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201 lines (168 loc) · 9.67 KB


Cache includes instruction cache (icache) and data cache (dcache).

In this design, every data is read from cache. Instruction cache is read only, while data cache can be either written or read.

Cache Module

The Cache module is located at src/cache.v.

Cache module, linked to RAM is the only way to access memory. Cache module have two submodule - icache and dcache.

The Instruction Cache module handles instruction requests from the Instruction Unit, while the Data Cache module handles data requests from the Load/Store Buffer.

When the Instruction Cache module and the Data Cache module wants data at the same time, the Cache module will prioritise the Data Cache module to avoid the endless request from the Instruction Unit.

The interfaces are listed below:

module Cache #(
  parameter BLOCK_WIDTH = 4,
  parameter BLOCK_SIZE = 2**BLOCK_WIDTH,
  parameter ICACHE_WIDTH = 4,
  parameter DCACHE_WIDTH = 3
) (
  input  wire        clkIn,         // system clock (from CPU)
  input  wire        resetIn,       // resetIn (from CPU)
  input  wire        clearIn,       // wrong branch prediction signal
  input  wire        readyIn,       // ready signal (from CPU)
  input  wire        ioBufferFull,  // IO buffer full signal
  input  wire [7:0]  memIn,         // data from RAM
  input  wire [31:0] instrAddrIn,   // instruction address (Instruction Unit)
  input  wire [1:0]  accessType,    // access type (none: 2'b00, byte: 2'b01, half word: 2'b10, word: 2'b11)
  input  wire        readWriteIn,   // read/write select (read: 1, write: 0)
  input  wire [31:0] dataAddrIn,    // data address (from Load Store Buffer)
  input  wire [31:0] dataIn,        // data to write (from Load Store Buffer)
  output wire        readWriteOut,  // read/write select (read: 0, write: 1)
  output wire [31:0] memAddr,       // memory address
  output wire [7:0]  memOut,        // write data to RAM
  output wire        instrOutValid, // instruction output valid signal (Instruction Unit)
  output wire [31:0] instrOut,      // instruction (Instruction Unit)
  output wire        dataOutValid,  // data output valid signal (Load Store Buffer)
  output wire [31:0] dataOut,       // data (Load Store Buffer)
  output wire        dataWriteSuc   // data write success signal (Load Store Buffer)

If the resetIn signal is high, the Cache module will reset all stored cache.

The whole Cache module is on if and only if readyIn is high.

The memIn signal is the data from RAM. Note that the data is sent one clock after the request is sent.

When the instrInValid signal is high, the Cache module will find the data in the Instruction Cache module and send it through the instrOut signal (the instrOutValid is high then).

When the dataValid signal is high, the Cache module will find the data in the Data Cache module and send it through the dataOut signal (the dataOutValid is high then).

When the dcache module encounters IO port data, the cache module will handle this request instead.

Instruction Cache

The Instruction Cache module is located at src/icache.v.

Since instruction cache needs absolutely minimum time to access, it is designed to be direct-mapped.

Instruction cache works when instrInValid is high. When instrInValid is high, the instruction cache will check the tag of the address. If the tag is correct, the instruction cache will return the data. If the tag is incorrect, the miss signal will be high, and the Cache module will read the data from RAM and send the data through memDataIn (memDataValid is set high then).

The interfaces are listed below:

module ICache #(
  parameter BLOCK_WIDTH = 4,
  parameter BLOCK_SIZE = 2**BLOCK_WIDTH,
  parameter CACHE_WIDTH = 4,
  parameter CACHE_SIZE = 2**CACHE_WIDTH
) (
  input  wire                    clkIn,         // system clock (from CPU)
  input  wire                    resetIn,       // resetIn
  input  wire [31:0]             instrAddrIn,   // instruction address (Instruction Unit)
  input  wire                    memDataValid,  // data valid signal (Instruction Unit)
  input  wire [31:BLOCK_WIDTH]   memAddr,       // memory address
  input  wire [BLOCK_SIZE*8-1:0] memDataIn,     // data to loaded from RAM
  output wire                    miss,          // miss signal
  output wire                    instrOutValid, // instruction output valid signal (Instruction Unit)
  output wire [31:0]             instrOut       // instruction (Instruction Unit)

If the resetIn signal is high, the instruction cache will reset all stored cache.

