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This should be in mro/common for general use #44

github-actions bot opened this issue May 25, 2021 · 0 comments

This should be in mro/common for general use #44

github-actions bot opened this issue May 25, 2021 · 0 comments


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This should be in mro/common for general use

# TODO: This should be in mro/common for general use


# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.

filetype json;
filetype bam;
# @include "_sort_and_mark_dups_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.
filetype bam;
filetype bam.bai;
filetype tsv.gz;
filetype tsv.gz.tbi;
filetype json;
filetype csv;
# @include "_peak_caller_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.

filetype bedgraph;
filetype pickle;
filetype tsv.gz;
filetype tsv.gz.tbi;
filetype bed;
filetype json;
# @include "_basic_sc_atac_counter_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.
filetype tsv.gz;
filetype tsv.gz.tbi;
filetype csv;
filetype json;
filetype bed;
filetype pickle;
filetype h5;
# @include "_produce_cell_barcodes_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.
filetype tsv.gz;
filetype tsv.gz.tbi;
filetype csv;
filetype json;
filetype bed;
filetype pickle;
filetype h5;
filetype npy.gz;
# @include "_sc_atac_metric_collector_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.
filetype tsv.gz;
filetype tsv.gz.tbi;
filetype bed;
filetype bam;
filetype csv;
filetype json;
filetype h5;
filetype txt;
filetype pickle;
# @include "_peak_annotator_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.

filetype bed;
filetype tsv;
filetype h5;
filetype gz;
filetype pickle;
# @include "_sc_atac_analyzer_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.
filetype tsv;
filetype h5;
filetype pickle;
filetype gz;
filetype bed;
filetype csv;
# @include "_sc_atac_reporter_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.
filetype json;
filetype html;
filetype csv;
filetype h5;
filetype bam;
# @include "_atac_cloupe_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.
filetype cloupe;
filetype csv;
filetype json;
filetype h5;
filetype bed;
filetype tsv.gz.tbi;
# @include "_preflight_stages.mro"

# Copyright (c) 2019 10x Genomics, Inc. All rights reserved.

filetype csv;
filetype bed;
filetype tsv.gz;
filetype tsv.gz.tbi;

# @include "_aligner_stages.mro"

# SETUP_CHUNKS chunks up the input fastq data into sets of matched R1, R2, SI, and BC fastq files.
# input_mode specifies how FASTQs were generated. There are two modes:
# FASTQs produced by the 10X BCL_PROCESSOR pipeline. This mode assumes the FASTQ files obey the internal
# naming conventions and the reads have been interleaved into RA FASTQ files.
# FASTQs produced directly by Illumina BCL2FASTQ v1.8.4. For this mode, BCL2FASTQ must be configured to emit the
# index2 read, rather than using it for dual-index demultiplexing:
# --no-eamss --use-bases-mask=Y100,I8,Y14,Y100 --input-dir=<basecalls_dir> \
#     --output-dir=<output_dir> --sample-sheet=<sample_sheet.csv>
# The sample sheet must be formatted as per the BCL2FASTQ documentation (10 column csv), and must contain a row for
# each sample index used. The sequencer must have been run in dual index mode, with the second index read (used to
# read the 10X barcode) emitted as the R2 output file. The --use-bases-mask argument should be set to the read
# length used.
    in  string   sample_id        "id of the sample",
    in  map[]    sample_def       "list of dictionary specifying input data",
    in  string   input_mode       "configuration of the input fastqs",
    in  map      downsample       "map specifies either subsample_rate (float) or gigabases (int)",
    out map[]    chunks           "map has barcode, barcode_reverse_complement, sample_index, read1, read2, gem_group, and read_group fields",
    out string[] read_groups      "list of strings representing read groups",
    out json     downsample_info  "info about downsampling result",
    src py       "stages/processing/setup_chunks",

# Trims adapter sequences from reads and massages fastq output into a fixed format (interleaved R1 file, etc.)
    in  map[]  chunks,
    in  string barcode_whitelist,
    in  int    max_read_num,
    in  map    trim_def,
    in  map    adapters,
    out map[]  chunks,
    out json   bc_counts,
    out json   lot_info,
    out json   read_counts,
    src py     "stages/processing/trim_reads",
) split (
    in  map    chunk,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

# Aligns the reads to the input reference, producing chunked bam files
    in  map[]  chunks,
    in  string aligner,
    in  string aligner_method,
    in  string reference_path,
    in  string read_group_sample,
    in  int    num_threads,
    out bam[],
    src py     "stages/processing/align_reads",
) split (
    in  map    chunk,
) using (
    # N.B. No index files are generated for the bam
    volatile = strict,

# @include "_aligner.mro"

# Takes input fastqs and chunks them, trims them, and aligns the trimmed reads to a reference
pipeline _ALIGNER(
    in  string sample_id,
    in  string fastq_mode         "configuration of the input fastqs",
    in  map[]  sample_def,
    in  string reference_path     "this is the reference_path",
    in  string barcode_whitelist  "name of barcode whitelist file",
    in  map    trim_def,
    in  map    adapters,
    in  string read_group_sample  "sample header for BAM file",
    in  map    downsample,
    out bam[]  align,
    out map[]  chunks,
    out json   bc_counts,
    out json   lot_info           "gelbead lot detected",
    out json   read_counts        "total # of read pairs before and after adapter trimming",
    out json   downsample_info    "info on downsampling",
    call SETUP_CHUNKS(
        sample_id  = self.sample_id,
        input_mode = self.fastq_mode,
        sample_def = self.sample_def,
        downsample = self.downsample,
    ) using (
        volatile = true,

    call TRIM_READS(
        chunks            = SETUP_CHUNKS.chunks,
        max_read_num      = 5000000,
        trim_def          = self.trim_def,
        adapters          = self.adapters,
        barcode_whitelist = self.barcode_whitelist,
    ) using (
        volatile = true,

    call ALIGN_READS(
        chunks            = TRIM_READS.chunks,
        aligner           = "bwa",
        aligner_method    = "MEM",
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        read_group_sample = self.read_group_sample,
        num_threads       = 4,
    ) using (
        volatile = true,

    return (
        align           = ALIGN_READS,
        chunks          = TRIM_READS.chunks,
        bc_counts       = TRIM_READS.bc_counts,
        lot_info        = TRIM_READS.lot_info,
        read_counts     = TRIM_READS.read_counts,
        downsample_info = SETUP_CHUNKS.downsample_info,

