- Required functions
- v1_game_get_editions_list()
- v1_visual_get_card_picture(edition)
- v1_visual_get_background_picture(edition)
- v1_game_is_installed(game_path)
- v1_game_get_version(game_path, edition)
- v1_game_get_download(edition)
- v1_game_get_diff(game_path, edition)
- v1_game_get_status(game_path, edition)
- v1_game_get_launch_options(game_path, addons_path, edition)
- v1_game_is_running(game_path, edition)
- v1_game_kill(game_path, edition)
- TODO: addons
- Optional functions
- v1_visual_get_details_background_css(edition)
Please note that this guide is not actively maintained and some functions may be outdated from the latest specification. If there's some question - please refer the specification instead.
function v1_game_get_editions_list(): Edition[];
type Edition = {
name: string,
title: string
Each game supposed to have different editions for different countries or regions. You're supposed to list each of available editions (or one if there's no different editions) here. Their name
-s will be used as arguments to all your other functions.
-- Get list of game editions
function v1_game_get_editions_list()
return {
["name"] = "global",
["title"] = "Global"
["name"] = "china",
["title"] = "China"
function v1_visual_get_card_picture(edition: string): string;
This function should return a URI to the picture for the game card widget in the launcher. For better view it's recommended to use pictures with appropriate resolution. For better performance it's also recommended to use lower quality pictures.
As a note, launcher right now doesn't accept URLs to the pictures. So you have to implement image downloading to some local folder and return a path to it.
-- Get card picture URI
function v1_visual_get_card_picture(edition)
local uri = "https://cdn.steamgriddb.com/grid/393b37dd7097776b1b56b10897e1a054.png"
local path = "/tmp/.genshin-" .. edition .. "-card"
-- Return cache path if the file is already downloaded
if io.open(path, "rb") ~= nil then
return path
-- Download the file if it's not downloaded yet
local file = io.open(path, "w+")
return path
function v1_visual_get_background_picture(edition: string): string;
This function should return a URI to the background picture for the game. Launcher doesn't use this picture anywhere right now but it's planned to have some kind of "classic view" in the future.
As a note, launcher right now doesn't accept URLs to the pictures. So you have to implement image downloading to some local folder and return a path to it.
-- Get background picture URI
function v1_visual_get_background_picture(edition)
-- Get background picture URI using custom social_api function
local uri = social_api(edition)["data"]["adv"]["background"]
local path = "/tmp/.genshin-" .. edition .. "-background"
-- Return cache path if the file is already downloaded
if io.open(path, "rb") ~= nil then
return path
-- Download the file if it's not downloaded yet
local file = io.open(path, "w+")
return path
function v1_game_is_installed(game_path: string): boolean;
This function should check if the game is installed. You don't need to implement a complicated method of identifying what "installed" is - will be enough to check existance of some important game file. Launcher calls this method often to identify the game's status.
-- Check if the game is installed
function v1_game_is_installed(game_path)
return io.open(game_path .. "/UnityPlayer.dll", "rb") ~= nil
function v1_game_get_version(game_path: string, edition: string): ?string;
Each game has some kind of version system. This function should parse installed game version (if the game is installed) and return it to the launcher.
-- Get installed game version
function v1_game_get_version(game_path, edition)
-- Path to the game file which contains its version
-- get_edition_data_folder is a custom function
local file = io.open(game_path .. "/" .. get_edition_data_folder(edition) .. "/globalgamemanagers", "rb")
-- Return nil if this file doesn't exist (game is not installed)
if not file then
return nil
-- Parse the version number
file:seek("set", 4000)
return file:read(10000):gmatch("[1-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+")()
function v1_game_get_download(edition: string): Download;
type Download = {
version: string,
edition: string,
download: DiffInfo
type DiffInfo = {
type: DiffType,
size: number,
// URI if type is `archive`
uri?: string,
// List of segments URIs if type is `segments`
segments?: string[],
// List of files if type is `files`
files?: FileDownload[]
type DiffType = 'archive' | 'segments' | 'files';
This function should return a table with information for downloading the plain game. Launcher supports different formats. You can download games as single archives, as segmented archives (splitted in multiple files), or file by file.
