diff --git a/server/funq_server/runner_win.py b/server/funq_server/runner_win.py
index 5a5bb83..fc6d9f8 100644
--- a/server/funq_server/runner_win.py
+++ b/server/funq_server/runner_win.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 # knowledge of the CeCILL v2.1 license and that you accept its terms.
 from funq_server.runner import RunnerInjector
-from ctypes import windll, wintypes, byref
+from ctypes import wintypes, byref
 import ctypes
 import time
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 # - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dlls/dynamic-link-library-best-practices  # noqa: E501
 # - https://blog.nettitude.com/uk/dll-injection-part-two
-# - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17392721/error-invalid-parameter-error-57-when-calling-createremotethread-with-python-3-2/17524073#17524073
+# - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17392721/error-invalid-parameter-error-57-when-calling-createremotethread-with-python-3-2/17524073#17524073  # noqa: E501
 # - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27332509/createremotethread-on-loadlibrary-and-get-the-hmodule-back  # noqa: E501
 # - https://github.com/numaru/injector
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def start_subprocess(self):
         # too early, it does not work 100% reliable (in rare cases, the
         # process freezes or crashes). When slightly delaying the injection,
         # it seems to work more reliable. One seconds seems to be a safe
-        # choice to also make it reliable if the system is very busy.        #
+        # choice to also make it reliable if the system is very busy.
         # Hopefully someone finds a better way some day (without delay)...
@@ -146,41 +146,40 @@ def _inject_dll(self, pid, dll_path):
         # Start the injection.
         size = (len(dll_path) + 1) * ctypes.sizeof(wintypes.WCHAR)
-        process_handle = None
-        path_address = None
-        thread_handle = None
+        h_process = None
+        adr_path = None
+        h_thread = None
             # Get handle to the running process.
-            process_handle = kernel32.OpenProcess(
+            h_process = kernel32.OpenProcess(
                 PROCESS_VM_WRITE, False, pid)
-            if process_handle is None:
-                self._raise_windows_error("OpenProcess()", process_handle)
+            if h_process is None:
+                self._raise_windows_error("OpenProcess()", h_process)
             # Allocate memory for the DLL path.
-            path_address = kernel32.VirtualAllocEx(
-                process_handle, None, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,
+            adr_path = kernel32.VirtualAllocEx(
+                h_process, None, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,
-            if path_address is None:
-                self._raise_windows_error("VirtualAllocEx()", path_address)
+            if adr_path is None:
+                self._raise_windows_error("VirtualAllocEx()", adr_path)
             # Write DLL path into the allocated memory region.
             success = kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(
-                process_handle, path_address, dll_path, size, None)
+                h_process, adr_path, dll_path, size, None)
             if not success:
                 self._raise_windows_error("WriteProcessMemory()", success)
-            # Create and start new thread in the process. The entry point of the
-            # new thread is LoadLibraryW() with our DLL path as argument.
-            thread_handle = kernel32.CreateRemoteThread(
-                process_handle, None, 0, kernel32.LoadLibraryW, path_address,
-                0, None)
-            if thread_handle is None:
-                self._raise_windows_error("CreateRemoteThread()", thread_handle)
+            # Create and start new thread in the process. The entry point of
+            # the new thread is LoadLibraryW() with our DLL path as argument.
+            h_thread = kernel32.CreateRemoteThread(
+                h_process, None, 0, kernel32.LoadLibraryW, adr_path, 0, None)
+            if h_thread is None:
+                self._raise_windows_error("CreateRemoteThread()", h_thread)
             # Wait (with 10s timeout) until the thread exited, i.e. our DLL
             # injection either succeeded or failed.
-            error = kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(thread_handle, 10000)
+            error = kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(h_thread, 10000)
             if error:
                 self._raise_windows_error("WaitForSingleObject()", error)
@@ -189,25 +188,25 @@ def _inject_dll(self, pid, dll_path):
             # successfully or not.
             libfunq_handle = wintypes.DWORD(0)
             success = kernel32.GetExitCodeThread(
-                thread_handle, byref(libfunq_handle))
+                h_thread, byref(libfunq_handle))
             if not success:
                 self._raise_windows_error("GetExitCodeThread()", success)
             if not libfunq_handle:
                 self._raise_windows_error("LoadLibraryW()", libfunq_handle)
-            if path_address is not None:
-                success = kernel32.VirtualFreeEx(process_handle, path_address,
-                    0, MEM_RELEASE)
+            if adr_path is not None:
+                success = kernel32.VirtualFreeEx(h_process, adr_path, 0,
+                    MEM_RELEASE)
                 if not success:
                     self._raise_windows_error("VirtualFreeEx()", success)
-            if thread_handle is not None:
-                success = kernel32.CloseHandle(thread_handle)
+            if h_thread is not None:
+                success = kernel32.CloseHandle(h_thread)
                 if not success:
                     self._raise_windows_error("CloseHandle()", success)
-            if process_handle is not None:
-                success = kernel32.CloseHandle(process_handle)
+            if h_process is not None:
+                success = kernel32.CloseHandle(h_process)
                 if not success:
                     self._raise_windows_error("CloseHandle()", success)