From 9272093d71f77c12a6c503792dee76932d60adf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 21:11:42 +0330
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] :books::zap: Update(README): Add Documentation for
 execution_tracker Decorator

- Added documentation for the newly implemented execution_tracker decorator.
- Updated the README to include detailed information on how to use the decorator, including example usage.
- Added descriptions for the decorator's arguments
- Included example log outputs for both cases where log_queries is enabled and where DEBUG is False.
--- | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index c78a6f7..35a5b3b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -191,6 +191,45 @@ python send_logs
 This command will attach the log directory and send a zip file to the provided email address.
+6. **Execution Tracker Decorator**
+The `execution_tracker` decorator is used to log the performance metrics of any function. It tracks execution time and the number of database queries for decorated function (if enabled).
+Example Usage:
+from django_logging.decorators import execution_tracker
+@execution_tracker(logging_level=logging.INFO, log_queries=True, query_threshold=10, query_exceed_warning=False)
+def some_function():
+    # function code
+    pass
+`logging_level` (`int`): The logging level at which performance details will be logged. Defaults to `logging.INFO`.
+`log_queries` (`bool`): Whether to log the number of database queries for decorated function(if `DEBUG` is `True` in your settings). If `log_queries=True`, the number of queries will be included in the logs. Defaults to `False`.
+`query_threshold` (`int`): If provided, the number of database queries will be checked. If the number of queries exceeded the given threshold, a warning will be logged. Defaults to `None`.
+`query_exceed_warning` (`int`): Whether to log a `WARNING` message if number of queries exceeded the threshold. Defaults to `False`.
+Example Log Output:
+INFO | 'datetime' | execution_tracking | Performance Metrics for Function: 'some_function'
+  Module: some_module
+  File: /path/to/, Line: 123
+  Execution Time: 0 minute(s) and 0.2132 second(s)
+  Database Queries: 15 queries (exceeds threshold of 10)
+If `log_queries` is set to `True` but `DEBUG` is `False`, a WARNING will be logged:
+WARNING | 'datetime' | execution_tracking | DEBUG mode is disabled, so database queries are not tracked. To include number of queries, set `DEBUG` to `True` in your django settings.
 ## Settings
 By default, `django_logging` uses a built-in configuration that requires no additional setup. However, you can customize the logging settings by adding the `DJANGO_LOGGING` dictionary configuration to your Django `settings` file.
@@ -225,20 +264,34 @@ DJANGO_LOGGING = {
 Here's a breakdown of the available configuration options:
 - `AUTO_INITIALIZATION_ENABLE`: Accepts `bool`. Enables automatic initialization of logging configurations. Defaults to `True`.
 - `INITIALIZATION_MESSAGE_ENABLE`: Accepts bool. Enables logging of the initialization message. Defaults to `True`.
 - `LOG_FILE_LEVELS`: Accepts a list of valid log levels (a list of `str` where each value must be one of the valid levels). Defines the log levels for file logging. Defaults to `['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']`.
 - `LOG_DIR`: Accepts `str` like `"path/to/logs"` or a path using functions like `os.path.join()`. Specifies the directory where log files will be stored. Defaults to `"logs"`.
 - `LOG_FILE_FORMATS`: Accepts log levels as keys and format options as values. The format option can be an `int` chosen from predefined options or a user-defined format `str`. Defines the format for log files. Defaults to `1` for all levels.
   - **Note**: See the [Available Format Options](#available-format-options) below for available formats.
 - `LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL`: Accepts `str` that is a valid log level. Specifies the log level for console output. Defaults to `'DEBUG'`.
 - `LOG_CONSOLE_FORMAT`: Accepts the same options as `LOG_FILE_FORMATS`. Defines the format for console output. Defaults to `1`.
 - `LOG_CONSOLE_COLORIZE`: Accepts `bool`. Determines whether to colorize console output. Defaults to `True`.
 - `LOG_DATE_FORMAT`: Accepts `str` that is a valid datetime format. Specifies the date format for log messages. Defaults to `'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`.
 - `LOG_EMAIL_NOTIFIER`: Is a dictionary where:
   - `ENABLE`: Accepts `bool`. Determines whether the email notifier is enabled. Defaults to `False`.
   - `NOTIFY_ERROR`: Accepts `bool`. Determines whether to notify on error logs. Defaults to `False`.
   - `NOTIFY_CRITICAL`: Accepts `bool`. Determines whether to notify on critical logs. Defaults to `False`.
   - `LOG_FORMAT`: Accepts the same options as other log formats (`int` or `str`). Defines the format for log messages sent via email. Defaults to `1`.
   - `USE_TEMPLATE`: Accepts `bool`. Determines whether the email includes an HTML template. Defaults to `True`.
 ## Available Format Options

From 2713377aa4d07385dc3b65ec16eeb58f70af3ad0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 21:16:36 +0330
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] :books::zap: docs(Usage): Add Documentation for
 execution_tracker Decorator

 docs/usage.rst | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/usage.rst b/docs/usage.rst
index 3e4f61a..6b7d82a 100644
--- a/docs/usage.rst
+++ b/docs/usage.rst
@@ -120,4 +120,53 @@ Send Logs Command
    This command will attach the log directory and send a zip file to the provided email address.
+Execution Tracker Decorator
+The ``execution_tracker`` decorator is used to log the performance metrics of any function. It tracks execution time and the number of database queries for decorated function (if enabled).
+Example Usage:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from django_logging.decorators import execution_tracker
+    @execution_tracker(
+        logging_level=logging.INFO,
+        log_queries=True,
+        query_threshold=10,
+        query_exceed_warning=False,
+    )
+    def some_function():
+        # function code
+        pass
+- ``logging_level`` (``int``): The logging level at which performance details will be logged. Defaults to ``logging.INFO``.
+- ``log_queries`` (``bool``): Whether to log the number of database queries for decorated function(if ``DEBUG`` is ``True`` in your settings). If ``log_queries=True``, the number of queries will be included in the logs. Defaults to ``False``.
+- ``query_threshold`` (``int``): If provided, the number of database queries will be checked. If the number of queries exceeds the given threshold, a warning will be logged. Defaults to ``None``.
+- ``query_exceed_warning`` (``bool``): Whether to log a ``WARNING`` message if the number of queries exceeds the threshold. Defaults to ``False``.
+**Example Log Output:**
+.. code-block:: shell
+    INFO | 'datetime' | execution_tracking | Performance Metrics for Function: 'some_function'
+      Module: some_module
+      File: /path/to/, Line: 123
+      Execution Time: 0 minute(s) and 0.2132 second(s)
+      Database Queries: 15 queries (exceeds threshold of 10)
+If `log_queries` is set to ``True`` but ``DEBUG`` is ``False``, a ``WARNING`` will be logged:
+.. code-block:: shell
+    WARNING | 'datetime' | execution_tracking | DEBUG mode is disabled, so database queries are not tracked.
+    To include the number of queries, set ``DEBUG`` to ``True`` in your Django settings.