When the instrInValid signal is high, the instruction cache will check the tag of the address. If the tag is correct, the instruction cache will return the data through instrOut (instrOutValid is also set high). If the tag is incorrect, the miss signal will be high, and the Cache module will read the data from RAM and send the data through memDataIn (memDataValid is set high then).

Data Cache

The Data Cache module is located at src/dcache.v.

Data cache is designed to be direct mapping. The Data Cache module is capable of handling both read and write requests.

The data is always aligned to the lower end. To be specific, if the data is of byte size, the data is well at [7:0]. If the data is of half word size, the data is well at [15:0]. If the data is of word size, the data is well at [31:0].

Data Cache module will not synchronise with the memory as soon as possible, it will wait until the data must be removed from the cache. Therefore, when data is written to the cache, there is a dirty tag to indicate that the data is not the same as the data in the memory.

The interfaces are listed below:

module DCache #(
  parameter BLOCK_WIDTH = 4,
  parameter BLOCK_SIZE = 2**BLOCK_WIDTH,
  parameter CACHE_WIDTH = 3,
  parameter CACHE_SIZE = 2**CACHE_WIDTH
) (
  input  wire                    clkIn,             // system clock (from CPU)
  input  wire                    resetIn,           // resetIn
  input  wire                    clearIn,           // wrong branch prediction signal
  input  wire                    readyIn,           // ready signal
  input  wire [1:0]              accessType,        // access type (none: 2'b00, byte: 2'b01, half word: 2'b10, word: 2'b11)
  input  wire                    readWriteIn,       // read/write select (read: 1, write: 0)
  input  wire [31:0]             dataAddrIn,        // data address (Load & Store Buffer)
  input  wire [31:0]             dataIn,            // data to write
  input  wire                    memDataValid,      // data valid signal
  input  wire [31:BLOCK_WIDTH]   memAddr,           // memory address
  input  wire [BLOCK_SIZE*8-1:0] memDataIn,         // data to loaded from RAM
  input  wire                    acceptWrite,       // write accept signal (Cache)
  input  wire                    mutableMemInValid, // mutable memory valid signal
  input  wire [31:0]             mutableMemDataIn,  // data to load from IO
  input  wire                    mutableWriteSuc,   // mutable write success signal
  output wire                    miss,              // miss signal (for input and output)
  output wire [31:BLOCK_WIDTH]   missAddr,          // miss address (for input and output)
  output wire                    readWriteOut,      // read/write select for mem (read: 1, write: 0)
  output wire [BLOCK_SIZE*8-1:0] writeBackOut,      // data to write
  output wire                    dataOutValid,      // data output valid signal (Load & Store Buffer)
  output wire [31:0]             dataOut,           // data (Load & Store Buffer)
  output wire                    dataWriteSuc       // data write success signal (Load Store Buffer)

If the resetIn signal is high, the data cache will reset all stored cache.

The module will work when the accessType signal is not 2'b00. 2'b01 means the operation is done in byte, 2'b10 means the operation is done in half word, and 2'b11 means the operation is done in word.

For the I/O port data (called mutable in cache module), the dcache module will wait for the cache to send the data back (using mutableMemInValid, mutableMemDataIn and mutableWriteSuc).

For the read operation (when readWriteIn is high), the data cache will check whether the data is in the cache. If the data is in the cache, the data cache will return the data through dataOut (dataOutValid is also set high). If the data is not in the cache, the miss signal will be high, and the Cache module will read the data from RAM and send the data through memDataIn (memDataValid is set high then).

For the write operation (when readWriteIn is low), the data cache will check whether the data is in the cache. If the data is in the cache, the data cache will write the data to the cache, and set the dataWriteSuc high for one clock. If the data is not in the cache, the miss signal will be high, and the Cache module will read the data from RAM and send the data through memDataIn (memDataValid is set high then). After the data is put into the cache, the data cache will write the data to the cache, and set the dataWriteSuc high for one clock.

On cache miss: If the block is dirty, the data cache will set the readWriteOut to high, and set the dirty tag to low first. Then, whether the block is dirty or not, the data cache will set the readWriteOut to low, and wait for the data from the Cache module through memDataIn (memDataValid is set high then).