Value | Description |
archive |
Single archive with all updated files |
segments |
Segmented archive |
files |
List of files needed to be downloaded |
-- Get full game downloading info
function v1_game_get_download(edition)
local latest_info = game_api(edition)["data"]["game"]["latest"]
local segments = {}
local size = 0
for _, segment in pairs(latest_info["segments"]) do
table.insert(segments, segment["path"])
size = size + segment["package_size"]
return {
["version"] = latest_info["version"],
["edition"] = edition,
["download"] = {
["type"] = "segments",
["size"] = size,
["segments"] = segments
function v1_game_get_diff(game_path: string, edition: string): ?Diff;
type Diff = {
current_version: string,
latest_version: string,
edition: string,
status: DiffStatus,
// Isn't needed if the current version is latest
diff?: DiffInfo
type DiffStatus = 'latest' | 'outdated' | 'unavailable';
DiffInfo type is described above.
This function should compare installed game version (if it is installed) with latest available and if they're not the same (installed game is outdated) - return the difference between version. This difference should contain DiffInfo
object to install the update, or notify the launcher that the game is too outdated and cannot be updated.
Value | Description |
latest |
Installed component version is latest |
outdated |
Component update is available |
unavailable |
The component is outdated, but there's no update available (e.g. too outdated version) |
-- Get game version diff
function v1_game_get_diff(game_path, edition)
local installed_version = v1_game_get_version(game_path, edition)
if not installed_version then
return nil
local game_data = game_api(edition)["data"]["game"]
local latest_info = game_data["latest"]
local diffs = game_data["diffs"]
-- It should be impossible to have higher installed version
-- but just in case I have to cover this case as well
if compare_versions(installed_version, latest_info["version"]) ~= -1 then
return {
["current_version"] = installed_version,
["latest_version"] = latest_info["version"],
["edition"] = edition,
["status"] = "latest"
for _, diff in pairs(diffs) do
if diff["version"] == installed_version then
return {
["current_version"] = installed_version,
["latest_version"] = latest_info["version"],
["edition"] = edition,
["status"] = "outdated",
["diff"] = {
["type"] = "archive",
["size"] = diff["package_size"],
["uri"] = diff["path"]
return {
["current_version"] = installed_version,
["latest_version"] = latest_info["version"],
["edition"] = edition,
["status"] = "unavailable"
function v1_game_get_status(game_path: string, edition: string): ?Status;
type Status = {
allow_launch: boolean,
severity: 'critical' | 'warning' | 'none',
reason?: string
This function should say launcher how it should treat installed game. You can use it to forbid user to launch the game, e.g. before an addon is not installed or some additional actions from the user side are required.
-- Get installed game status before launching it
function v1_game_get_status(game_path, edition)
return {
["allow_launch"] = true,
["severity"] = "none"
function v1_game_get_launch_options(game_path: string, addons_path: string, edition: string): LaunchOptions;
type LaunchOptions = {
// Path to the executable
executable: string,
// Launch options
options: string[],
// Table of environment variables
environment: [variable: string]: string
This function should say the launcher how to launch the game. If you launch the game using some addon (standalone executable) - you can access it using addons_path
-- Get game launching options
function v1_game_get_launch_options(game_path, addons_path, edition)
local executable = {
["global"] = "GenshinImpact.exe",
["china"] = "YuanShen.exe"
return {
["executable"] = executable[edition],
["options"] = {},
["environment"] = {}
function v1_game_is_running(game_path: string, edition: string): boolean;
This function should check if installed game is running.
-- Check if the game is running
function v1_game_is_running(game_path, edition)
local process_name = {
["global"] = "GenshinImpact.e",
["china"] = "YuanShen.exe"
local handle = io.popen("ps -A", "r")
local result = handle:read("*a")
return result:find(process_name[edition])
function v1_game_kill(game_path: string, edition: string);
This function should kill the game process if it is running.
-- Kill running game process
function v1_game_kill(game_path, edition)
local process_name = {
["global"] = "GenshinImpact.e",
["china"] = "YuanShen.exe"
os.execute("pkill -f " .. process_name[edition])
TODO: addons documentation
fn v1_visual_get_details_background_css(edition: &str) -> String;
This function should return a URI to the background picture for the game. Launcher doesn't use this picture anywhere right now but it's planned to have some kind of "classic view" in the future.
-- Get CSS styles for game details background
function v1_visual_get_details_background_css(edition)
return "background: radial-gradient(circle, rgba(168,144,111,1) 30%, rgba(88,88,154,1) 100%);"