diff --git a/src/aux/aux_c_format.cpp b/src/aux/aux_c_format.cpp
index 14b2cfb..f3d7abb 100644
--- a/src/aux/aux_c_format.cpp
+++ b/src/aux/aux_c_format.cpp
@@ -7,323 +7,379 @@
 // Given a full variable (with accesses and everything, like foo:0:'hi there' or
 // bar) returns the C++ representation of said variable in order to be accessed.
-string get_c_variable(compiler_state &state, string &variable) {
-  // We want to get two things in order to create the correct C++ representation
-  // of a 'full variable': the variable name and all the indexess we are trying
-  // to access that correspond to this particular variable (because we could
-  // have foo number list list and bar number list and try to access
-  // foo:bar:0:1. In this case, we would be interested in getting 'foo', 'bar:0'
-  // and '1'.
-  string var_name;
-  vector<string> indexes;
-  // We use the split_vector function to get these values into our variables.
-  split_vector(variable, var_name, indexes, state);
-  // We 'fix' the variable name, turning all characters not accepted by C++ into
-  // LDPL codes that C++ does accept.
-  var_name = fix_identifier(var_name, true, state);
-  // If split_vector didn't return any indexes, then we are dealing with a
-  // scalar variable. We just return the C++ variable name and we are done.
-  if (indexes.empty()) return var_name;
-  // If our indexes vector is not empty, however, we recreate the correct C++
-  // container access, with one dimension for each value in our indexes vector.
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < indexes.size(); ++i)
-    var_name += '[' + get_c_expression(state, indexes[i]) + ']';
-  // Once we are done, we return the variable name.
-  return var_name;
+string get_c_variable(compiler_state &state, string &variable)
+    // We want to get two things in order to create the correct C++ representation
+    // of a 'full variable': the variable name and all the indexess we are trying
+    // to access that correspond to this particular variable (because we could
+    // have foo number list list and bar number list and try to access
+    // foo:bar:0:1. In this case, we would be interested in getting 'foo', 'bar:0'
+    // and '1'.
+    string var_name;
+    vector<string> indexes;
+    // We use the split_vector function to get these values into our variables.
+    split_vector(variable, var_name, indexes, state);
+    // We 'fix' the variable name, turning all characters not accepted by C++ into
+    // LDPL codes that C++ does accept.
+    var_name = fix_identifier(var_name, true, state);
+    // If split_vector didn't return any indexes, then we are dealing with a
+    // scalar variable. We just return the C++ variable name and we are done.
+    if (indexes.empty())
+        return var_name;
+    // If our indexes vector is not empty, however, we recreate the correct C++
+    // container access, with one dimension for each value in our indexes vector.
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < indexes.size(); ++i)
+        var_name += "[" + get_c_expression(state, indexes[i]) + "]";
+    // Once we are done, we return the variable name.
+    return var_name;
-string get_c_expression(compiler_state &state, string &expression) {
-  if (is_scalar_variable(expression, state) ||
-      variable_exists(expression, state))
-    return get_c_variable(state, expression);
-  is_number(expression);  // We fix the expression should it be a number literal
-  return expression;
+string get_c_expression(compiler_state &state, string &expression)
+    if (is_scalar_variable(expression, state) || variable_exists(expression, state))
+        return get_c_variable(state, expression);
+    is_number(expression); // We fix the expression should it be a number literal
+    return expression;
 // text must be a TEXT or a TEXT variable
-string get_c_char_array(compiler_state &state, string &text) {
-  if (is_txt_var(text, state))
-    return get_c_variable(state, text) + ".str_rep().c_str()";
-  return text;
+string get_c_char_array(compiler_state &state, string &text)
+    if (is_txt_var(text, state))
+        return get_c_variable(state, text) + ".str_rep().c_str()";
+    return text;
-string get_c_string(compiler_state &state, string &expression) {
-  string c_expression = get_c_expression(state, expression);
-  if (is_num_expr(expression, state))
-    return "to_ldpl_string(" + c_expression + ")";
-  return c_expression;
+string get_c_string(compiler_state &state, string &expression)
+    string c_expression = get_c_expression(state, expression);
+    if (is_num_expr(expression, state))
+        return "to_ldpl_string(" + c_expression + ")";
+    return c_expression;
-string get_c_number(compiler_state &state, string &expression) {
-  string c_expression = get_c_expression(state, expression);
-  if (is_txt_expr(expression, state)) return "to_number(" + c_expression + ")";
-  return c_expression;
+string get_c_number(compiler_state &state, string &expression)
+    string c_expression = get_c_expression(state, expression);
+    if (is_txt_expr(expression, state))
+        return "to_number(" + c_expression + ")";
+    return c_expression;
 // Returns [ERROR] if invalid condtion, otherwise returns C++ condition
-string get_c_condition(compiler_state &state, vector<string> tokens) {
-  unsigned int ct = 0;
-  string condition = get_c_condition(state, tokens, ct);
-  if (ct < tokens.size()) return "[ERROR]";
-  return condition;
+string get_c_condition(compiler_state &state, vector<string> tokens)
+    unsigned int ct = 0;
+    string condition = get_c_condition(state, tokens, ct);
+    if (ct < tokens.size())
+        return "[ERROR]";
+    return condition;
-#define MATCH(x)                             \
-  if (ct < tokens.size() && tokens[ct] == x) \
-    ct++;                                    \
-  else                                       \
-    return "[ERROR]";
