"Towards Smooth Video Composition" Arxiv, 2022 Dec paper code pdf Authors: Qihang Zhang, Ceyuan Yang, Yujun Shen, Yinghao Xu, Bolei Zhou
Task: Video generation
- synthesizing consistent and persistent frames
🏷️ Label:
- alias-free operation for single image generation, together with adequately pre-learned knowledge
- incorporating the temporal shift module (TSM) into the discriminator 保持时序一致性
- develop a novel B-Spline based motion representation to ensure temporal smoothness 实现任意时长视频的生成
- A low-rank temporal modulation is also proposed to alleviate repeating contents for long video
Texture sticking appears in videos generated by StyleGAN-V, where texture sticks to fixed coordinates.
长视频生成,之前 StyleGAN-V 在 8-9s 会出现卡顿,重复之前生成内容
在时间维度,分为多个尺度:subtle change (面部肌肉运动),global change(第一帧和相隔较远的帧)
每一帧用 content code
follow the Style-GAN v3 reduces the dependency on absolute pixel coordinates
对 anchor feature 做更精细的插值,缓解了 jittering effect
原先将 content code & motion feature concatenate,再进行融合;但发现问题:find that similar content periodically appears as video continues
implies that motion embedding poorly represents visual concepts. We thus hypothesize that the new motion embedding might be endowed with a stronger capacity
将 content code 和 motion feature 分解,对 motion feature 单独压缩一下,将特征的映射矩阵用 Low Rank 矩阵替换,来达到压缩 motion feature 的目的。
ablation study 看那个模块有效,总结一下
resize them to 256 × 256 and 512 × 512 resolution respectively
- Frechet Video Distance (FVD)
- Frechet Inception Distance (FID)
用 T-SNE 路径,证明时序闪烁更小
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