# @include "_sort_and_mark_dups_stages.mro"

# Attaches raw and corrected barcode sequences to the aligned reads
    in  string barcode_whitelist,
    in  bam[]  align,
    in  map[]  chunks,
    in  bool   paired_end,
    in  bool   exclude_non_bc_reads,
    in  float  bc_confidence_threshold,
    in  json   bc_counts,
    out bam[]  output,
    out int    perfect_read_count,
    src py     "stages/processing/attach_bcs",
) split (
    in  bam    align_chunk,
    in  map    chunk,
) using (
    # N.B. No index files are generated for the bam
    volatile = strict,

    in  bam[] input,
    out bam   tagsorted_bam,
    src py    "stages/processing/sort_reads_by_pos",
) split (
    in  bam   chunk_input,
) using (
    # N.B. No index files are generated for the bam
    volatile = strict,

# Marks duplicates in the reads using barcodes and fragment alignments to detect PCR and optical/diffusion duplicates
    in  bam        input,
    in  string     reference_path,
    in  json       raw_barcode_counts,
    in  string     barcode_whitelist,
    out bam        output,
    out bam.bai    index,
    out csv        singlecell_mapping,
    out tsv.gz     fragments,
    out tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    src py         "stages/processing/mark_duplicates",
) split (
    in  map        lane_map,
    in  string     chunk_start,
    in  string     chunk_end,
    in  int        chunk_num,
) using (
    # N.B. BAM/BED index files are explicitly bound where used
    volatile = strict,

# @include "_sort_and_mark_dups.mro"

# Attaches barcodes to the aligned reads, marks duplicate reads, and produces a barcode-sorted and position-sorted
# output BAM
    in  bam[]      align,
    in  map[]      chunks,
    in  string     barcode_whitelist,
    in  json       bc_counts,
    in  string     reference_path,
    out bam        possorted_bam        "bam file sorted by position",
    out bam.bai    possorted_bam_index  "position-sorted bam index",
    out tsv.gz     fragments,
    out tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    out csv        singlecell_mapping,
    out bam[]      read_paired_bam,
    call ATTACH_BCS(
        align                   = self.align,
        chunks                  = self.chunks,
        paired_end              = true,
        barcode_whitelist       = self.barcode_whitelist,
        exclude_non_bc_reads    = false,
        bc_confidence_threshold = 0.975,
        bc_counts               = self.bc_counts,
    ) using (
        volatile = true,

        input = ATTACH_BCS.output,
    ) using (
        volatile = true,

        input              = SORT_READS_BY_POS.tagsorted_bam,
        reference_path     = self.reference_path,
        barcode_whitelist  = self.barcode_whitelist,
        raw_barcode_counts = self.bc_counts,
    ) using (
        volatile = true,

    return (
        possorted_bam       = MARK_DUPLICATES.output,
        possorted_bam_index = MARK_DUPLICATES.index,
        singlecell_mapping  = MARK_DUPLICATES.singlecell_mapping,
        fragments           = MARK_DUPLICATES.fragments,
        fragments_index     = MARK_DUPLICATES.fragments_index,
        read_paired_bam     = ATTACH_BCS.output,

# @include "_peak_caller_stages.mro"

    in  path       reference_path,
    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    out bedgraph   cut_sites,
    out pickle     count_dict,
    src py         "stages/processing/count_cut_sites",
) split (
    in  string     contig,
) using (
    # N.B. We explicitly bind the index file
    volatile = strict,

    in  bedgraph cut_sites,
    in  path     reference_path,
    in  pickle   count_dict,
    out bed      peaks,
    out json     peak_metrics,
    src py       "stages/processing/detect_peaks",
) split (
    in  string   contig,
    in  float[]  params,
    in  float    threshold,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 6,
    # N.B. We explicitly bind the index file
    volatile = strict,

# @include "_peak_caller.mro"

pipeline _PEAK_CALLER(
    in  path       reference_path,
    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    out bedgraph   cut_sites,
    out bed        peaks,
    out json       peak_metrics,
        reference_path  = self.reference_path,
        fragments       = self.fragments,
        fragments_index = self.fragments_index,

    call DETECT_PEAKS(
        reference_path = self.reference_path,
        cut_sites      = COUNT_CUT_SITES.cut_sites,
        count_dict     = COUNT_CUT_SITES.count_dict,

    return (
        cut_sites    = COUNT_CUT_SITES.cut_sites,
        peaks        = DETECT_PEAKS.peaks,
        peak_metrics = DETECT_PEAKS.peak_metrics,

# @include "_basic_sc_atac_counter_stages.mro"

    in  string reference_path,
    in  tsv.gz fragments,
    in  bed    peaks,
    out h5     raw_matrix,
    out path   raw_matrix_mex,
    src py     "stages/processing/generate_peak_matrix",
) split (
    in  file   barcodes,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 4,
    # N.B. we don't explicitly need the fragment index
    volatile = strict,

    in  h5   raw_matrix,
    in  int  num_analysis_bcs,
    in  int  random_seed,
    in  csv  cell_barcodes,
    out h5   filtered_matrix,
    out path filtered_matrix_mex,
    src py   "stages/processing/filter_peak_matrix",
) split (
) using (
    volatile = strict,

# @include "_produce_cell_barcodes_stages.mro"

    in  bed        peaks,
    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  string     reference_path,
    out json       barcode_counts,
    out json       low_targeting_barcodes,
    out json       low_targeting_summary,
    out json       fragment_lengths,
    out json       covered_bases,
    src py         "stages/processing/cell_calling/remove_low_targeting_barcodes",
) split (
    in  string     contig,
    out pickle     fragment_counts,
    out pickle     targeted_counts,
    out int        peak_coverage,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 4,
    volatile = strict,

    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  string     reference_path,
    in  json       barcode_counts,
    out json       gel_bead_doublet_barcodes,
    out json       gel_bead_doublet_summary,
    out csv        connect_matrix,
    src py         "stages/processing/cell_calling/remove_gel_bead_doublet_barcodes",
) split (
    in  string     contig,
    in  file       valid_barcodes,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 4,
    volatile = strict,

