Some commands are important for making screens to process data remotely as it often takes hours for a reconstruction to complete.
screen -ls
checks to see if there are any open screens associated with your login
opens a new screen
screen -r XXXXX
to reconnect to screen, where XXXXX is the screen number
CTRL + a then d to exit from screen
CTRL + a then k to kill the screen
git clone
to get Fa-Hsuans toolbox if not already installed or updated (fahsuanlin GitHub page output should be 'done'- In fhlin_toolbox directory
git remote update
thengit status
to update, should say 'Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'' if not updates avaliable. If there is an update (output after git remote update which mentions file and type of update)git pull
to receive update.
cp -r /Applications/freesurfer/7.4.1/subjects/fsaverage* /Users/jessica/Subjects/
the first term is current folder location, the second is where you want it to go. This is useful when trying to avoid softlinking as that can cause pathing errors downstream.
- Connect to VPN Via Cisco AnyConnect
ssh -L 2222: [email protected]
enter your password when prompted- Open a new terminal window
ssh -p 2222 [email protected]
enter your password when prompted ls /
thenls /space_lin2
you can nowcd /space_lin2
then you cancd
to a folder location
- Connect to VPN Via Cisco AnyConnect
ssh -L 2222: [email protected]
enter your password when promptedkinit
if 'no such file or directory'ssh lin2
should be /home/jdin (this command tells you your current directory)tcsh
matlab -nodisplay
- Enter the server in one terminal window
- Open a second terminal window and cd to the location you want the file to download to
scp -r -P 2222 jdin@localhost:/folders/server/location/path/* .
copys a file from the server to your local computer (Note: this is a bash command, change your terminal settings from defult to run properly)
- Enter the server in one terminal window
- Open a second terminal window and cd to the parent folder of the folder you want copied
scp -r -P 2222 /folder/* jdin@localhost:/folders/server/location/path/
copys a file from your local computer to the server