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Project: Voice Anti-spoofing

We recommend using our project template.


Implement and train a Countermeasure (CM) system on the Logical Access partition of the ASVSpoof 2019 Dataset (Kaggle Link). You may find the ASVspoof 2019 evaluation plan useful.

Countermeasure systems

Choose at least one of the following architectures for your CM system.

Try to avoid using implementations available on the internet.

LightCNN (Easy mode)

Implement LightCNN (LCCN) following the Speech Technology Center paper.


  1. Take training recipe and data preparation scheme from this paper. Also, read the comparative study and think whether you should use A-Softmax or Cross-Entropy loss function (Explain your choice in the report).

  2. Use STFT (FFT in the paper) as front-end. (Do ablation only if you took at least two different front-ends)

  3. Put dropout layer as it is done in this paper.

Bonus: conduct experiments with at least two different types of front-ends (CQT, LFCC, etc.) and analyze training\evaluation results in your report. Note: it will be enough if you train the second model for a smaller number of epochs (smaller, but reasonable).

Report rules

If you read the papers and follow the hints, you should get a working solution with no problems. Do an ablation study on the necessity of the provided hints. Explain why the hint is useful, is it different from what was described in the original paper (or does it provide extra information). For each hint, explain what will change if you do not follow the hint, run the experiment and analyze the result (training curves, metrics, convergence speed, etc.). Note: it will be enough if you train the second model for a smaller number of epochs (smaller, but reasonable).

Do not forget about General requirements.

RawNet2 (Normal mode)

Implement RawNet2. There are three types of sinc filters:

  • S1: fixed Mel-scaled
  • S2: fixed inverse Mel-scaled
  • S3: fixed linear-scaled

You are free to choose any of them.


  • You have to take the absolute value of sinc-layer output.
  • Use 3-layer GRU, do BN and LeakyReLU before.
  • Change hyperparameters to ASVspoof2021 style:
    • Sinc filter length: 1024
    • Conv(3,1,128) -> Conv(3,1,20), Conv(3,1,512) -> Conv(3,1,128).
  • Use weighted cross-entropy: $1.0$ for spoof class, $9.0$ for bona-fide.
  • Set $0.0001$ weight decay in optimizer.
  • Take Sinc-layer from the seminar. Note the difference between SincNet And RawNet2. Set min_low_hz, min_band_hz to zero. (For ablation: try non-zero, explain the difference with SincNet)

Bonus: conduct experiments with at least two different types of sinc filters and analyze training\evaluation results in your report. Note: it will be enough if you train the second model for a smaller number of epochs (smaller, but reasonable).

Report rules

If you read the paper and follow the hints, you should get a working solution with no problems. Do an ablation study on the necessity of the provided hints. Explain why the hint is useful, is it different from what was described in the original paper (or does it provide extra information). For each hint, explain what will change if you do not follow the hint, run the experiment and analyze the result (training curves, metrics, convergence speed, etc.). Note: it will be enough if you train the second model for a smaller number of epochs (smaller, but reasonable).

Do not forget about General requirements.

AASIST (Hard mode)

Implement AASIST. You must use PyTorch Geometric or Deep Graph Library for the implementation of GAT, HS-GAL parts of the model.


  • Check documentations and tutorials. You may find materials from HSE GNN course (in Russian) useful.

  • Check source code for package implementations of GNN-layers.

  • Add learnable positional encoding to spectral graph before applying graph module.

  • Apply $0.2$ dropout to input for each graph-layer. Apply $0.2$ dropout to graphs before readout. Apply $0.5$ dropout to the last hidden layer.

  • Apply GraphPool after the first HS-GAL and residual connection (not Graph Pool) after the second one.

  • Take Sinc-layer from the seminar. Note the difference between SincNet And RawNet2. Set min_low_hz, min_band_hz to zero.

  • In Graph Attention, use Softmax with temperature: $100$ for HS-GAL, $2$ for GAT.

  • In Graph Attention, do not forget about Tanh activation in Softmax (see lecture).

Report rules:

Task is hard enough on its own, so here we expect a standard report like in previous homeworks: see General requirements. Hints ablation is not mandatory.


You should provide for your final solution.

  • Choose any 3 utterances you like from the internet and run your model on them.

  • Run you model on three utterances, provided in this kaggle dataset by mentors.

Provide probabilities of audio being spoofed, obtained from your model. Listen the utterances and say if you think they are real or spoofed. Compare your thoughts with model predictions and describe. Does your model work good on these utterances? Explain.

General requirements

In general, the format of the current project follows that of the ASR project assignment. You must organize the repository as in the first homework assignment, which is to break up the code into modules and follow the code style.


  • The code should be situated in a public github (or gitlab) repository.
  • All the necessary packages should be mentioned in ./requirements.txt or in an installation guide section of
  • Use W&B for logging losses and performance metrics.
  • All necessary resources (such as model checkpoints) should be downloadable with a script. Mention the script (or lines of code) in the
  • Attach a report. That includes:
    • Description and result of each experiment.
    • How to reproduce your model?
    • Attach training logs to show how fast did you network train.
    • What worked and what didn't work?
    • What were the major challenges?
    • Comparison of different front-ends (for LCNN and RawNet2, if you did it).


Perfomance metrics (must be calculated on the evalutation set of the LA partition of the ASVspoof 2019 Dataset):

  • Equal Error Rate (EER).

Code for metrics is provided in this repo (see compute_eer function). You should provide metrics in your report and achieve the following performance:

  • EER for $P = \text{Maximum grade for the chosen CM}$ ($P=0$ otherwise):

    • $< 5\%$ for STFT-LCNN.
    • $< 5.3\%$ for LFCC-LCNN.
    • $< 5.8\%$ for S1-RawNet2.
    • $< 5.5\%$ for S2-RawNet2.
    • $< 5\%$ for S3-RawNet2.
  • Detailed EER for AASIST:

    EER Grade ($P$)
    $< 5%$ 4
    $< 4%$ 6
    $< 3%$ 8
    $< 2.5%$ 10

Note: requested EERs are much higher than the ones described in the paper to save your time.

Note 2: for the ablation experiments (LCNN and RawNet) you do not have to get EER lower than written above. This threshold is only for the primary system, meaning that is mandatory to get below threshold only in one of your experiments (one per model).

Time to achieve the mentioned quality in Kaggle for the teacher's solution (may vary a bit if the random seed is bad):

Model Time (h)
LCNN 4.5-5
RawNet2 5-6
AASIST 23-27