator 的 loss $$ D(G(x)) \text{ is the possibility of G(x) is real image, expect } D(real_data)=1\ \max_{D}{V(D)} = E[\log{D(real_data)}] + E[1-log(D(G(x)))] $$
- 第一项为 真实数据,希望预测 D(z) =1 >> loss 接近0
- 第二项为生成的数据,希望能鉴别出是假的,D(G(x)) = 0 >> loss 接近0
生成器:希望鉴别器看不出来,就是 D(G(x)) 接近 0 $$ \min_{G}{V(G)} = E[1-\log{D(G(x))}] $$
gradient diminishing problem for the generator $$ \nabla_{\theta}{\log{(1-D(G(z^{(i)}))})} \ change~to >> \nabla_{\theta}{\log{(D(G(z^{(i)})))}} $$
2019_CVPR_StyleGAN_A-Style-Based-Generator-Architecture-for-Generative-Adversarial-Networks.pdf styleGAN-step-by-step-tutorial GAN — StyleGAN & StyleGAN2 👍 A Gentle Introduction to StyleGAN the Style Generative Adversarial Network
warps a space that can be sampled with a uniform or normal distribution (middle below) into the latent feature space (left)
mapping network
convert to a new latent space
Progress GAN network design (details) and reuses many hyperparameters
nearest-neighbor up/downsampling in G/D >> bilinear sampling
AdIN replace PixelNorm
In each layer, StyleGAN computes a pair of style values (y(s, i) and y(b, i)) as the scale and the bias from w to apply the style to the spatial feature map i
Constant Input layer
Add noise to create stochastic variation 增加细节(头发)细节变化
Mixing regularization
With Mixing regularization, we switch to a different latent factor z₂ to derive the style after reaching a certain spatial resolution
use the latent factors that generate image “source B” to derive the coarse spatial resolutions (4×4 to 8×8) style and use that of “source A” for finer spatial resolutions.
用两张 source Image
introduces a new metric in measuring GAN’s performance called perceptual path length.
Blob-like artifacts
StyleGAN2 paper, it traces the problem to the instance normalization used in AdaIN.