    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  string     reference_path,
    in  string     barcode_whitelist,
    in  json       barcode_counts,
    out json       barcode_multiplets,
    out json       barcode_multiplets_summary,
    src py         "stages/processing/cell_calling/remove_barcode_multiplets",
) split (
    in  string     contig,
    in  string     gem_group,
    out npy.gz     part_a_linkage_matrix,
    out npy.gz     part_b_linkage_matrix,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 4,
    volatile = strict,

    in  json[] barcode_exclusions,
    out json   excluded_barcodes,
    src py     "stages/processing/cell_calling/merge_excluded_barcodes",

    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  string     barcode_whitelist,
    in  json       excluded_barcodes,
    in  map        force_cells,
    in  string     reference_path,
    in  bed        peaks,
    out csv        cell_barcodes,
    out csv        singlecell,
    out json       cell_calling_summary,
    src py         "stages/processing/cell_calling/detect_cell_barcodes",
) split (
    in  string     contig,
    out pickle     barcode_counts,
    out pickle     targeted_counts,
    out int        fragment_depth,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 4,
    volatile = strict,

# TODO: This should be in mro/common for general use
    in  json[] summary_jsons,
    out json   merged_summary,
    src py     "stages/processing/cell_calling/merge_summary_metrics",

# @include "_produce_cell_barcodes.mro"

    in  bed        peaks,
    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  string     reference_path,
    in  string     barcode_whitelist,
    in  map        force_cells,
    out csv        cell_barcodes,
    out csv        singlecell,
    out json       cell_calling_summary,
    out json       excluded_barcodes,
    out json       fragment_lengths,
    out json       covered_bases,
        fragments       = self.fragments,
        fragments_index = self.fragments_index,
        peaks           = self.peaks,
        reference_path  = self.reference_path,

        fragments       = self.fragments,
        fragments_index = self.fragments_index,
        reference_path  = self.reference_path,
        barcode_counts  = REMOVE_LOW_TARGETING_BARCODES.barcode_counts,

        fragments         = self.fragments,
        fragments_index   = self.fragments_index,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        barcode_whitelist = self.barcode_whitelist,
        barcode_counts    = REMOVE_LOW_TARGETING_BARCODES.barcode_counts,

        barcode_exclusions = [

        fragments         = self.fragments,
        fragments_index   = self.fragments_index,
        barcode_whitelist = self.barcode_whitelist,
        force_cells       = self.force_cells,
        excluded_barcodes = MERGE_EXCLUDED_BARCODES.excluded_barcodes,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        peaks             = self.peaks,

        summary_jsons = [

    return (
        cell_barcodes        = DETECT_CELL_BARCODES.cell_barcodes,
        excluded_barcodes    = MERGE_EXCLUDED_BARCODES.excluded_barcodes,
        singlecell           = DETECT_CELL_BARCODES.singlecell,
        cell_calling_summary = MERGE_CELL_METRICS.merged_summary,
        fragment_lengths     = REMOVE_LOW_TARGETING_BARCODES.fragment_lengths,
        covered_bases        = REMOVE_LOW_TARGETING_BARCODES.covered_bases,

# @include "_basic_sc_atac_counter.mro"

    in  string     sample_id,
    in  string     fastq_mode                   "configuration of the input fastqs",
    in  map[]      sample_def,
    in  string     reference_path               "this is the reference_path",
    in  string     barcode_whitelist            "name of barcode whitelist file",
    in  map        trim_def,
    in  map        adapters,
    in  map        downsample,
    in  map        force_cells,
    out bam        possorted_bam                "bam file sorted by position",
    out bam.bai    possorted_bam_index          "position-sorted bam index",
    out tsv.gz     fragments,
    out tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    out json       lot_info                     "gelbead lot detected",
    out json       read_counts                  "total # of read pairs before and after adapter trimming",
    out json       downsample_info              "info on downsampling",
    out csv        cell_barcodes,
    out json       excluded_barcodes,
    out json       cell_calling_summary,
    out bed        peaks,
    out bedgraph   cut_sites,
    out csv        singlecell_mapping,
    out csv        singlecell_cells,
    out json       peak_metrics,
    out bam[]      read_paired_bam,
    out h5         raw_peak_bc_matrix,
    out path       raw_peak_bc_matrix_mex,
    out h5         filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    out path       filtered_peak_bc_matrix_mex,
    call _ALIGNER(
        sample_id         = self.sample_id,
        fastq_mode        = self.fastq_mode,
        sample_def        = self.sample_def,
        read_group_sample = self.sample_id,
        trim_def          = self.trim_def,
        adapters          = self.adapters,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        barcode_whitelist = self.barcode_whitelist,
        downsample        = self.downsample,

        align             = _ALIGNER.align,
        chunks            = _ALIGNER.chunks,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        barcode_whitelist = self.barcode_whitelist,
        bc_counts         = _ALIGNER.bc_counts,

    call _PEAK_CALLER(
        fragments       = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.fragments,
        fragments_index = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.fragments_index,
        reference_path  = self.reference_path,

        fragments         = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.fragments,
        fragments_index   = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.fragments_index,
        peaks             = _PEAK_CALLER.peaks,
        force_cells       = self.force_cells,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        barcode_whitelist = self.barcode_whitelist,

        reference_path = self.reference_path,
        fragments      = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.fragments,
        peaks          = _PEAK_CALLER.peaks,

        num_analysis_bcs = null,
        cell_barcodes    = _PRODUCE_CELL_BARCODES.cell_barcodes,
        raw_matrix       = GENERATE_PEAK_MATRIX.raw_matrix,
        random_seed      = null,

    return (
        possorted_bam               = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.possorted_bam,
        possorted_bam_index         = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.possorted_bam_index,
        singlecell_mapping          = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.singlecell_mapping,
        singlecell_cells            = _PRODUCE_CELL_BARCODES.singlecell,
        lot_info                    = _ALIGNER.lot_info,
        read_counts                 = _ALIGNER.read_counts,
        downsample_info             = _ALIGNER.downsample_info,
        cell_barcodes               = _PRODUCE_CELL_BARCODES.cell_barcodes,
        excluded_barcodes           = _PRODUCE_CELL_BARCODES.excluded_barcodes,
        cell_calling_summary        = _PRODUCE_CELL_BARCODES.cell_calling_summary,
        peak_metrics                = _PEAK_CALLER.peak_metrics,
        cut_sites                   = _PEAK_CALLER.cut_sites,
        peaks                       = _PEAK_CALLER.peaks,
        fragments                   = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.fragments,
        fragments_index             = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.fragments_index,
        read_paired_bam             = _SORT_AND_MARK_DUPS.read_paired_bam,
        raw_peak_bc_matrix          = GENERATE_PEAK_MATRIX.raw_matrix,
        raw_peak_bc_matrix_mex      = GENERATE_PEAK_MATRIX.raw_matrix_mex,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix     = FILTER_PEAK_MATRIX.filtered_matrix,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix_mex = FILTER_PEAK_MATRIX.filtered_matrix_mex,

