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laughinghan edited this page Aug 30, 2010 · 13 revisions

The Quest for Unicode Math Fonts

Fonts tried and failed:

  1. Quivira implements everything I’ve tested for, but I couldn’t convert it to .eot for MSIE.
  2. Symbola (formerly Unicode Symbols) also implements everything and is currently in use, but is horridly aliased in Windows.

Fonts to check out:

  1. Official AMS-backed STIX fonts project (see also)
  2. Huge list of what appear to be promising fonts
    A quick search for ‘unicode’ turned up:
    1. Asana Math “Free math symbol Opentype font…with all of the Unicode math symbols” (see also)
    2. Phil Chastney “…the number of mathematical symbols is staggering.”
    3. BaKoMa “TrueType (Unicode supported)”
    4. jGaramond “Unicode versions of Garamond…called jGaramond, covers…Mathematical Operators, …Arrows, Number Forms, … Greek, Greek Extended.” Looks old, though
    5. Mozilla MathML STIX official fonts?
  3. Cambria Math looks promising, but costs $35
  4. MathTime looks amazing but costs like $100+ and might not be available in Unicode
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