A laptop is to a coder as a stethoscope is to a doctor. You cannot do your job without it! We recommend a laptop with at least 2GB of memory, 5 GB available disk space and a 1.5 GhZ processor in order to have the computing power necessary to run software necessary for learning to code.
Most of the laptops made in the last three years should have these specifications. In addition, we recommend a laptop over a desktop due to its portability. A coder often needs to work in a variety of locations, and having a laptop would help you attend classes as well.
If computer ownership is an immediate barrier, you may wish to complete the Exposure to Coding milestone first, which can be easily done using a borrowed computer, or using a computer at a community center or library.
Note that tablets and Chromebooks are not suitable for most courses or learning tracks.
- Type: Laptop
- Operating System: Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X
- Memory (RAM): 2 GB
- Storage: 5 GB free hard drive space
- Processor: 1.5 GHz
Note: These are minimum suggested specifications. They are not representative of every possible situation, or of the requirements of specific programs or classes; they will work for most people in most situations. And, of course, more powerful computers will provide added flexibility and other benefits in many situations.
A new, used, or refurbished laptop meeting the criteria above can be found for as little as $150-250. For those working a $15/hour job, this takes roughly 20 hours of work to obtain.