# @include "_sc_atac_metric_collector_stages.mro"

    in  json   sequencing_summary,
    in  tsv.gz fragments,
    in  csv    cell_barcodes,
    out json   bulk_complexity,
    out json   complexity_summary,
    out json   singlecell_complexity,
    src py     "stages/metrics/estimate_library_complexity",
) split (
    in  file   barcodes,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 6,
    volatile = strict,

    in  bam[] input,
    out txt   misc_sm,
    out json  summary,
    src py    "stages/metrics/generate_sequencing_metrics",
) split (
    in  bam   chunk_bam,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  bed        peaks,
    in  string     reference_path,
    out csv        singlecell,
    out json       summary,
    out csv        tss_relpos,
    out csv        ctcf_relpos,
    src py         "stages/metrics/generate_singlecell_targeting",
) split (
    in  string     contig,
    out int        read_count,
    out pickle     target_counts_by_barcode,
    out pickle     chunk_tss,
    out pickle     chunk_ctcf,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 6,
    volatile = strict,

    in  string reference_path,
    in  csv    singlecell_mapping,
    in  csv    singlecell_targets,
    in  csv    singlecell_cells,
    out csv    singlecell,
    out json   summary,
    src py     "stages/metrics/merge_singlecell_metrics",
) using (
    mem_gb   = 8,
    volatile = strict,

    in  tsv.gz fragments,
    in  bool   exclude_non_nuclear,
    in  string reference_path,
    out csv    insert_sizes,
    out json   insert_summary,
    src py     "stages/metrics/report_insert_sizes",
) split (
    in  file   barcode,
    out file   total,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  csv  tss_relpos,
    in  csv  ctcf_relpos,
    out json summary_metrics,
    src py   "stages/metrics/report_tss_ctcf",
) using (
    volatile = strict,

# @include "_sc_atac_metric_collector.mro"

    in  bam[]      read_paired_bam,
    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  bed        peaks,
    in  string     reference_path         "this is the reference_path",
    in  csv        cell_barcodes,
    in  csv        singlecell_mapping,
    in  csv        singlecell_cells,
    out json       singlecell_results,
    out csv        singlecell,
    out json       enrichment_results,
    out json       basic_summary,
    out json       insert_summary,
    out csv        insert_sizes,
    out json       bulk_complexity,
    out json       singlecell_complexity,
    out json       complexity_summary,
    out csv        tss_relpos,
    out csv        ctcf_relpos,
        fragments       = self.fragments,
        fragments_index = self.fragments_index,
        peaks           = self.peaks,
        reference_path  = self.reference_path,

        reference_path     = self.reference_path,
        singlecell_mapping = self.singlecell_mapping,
        singlecell_cells   = self.singlecell_cells,
        singlecell_targets = GENERATE_SINGLECELL_TARGETING.singlecell,

        input = self.read_paired_bam,

        sequencing_summary = GENERATE_SEQUENCING_METRICS.summary,
        fragments          = self.fragments,
        cell_barcodes      = self.cell_barcodes,

        fragments           = self.fragments,
        reference_path      = self.reference_path,
        exclude_non_nuclear = true,

        tss_relpos  = GENERATE_SINGLECELL_TARGETING.tss_relpos,
        ctcf_relpos = GENERATE_SINGLECELL_TARGETING.ctcf_relpos,

    return (
        singlecell            = MERGE_SINGLECELL_METRICS.singlecell,
        singlecell_results    = MERGE_SINGLECELL_METRICS.summary,
        enrichment_results    = REPORT_TSS_CTCF.summary_metrics,
        basic_summary         = GENERATE_SEQUENCING_METRICS.summary,
        insert_summary        = REPORT_INSERT_SIZES.insert_summary,
        insert_sizes          = REPORT_INSERT_SIZES.insert_sizes,
        bulk_complexity       = ESTIMATE_LIBRARY_COMPLEXITY.bulk_complexity,
        singlecell_complexity = ESTIMATE_LIBRARY_COMPLEXITY.singlecell_complexity,
        complexity_summary    = ESTIMATE_LIBRARY_COMPLEXITY.complexity_summary,
        tss_relpos            = GENERATE_SINGLECELL_TARGETING.tss_relpos,
        ctcf_relpos           = GENERATE_SINGLECELL_TARGETING.ctcf_relpos,

# @include "_peak_annotator_stages.mro"

    in  bed    peaks,
    in  string reference_path,
    out tsv    peak_annotation,
    src py     "stages/analysis/annotate_peaks",
) split (
    in  int    chunk_start,
    in  int    chunk_end,
) using (
    mem_gb   = 5,
    volatile = strict,

    in  bed    peaks,
    in  string reference_path,
    out pickle GCdict,
    src py     "stages/analysis/compute_gc_dist",
) split (
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  pickle globalGCdict,
    in  bed    peaks,
    in  string reference_path,
    in  float  pwm_threshold,
    out bed    peak_motif_hits,
    src py     "stages/analysis/scan_motifs",
) split (
    in  file   GCdict,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  path reference_path,
    in  bed  peaks,
    in  bed  peak_motif_hits,
    in  h5   filtered_matrix,
    out h5   filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
    out path filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex,
    out gz   tf_propZ_matrix,
    src py   "stages/analysis/generate_tf_matrix",
) split (
) using (
    volatile = strict,

# @include "_peak_annotator.mro"

    in  string reference_path,
    in  bed    peaks,
    in  h5     filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    in  float  pwm_threshold,
    out h5     filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
    out path   filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex,
    out gz     tf_propZ_matrix,
    out tsv    peak_annotation,
        peaks          = self.peaks,
        reference_path = self.reference_path,

        peaks          = self.peaks,
        reference_path = self.reference_path,

    call SCAN_MOTIFS(
        globalGCdict   = COMPUTE_GC_DISTRIBUTION.GCdict,
        peaks          = self.peaks,
        reference_path = self.reference_path,
        pwm_threshold  = self.pwm_threshold,

        reference_path  = self.reference_path,
        peaks           = self.peaks,
        filtered_matrix = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        peak_motif_hits = SCAN_MOTIFS.peak_motif_hits,

    return (
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix     = GENERATE_TF_MATRIX.filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex = GENERATE_TF_MATRIX.filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex,
        tf_propZ_matrix           = GENERATE_TF_MATRIX.tf_propZ_matrix,
        peak_annotation           = ANNOTATE_PEAKS.peak_annotation,

