This document explains how to properly build the module AAR for orbostservice and privacymoduletor from source.
PrivacyModuleTor includes, in the external directory, git repo submodules of:
- OrbotService: the module used by Orbot to run Tor
- JTorControl: The Tor Control Library for Java
- BadVPN
- JSocks
Please install the following prerequisites (instructions for each follows):
- Android Software Development Kit or SDK (for Java code): (Android Studio)
- Android Native Development Kit or NDK (for C/C++ code) (This can be installed through Android Studio's SDK Manager)
Be sure that you have all of the git submodules up-to-date:
git submodule update --init --recursive
You then need to run "ndk-build" and the following commands to compile and prepare Orbot's native code:
cd orbotservice/src/main
ndk-build (located in Android/Sdk/ndk/VERSION/)
mv libs/armeabi-v7a/pdnsd libs/armeabi-v7a/
mv libs/arm64-v8a/pdnsd libs/arm64-v8a/
mv libs/x86/pdnsd libs/x86/
mv libs/x86_64/pdnsd libs/x86_64/
cd orbotservice\src\main
ndk-build.cmd (located in Android\Sdk\ndk\VERSION\)
ren libs\armeabi-v7a\pdnsd
ren libs\arm64-v8a\pdnsd
ren libs\x86\pdnsd
ren libs\x86_64\pdnsd
Now you can build the AAR modules :
./gradlew :orbotservice:assembleRelease :privacymoduletor:assembleRelease
./gradlew --console=verbose publishToMavenLocal
This will put compiled AAR and pom file exposing their dependencies in the local maven repository (usually in ~/.m2/repository).