# @include "_sc_atac_analyzer_stages.mro"

    in  bed      peaks,
    in  h5       filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    in  string[] factorization,
    in  int      tsne_perplexity,
    in  int      random_seed,
    in  float    tsne_theta,
    in  int      tsne_mom_switch_iter,
    in  int      tsne_stop_lying_iter,
    in  int      tsne_max_dims,
    in  int      tsne_input_pcs,
    in  int      tsne_max_iter,
    in  int      max_clusters,
    in  int      num_components,
    in  int      num_dr_bcs,
    in  int      num_dr_features,
    in  float    neighbor_a,
    in  float    neighbor_b,
    in  int      graphclust_neighbors,
    src py       "stages/preflight/atac_analyzer",

    in  h5       filtered_matrix,
    in  string[] factorization,
    in  int      num_dims,
    in  int      num_bcs,
    in  int      num_features,
    in  int      random_seed,
    out path     reduced_data,
    out map      reduction_summary,
    src py       "stages/analysis/reduce_dimensions",
) split (
    in  string   method,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  h5       filtered_matrix,
    in  path     reduced_data,
    in  map      reduction_summary,
    in  string[] factorization,
    in  int      minclusters,
    in  int      maxclusters,
    in  int      num_dims,
    in  int      random_seed,
    out path     clustered_data,
    out map      clustering_summary,
    src py       "stages/analysis/cluster_cells",
) split (
    in  int      n_clusters,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  h5       filtered_matrix,
    in  path     reduced_data,
    in  map      reduction_summary,
    in  int      tsne_perplexity,
    in  int      tsne_max_dims,
    in  int      tsne_input_pcs,
    in  float    tsne_theta,
    in  int      tsne_max_iter,
    in  int      tsne_stop_lying_iter,
    in  int      tsne_mom_switch_iter,
    in  int      random_seed,
    in  string[] factorization,
    out path     tsne,
    out map      tsne_summary,
    src py       "stages/analysis/project_tsne",
) split (
    in  string   method,
    in  int      tsne_dims,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  h5       matrix_h5                 "Processed matrix",
    in  string[] factorization,
    in  path     reduced_data,
    in  map      reduction_summary,
    in  int      num_neighbors             "Use this many neighbors",
    in  float    neighbor_a                "Use larger of (a+b*log10(n_cells) neighbors or num_neighbors",
    in  float    neighbor_b                "Use larger of (a+b*log10(n_cells) neighbors or num_neighbors",
    in  int      balltree_leaf_size,
    in  string   similarity_type           "Type of similarity to use (nn or snn)",
    out h5       chunked_neighbors,
    out path     knn_clusters,
    out map      graph_clustering_summary,
    src py       "stages/analysis/run_graph_clustering",
) split (
    in  string   method,
    in  pickle   neighbor_index,
    in  h5       submatrix,
    in  int      row_start,
    in  int      total_rows,
    in  int      k_nearest,
    in  h5       use_bcs,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  h5   filtered_matrix,
    in  map  clustering_summary,
    in  path clustered_data,
    in  map  graph_clustering_summary,
    in  path knn_clusters,
    out path clustering,
    out map  clustering_summary,
    src py   "stages/analysis/combine_clustering",
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  tsv  peak_annotation,
    in  h5   filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    in  h5   filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
    in  gz   tf_propZ_matrix,
    in  path reduced_data,
    in  map  reduction_summary,
    in  path clustering,
    in  map  clustering_summary,
    in  path tsne,
    in  map  tsne_summary,
    in  path enrichment_analysis,
    in  map  enrichment_analysis_summary,
    out h5   analysis,
    out path analysis_csv,
    out h5   feature_bc_matrix,
    src py   "stages/analysis/summarize_analysis",
) split (
) using (
    volatile = strict,

    in  bed      peaks,
    in  string   reference_path,
    in  h5       filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    in  h5       filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
    in  string[] factorization,
    in  path     clustering,
    in  map      clustering_summary,
    out path     enrichment_analysis,
    out map      enrichment_analysis_summary,
    src py       "stages/analysis/perform_differential_analysis",
) split (
    in  string   method,
    in  string   clustering_key,
    in  int      cluster,
    out csv      tmp_diffexp,
) using (
    volatile = strict,

# @include "_sc_atac_analyzer.mro"

    in  string   reference_path,
    in  bed      peaks,
    in  h5       filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    in  string[] factorization,
    in  int      tsne_perplexity,
    in  int      random_seed,
    in  float    tsne_theta,
    in  int      tsne_mom_switch_iter,
    in  int      tsne_stop_lying_iter,
    in  int      tsne_max_dims,
    in  int      tsne_input_pcs,
    in  int      tsne_max_iter,
    in  int      max_clusters,
    in  int      num_components,
    in  int      num_dr_bcs,
    in  int      num_dr_features,
    in  float    neighbor_a,
    in  float    neighbor_b,
    in  int      graphclust_neighbors,
    out h5       analysis,
    out path     analysis_csv,
    out h5       filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
    out path     filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex,
    out h5       feature_bc_matrix,
    out tsv      peak_annotation,
        peaks                   = self.peaks,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        factorization           = self.factorization,
        tsne_perplexity         = self.tsne_perplexity,
        random_seed             = self.random_seed,
        tsne_theta              = self.tsne_theta,
        tsne_mom_switch_iter    = self.tsne_mom_switch_iter,
        tsne_stop_lying_iter    = self.tsne_stop_lying_iter,
        tsne_max_dims           = self.tsne_max_dims,
        tsne_input_pcs          = self.tsne_input_pcs,
        tsne_max_iter           = self.tsne_max_iter,
        max_clusters            = self.max_clusters,
        num_components          = self.num_components,
        num_dr_bcs              = self.num_dr_bcs,
        num_dr_features         = self.num_dr_features,
        neighbor_a              = self.neighbor_a,
        neighbor_b              = self.neighbor_b,
        graphclust_neighbors    = self.graphclust_neighbors,
    ) using (
        volatile = true,

        reference_path          = self.reference_path,
        peaks                   = self.peaks,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        pwm_threshold           = null,

        filtered_matrix = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        factorization   = self.factorization,
        num_dims        = self.num_components,
        num_bcs         = self.num_dr_bcs,
        num_features    = self.num_dr_features,
        random_seed     = self.random_seed,

        filtered_matrix   = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        reduced_data      = REDUCE_DIMENSIONS.reduced_data,
        reduction_summary = REDUCE_DIMENSIONS.reduction_summary,
        factorization     = self.factorization,
        minclusters       = 2,
        maxclusters       = self.max_clusters,
        num_dims          = null,
        random_seed       = self.random_seed,

    call PROJECT_TSNE(
        filtered_matrix      = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        reduced_data         = REDUCE_DIMENSIONS.reduced_data,
        reduction_summary    = REDUCE_DIMENSIONS.reduction_summary,
        tsne_perplexity      = self.tsne_perplexity,
        tsne_max_dims        = self.tsne_max_dims,
        tsne_input_pcs       = self.tsne_input_pcs,
        tsne_theta           = self.tsne_theta,
        tsne_max_iter        = self.tsne_max_iter,
        tsne_stop_lying_iter = self.tsne_stop_lying_iter,
        tsne_mom_switch_iter = self.tsne_mom_switch_iter,
        random_seed          = self.random_seed,
        factorization        = self.factorization,

        matrix_h5          = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        factorization      = self.factorization,
        reduced_data       = REDUCE_DIMENSIONS.reduced_data,
        reduction_summary  = REDUCE_DIMENSIONS.reduction_summary,
        num_neighbors      = self.graphclust_neighbors,
        neighbor_a         = self.neighbor_a,
        neighbor_b         = self.neighbor_b,
        balltree_leaf_size = null,
        similarity_type    = "nn",

        filtered_matrix          = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        clustering_summary       = CLUSTER_CELLS.clustering_summary,
        clustered_data           = CLUSTER_CELLS.clustered_data,
        graph_clustering_summary = RUN_GRAPH_CLUSTERING.graph_clustering_summary,
        knn_clusters             = RUN_GRAPH_CLUSTERING.knn_clusters,

        reference_path          = self.reference_path,
        peaks                   = self.peaks,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix   = _PEAK_ANNOTATOR.filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
        factorization           = self.factorization,
        clustering              = COMBINE_CLUSTERING.clustering,
        clustering_summary      = COMBINE_CLUSTERING.clustering_summary,

        peak_annotation             = _PEAK_ANNOTATOR.peak_annotation,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix     = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix       = _PEAK_ANNOTATOR.filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
        tf_propZ_matrix             = _PEAK_ANNOTATOR.tf_propZ_matrix,
        reduced_data                = REDUCE_DIMENSIONS.reduced_data,
        reduction_summary           = REDUCE_DIMENSIONS.reduction_summary,
        clustering                  = COMBINE_CLUSTERING.clustering,
        clustering_summary          = COMBINE_CLUSTERING.clustering_summary,
        tsne                        = PROJECT_TSNE.tsne,
        tsne_summary                = PROJECT_TSNE.tsne_summary,
        enrichment_analysis         = PERFORM_DIFFERENTIAL_ANALYSIS.enrichment_analysis,
        enrichment_analysis_summary = PERFORM_DIFFERENTIAL_ANALYSIS.enrichment_analysis_summary,

    return (
        analysis                  = SUMMARIZE_ANALYSIS.analysis,
        analysis_csv              = SUMMARIZE_ANALYSIS.analysis_csv,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix     = _PEAK_ANNOTATOR.filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex = _PEAK_ANNOTATOR.filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex,
        feature_bc_matrix         = SUMMARIZE_ANALYSIS.feature_bc_matrix,
        peak_annotation           = _PEAK_ANNOTATOR.peak_annotation,

# @include "_sc_atac_reporter_stages.mro"

    in  string reference_path,
    in  json   complexity_summary,
    in  json   cell_calling_summary,
    in  json   peak_results,
    in  json   basic_results,
    in  json   error_results_summary,
    in  json   insert_summary,
    in  json   singlecell_results,
    in  json   contam_results,
    in  json   downsample_info,
    in  json   enrichment_results,
    out json   analysis_params,
    out json   summary,
    out csv    summary_csv,
    src py     "stages/reporter/summarize_reports_singlecell",
) using (
    mem_gb = 4,

    in  string reference_path,
    in  string barcode_whitelist,
    in  json   summary_results,
    in  json   bulk_complexity,
    in  json   singlecell_complexity,
    in  string sample_id,
    in  string sample_desc,
    in  map[]  sample_def,
    in  bool   debug,
    in  csv    singlecell,
    in  csv    insert_sizes,
    in  csv    tss_relpos,
    in  csv    ctcf_relpos,
    in  h5     filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    in  h5     analysis,
    in  json   excluded_barcodes,
    out html   web_summary,
    src py     "stages/reporter/create_websummary",
) using (
    mem_gb = 16,

# @include "_sc_atac_reporter.mro"

    in  string reference_path,
    in  string barcode_whitelist,
    in  json   bulk_complexity,
    in  json   cell_calling_summary,
    in  json   complexity_summary,
    in  json   basic_summary,
    in  json   peak_summary,
    in  json   singlecell_results,
    in  json   insert_summary,
    in  json   downsample_info,
    in  json   singlecell_complexity,
    in  csv    singlecell,
    in  csv    tss_relpos,
    in  csv    ctcf_relpos,
    in  string sample_id,
    in  string sample_desc,
    in  map[]  sample_def,
    in  csv    sc_insert_sizes,
    in  json   enrichment_results,
    in  h5     filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    in  h5     analysis,
    in  json   excluded_barcodes,
    out json   summary,
    out html   web_summary,
    out csv    summary_csv,
        reference_path        = self.reference_path,
        complexity_summary    = self.complexity_summary,
        cell_calling_summary  = self.cell_calling_summary,
        peak_results          = self.peak_summary,
        basic_results         = self.basic_summary,
        error_results_summary = null,
        insert_summary        = self.insert_summary,
        singlecell_results    = self.singlecell_results,
        contam_results        = null,
        downsample_info       = self.downsample_info,
        enrichment_results    = self.enrichment_results,

        reference_path          = self.reference_path,
        barcode_whitelist       = self.barcode_whitelist,
        singlecell              = self.singlecell,
        tss_relpos              = self.tss_relpos,
        ctcf_relpos             = self.ctcf_relpos,
        sample_id               = self.sample_id,
        sample_desc             = self.sample_desc,
        sample_def              = self.sample_def,
        insert_sizes            = self.sc_insert_sizes,
        summary_results         = SUMMARIZE_REPORTS_SINGLECELL.summary,
        bulk_complexity         = self.bulk_complexity,
        singlecell_complexity   = self.singlecell_complexity,
        analysis                = self.analysis,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix = self.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        excluded_barcodes       = self.excluded_barcodes,
        debug                   = false,

    return (
        summary     = SUMMARIZE_REPORTS_SINGLECELL.summary,
        web_summary = CREATE_WEBSUMMARY.web_summary,
        summary_csv = SUMMARIZE_REPORTS_SINGLECELL.summary_csv,

# @include "_atac_cloupe_stages.mro"

    in  string     pipestance_type,
    in  string     sample_id,
    in  string     sample_desc,
    in  string     reference_path,
    in  h5         analysis,
    in  h5         feature_barcode_matrix,
    in  bed        peaks,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  json       metrics_json,
    in  csv        aggregation_csv,
    in  json       gem_group_index_json,
    in  bool       no_secondary_analysis,
    out cloupe     output_for_cloupe,
    out json       gem_group_index_json,
    src py         "stages/cloupe/atac_cloupe_preprocess",
) split (

# @include "_preflight_stages.mro"

    in  string   sample_id,
    in  string   fastq_mode,
    in  map[]    sample_def,
    in  string   reference_path,
    in  map      force_cells,
    in  string[] factorization,
    in  map      downsample,
    in  bool     check_executables,
    in  map      trim_def,
    src py       "stages/preflight/atac_counter",
) split (

    in  string   sample_id,
    in  string   reference_path,
    in  csv      aggr_csv,
    in  string   normalization,
    in  string[] factorization,
    in  bool     check_executables,
    src py       "stages/preflight/atac_aggr",
) split (

    in  string     sample_id,
    in  string     reference_path,
    in  string     barcode_whitelist,
    in  bed        peaks,
    in  csv        parameters,
    in  map        force_cells,
    in  csv        cell_barcodes,
    in  tsv.gz     fragments,
    in  tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    in  csv        aggregation_csv,
    in  bool       check_executables,
    src py         "stages/preflight/atac_reanalyzer",
) split (

# @include "sc_atac_counter.mro"

    in  string     fastq_mode,
    in  string     sample_id,
    in  map[]      sample_def,
    in  map        downsample,
    in  string     sample_desc,
    in  string     reference_path,
    in  map        trim_def,
    in  string     barcode_whitelist,
    in  map        adapters,
    in  string[]   factorization,
    in  map        force_cells,
    out csv        singlecell,
    out bam        possorted_bam,
    out bam.bai    possorted_bam_index,
    out json       summary,
    out html       web_summary,
    out bed        peaks,
    out h5         raw_peak_bc_matrix,
    out path       raw_peak_bc_matrix_mex,
    out path       analysis_csv,
    out h5         filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
    out path       filtered_peak_bc_matrix_mex,
    out tsv.gz     fragments,
    out tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index,
    out h5         filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
    out path       filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex,
    out cloupe     cloupe,
    out csv        summary_csv,
    out tsv        peak_annotation,
        sample_id         = self.sample_id,
        fastq_mode        = self.fastq_mode,
        sample_def        = self.sample_def,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        force_cells       = self.force_cells,
        factorization     = self.factorization,
        downsample        = self.downsample,
        trim_def          = self.trim_def,
        check_executables = false,
    ) using (
        local     = true,
        preflight = true,

        sample_id         = self.sample_id,
        fastq_mode        = self.fastq_mode,
        sample_def        = self.sample_def,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        force_cells       = self.force_cells,
        factorization     = self.factorization,
        downsample        = self.downsample,
        trim_def          = self.trim_def,
        check_executables = true,
    ) using (
        preflight = true,

        sample_id         = self.sample_id,
        fastq_mode        = self.fastq_mode,
        sample_def        = self.sample_def,
        trim_def          = self.trim_def,
        adapters          = self.adapters,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        barcode_whitelist = self.barcode_whitelist,
        downsample        = self.downsample,
        force_cells       = self.force_cells,

        read_paired_bam    = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.read_paired_bam,
        fragments          = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.fragments,
        fragments_index    = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.fragments_index,
        peaks              = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.peaks,
        reference_path     = self.reference_path,
        cell_barcodes      = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.cell_barcodes,
        singlecell_cells   = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.singlecell_cells,
        singlecell_mapping = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.singlecell_mapping,

        peaks                   = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.peaks,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        reference_path          = self.reference_path,
        factorization           = self.factorization,
        tsne_perplexity         = 30,
        tsne_max_dims           = null,
        tsne_input_pcs          = null,
        tsne_max_iter           = null,
        tsne_stop_lying_iter    = null,
        tsne_mom_switch_iter    = null,
        tsne_theta              = null,
        random_seed             = null,
        max_clusters            = 10,
        neighbor_a              = null,
        neighbor_b              = null,
        graphclust_neighbors    = null,
        num_components          = 15,
        num_dr_bcs              = null,
        num_dr_features         = null,

        pipestance_type        = "SC_ATAC_COUNTER_CS",
        reference_path         = self.reference_path,
        sample_id              = self.sample_id,
        sample_desc            = self.sample_desc,
        analysis               = _SC_ATAC_ANALYZER.analysis,
        feature_barcode_matrix = _SC_ATAC_ANALYZER.feature_bc_matrix,
        metrics_json           = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.basic_summary,
        peaks                  = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.peaks,
        fragments_index        = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.fragments_index,
        aggregation_csv        = null,
        gem_group_index_json   = null,
        no_secondary_analysis  = false,

        reference_path          = self.reference_path,
        barcode_whitelist       = self.barcode_whitelist,
        bulk_complexity         = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.bulk_complexity,
        singlecell_complexity   = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.singlecell_complexity,
        cell_calling_summary    = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.cell_calling_summary,
        complexity_summary      = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.complexity_summary,
        basic_summary           = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.basic_summary,
        peak_summary            = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.peak_metrics,
        singlecell_results      = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.singlecell_results,
        insert_summary          = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.insert_summary,
        downsample_info         = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.downsample_info,
        singlecell              = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.singlecell,
        tss_relpos              = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.tss_relpos,
        ctcf_relpos             = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.ctcf_relpos,
        sample_id               = self.sample_id,
        sample_desc             = self.sample_desc,
        sample_def              = self.sample_def,
        sc_insert_sizes         = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.insert_sizes,
        enrichment_results      = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.enrichment_results,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        analysis                = _SC_ATAC_ANALYZER.analysis,
        excluded_barcodes       = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.excluded_barcodes,

    return (
        singlecell                  = _SC_ATAC_METRIC_COLLECTOR.singlecell,
        possorted_bam               = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.possorted_bam,
        possorted_bam_index         = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.possorted_bam_index,
        summary                     = _SC_ATAC_REPORTER.summary,
        web_summary                 = _SC_ATAC_REPORTER.web_summary,
        peaks                       = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.peaks,
        raw_peak_bc_matrix          = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.raw_peak_bc_matrix,
        raw_peak_bc_matrix_mex      = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.raw_peak_bc_matrix_mex,
        analysis_csv                = _SC_ATAC_ANALYZER.analysis_csv,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix     = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix_mex = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.filtered_peak_bc_matrix_mex,
        fragments                   = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.fragments,
        fragments_index             = _BASIC_SC_ATAC_COUNTER.fragments_index,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix       = _SC_ATAC_ANALYZER.filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex   = _SC_ATAC_ANALYZER.filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex,
        cloupe                      = CLOUPE_PREPROCESS.output_for_cloupe,
        summary_csv                 = _SC_ATAC_REPORTER.summary_csv,
        peak_annotation             = _SC_ATAC_ANALYZER.peak_annotation,

# @include "sc_atac_counter_cs.mro"

# Customer-facing (CS) pipeline
    in  string     fastq_mode                   "Input fastq configuration",
    in  string     sample_id,
    in  map[]      sample_def,
    in  map        downsample,
    in  string     sample_desc                  "Sample description",
    in  string     reference_path               "Path to 10X reference package",
    in  string[]   factorization                "Dimensionality reduction method (lsa, plsa, or pca)",
    in  map        force_cells                  "Force cell calling to a fixed number",
    out csv        singlecell                   "Per-barcode fragment counts & metrics",
    out bam        possorted_bam                "Position sorted BAM file"  "possorted_bam.bam",
    out bam.bai    possorted_bam_index          "Position sorted BAM index"  "possorted_bam.bam.bai",
    out json       summary                      "Summary of all data metrics",
    out html       web_summary                  "HTML file summarizing data & analysis",
    out bed        peaks                        "Bed file of all called peak locations",
    out h5         raw_peak_bc_matrix           "Raw peak barcode matrix in hdf5 format",
    out path       raw_peak_bc_matrix_mex       "Raw peak barcode matrix in mex format"  "raw_peak_bc_matrix",
    out path       analysis_csv                 "Directory of analysis files"  "analysis",
    out h5         filtered_peak_bc_matrix      "Filtered peak barcode matrix in hdf5 format",
    out path       filtered_peak_bc_matrix_mex  "Filtered peak barcode matrix in mex format"  "filtered_peak_bc_matrix",
    out tsv.gz     fragments                    "Barcoded and aligned fragment file"  "fragments.tsv.gz",
    out tsv.gz.tbi fragments_index              "Fragment file index"       "fragments.tsv.gz.tbi",
    out h5         filtered_tf_bc_matrix        "Filtered tf barcode matrix in hdf5 format",
    out path       filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex    "Filtered tf barcode matrix in mex format"  "filtered_tf_bc_matrix",
    out cloupe     cloupe                       "Loupe Cell Browser input file",
    out csv        summary_csv                  "csv summarizing important metrics and values"  "summary.csv",
    out tsv        peak_annotation              "Annotation of peaks with genes",
        fastq_mode        = self.fastq_mode,
        sample_id         = self.sample_id,
        sample_def        = self.sample_def,
        downsample        = self.downsample,
        sample_desc       = self.sample_desc,
        reference_path    = self.reference_path,
        trim_def          = {
            "R1": {
                "3prime": ["MErc"],
            "R2": {
                "3prime": ["MErc"],
            "discard_untrimmed": false,
        barcode_whitelist = "737K-cratac-v1",
        adapters          = {
            "MErc": "CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT",
        factorization     = self.factorization,
        force_cells       = self.force_cells,

    return (
        singlecell                  = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.singlecell,
        possorted_bam               = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.possorted_bam,
        possorted_bam_index         = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.possorted_bam_index,
        summary                     = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.summary,
        web_summary                 = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.web_summary,
        peaks                       = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.peaks,
        raw_peak_bc_matrix          = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.raw_peak_bc_matrix,
        raw_peak_bc_matrix_mex      = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.raw_peak_bc_matrix_mex,
        analysis_csv                = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.analysis_csv,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix     = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.filtered_peak_bc_matrix,
        filtered_peak_bc_matrix_mex = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.filtered_peak_bc_matrix_mex,
        fragments                   = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.fragments,
        fragments_index             = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.fragments_index,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix       = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.filtered_tf_bc_matrix,
        filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex   = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.filtered_tf_bc_matrix_mex,
        cloupe                      = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.cloupe,
        summary_csv                 = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.summary_csv,
        peak_annotation             = SC_ATAC_COUNTER.peak_annotation,

# @include "__PBMC_P.mro"

    fastq_mode     = "ILMN_BCL2FASTQ",
    sample_id      = "PBMC_P",
    sample_def     = [{
        "bc_in_read": 1,
        "bc_length": 16,
        "gem_group": null,
        "lanes": null,
        "library": "LibraryNotSpecified",
        "read_path": "/data/isshamie/dropbox/ATACseq/2020_11_18_Croker/",
        "sample_indices": ["any"],
        "sample_names": ["BC_10xATAC_PMBC_P"],
    reference_path = "/data/isshamie/mito_lineage/data/external/GRCh38_MT_blacklist",
    downsample     = null,
    sample_desc    = "",
    factorization  = ["lsa"],
    force_cells    = null,
ew file mode 100644
ndex 0000000..9c51e87
++ b/Analysis/mtscATAC/2020_11_18_Croker/PBMC_P/_sitecheck


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