+#define MATCH(x)                               \
+    if (ct < tokens.size() && tokens[ct] == x) \
+        ct++;                                  \
+    else                                       \
+        return "[ERROR]";
 string get_c_condition(compiler_state &state, vector<string> tokens,
-                       unsigned int &ct) {
-  if (ct >= tokens.size()) return "[ERROR]";
-  string condition;
-  if (tokens[ct] == "(") {
-    MATCH("(");
-    condition = get_c_condition(state, tokens, ct);
-    if (condition == "[ERROR]") return condition;
-    MATCH(")");
-    condition = "(" + condition + ")";
-  } else {
-    string first_value = tokens[ct];
-    string second_value;
-    string rel_op;
-    ct++;  // We validate the token after we get the second value
-    if (tokens[ct] == "IS") {
-      MATCH("IS");
-      if (tokens[ct] == "EQUAL") {
-        MATCH("EQUAL");
-        MATCH("TO");
-        rel_op = "EQUAL TO";
-      } else if (tokens[ct] == "NOT") {
-        MATCH("NOT");
-        MATCH("EQUAL");
-        MATCH("TO");
-        rel_op = "NOT EQUAL TO";
-      } else if (tokens[ct] == "GREATER") {
-        MATCH("GREATER");
-        MATCH("THAN");
-        if (ct + 1 < tokens.size() && tokens[ct + 1] == "EQUAL") {
-          // We check the next token instead of the curent one
-          // because "OR" could be a variable after "GREATER THAN"
-          MATCH("OR");
-          MATCH("EQUAL");
-          MATCH("TO");
-          rel_op = "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO";
-        } else {
-          rel_op = "GREATER THAN";
-        }
-      } else if (tokens[ct] == "LESS") {
-        MATCH("LESS");
-        MATCH("THAN");
-        if (ct + 1 < tokens.size() && tokens[ct + 1] == "EQUAL") {
-          // We check the next token instead of the curent one
-          // because "OR" could be a variable after "LESS THAN"
-          MATCH("OR");
-          MATCH("EQUAL");
-          MATCH("TO");
-          rel_op = "LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO";
-        } else {
-          rel_op = "LESS THAN";
-        }
-      } else {
+                       unsigned int &ct)
+    if (ct >= tokens.size())
         return "[ERROR]";
-      }
+    string condition;
+    if (tokens[ct] == "(")
+    {
+        MATCH("(");
+        condition = get_c_condition(state, tokens, ct);
+        if (condition == "[ERROR]")
+            return condition;
+        MATCH(")");
+        condition = "(" + condition + ")";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        string first_value = tokens[ct];
+        string second_value;
+        string rel_op;
+        ct++; // We validate the token after we get the second value
+        if (tokens[ct] == "IS")
+        {
+            MATCH("IS");
+            if (tokens[ct] == "EQUAL")
+            {
+                MATCH("EQUAL");
+                MATCH("TO");
+                rel_op = "EQUAL TO";
+            }
+            else if (tokens[ct] == "NOT")
+            {
+                MATCH("NOT");
+                MATCH("EQUAL");
+                MATCH("TO");
+                rel_op = "NOT EQUAL TO";
+            }
+            else if (tokens[ct] == "GREATER")
+            {
+                MATCH("GREATER");
+                MATCH("THAN");
+                if (ct + 1 < tokens.size() && tokens[ct + 1] == "EQUAL")
+                {
+                    // We check the next token instead of the curent one
+                    // because "OR" could be a variable after "GREATER THAN"
+                    MATCH("OR");
+                    MATCH("EQUAL");
+                    MATCH("TO");
+                    rel_op = "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO";
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rel_op = "GREATER THAN";
+                }
+            }
+            else if (tokens[ct] == "LESS")
+            {
+                MATCH("LESS");
+                MATCH("THAN");
+                if (ct + 1 < tokens.size() && tokens[ct + 1] == "EQUAL")
+                {
+                    // We check the next token instead of the curent one
+                    // because "OR" could be a variable after "LESS THAN"
+                    MATCH("OR");
+                    MATCH("EQUAL");
+                    MATCH("TO");
+                    rel_op = "LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO";
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rel_op = "LESS THAN";
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                return "[ERROR]";
+            }
-      second_value = tokens[ct];
-      ++ct;
+            second_value = tokens[ct];
+            ++ct;
-      string type;
-      if (is_num_expr(first_value, state) && is_num_expr(second_value, state))
-        type = "NUMBER";
-      else if (is_txt_expr(first_value, state) &&
-               is_txt_expr(second_value, state))
-        type = "TEXT";
-      else if (is_num_map(first_value, state) &&
-               is_num_map(second_value, state))
-        type = "NUMBER MAP";
-      else if (is_txt_map(first_value, state) &&
-               is_txt_map(second_value, state))
-        type = "TEXT MAP";
-      else if (is_num_list(first_value, state) &&
-               is_num_list(second_value, state))
-        type = "NUMBER LIST";
-      else if (is_txt_list(first_value, state) &&
-               is_txt_list(second_value, state))
-        type = "TEXT LIST";
-      else if (is_list_list(first_value, state) &&
-               is_list_list(second_value, state) &&
-               variable_type(first_value, state) ==
-                   variable_type(second_value, state))
-        type = "LIST LIST";
-      else if (is_map_map(first_value, state) &&
-               is_map_map(second_value, state) &&
-               variable_type(first_value, state) ==
-                   variable_type(second_value, state))
-        type = "MAP MAP";
-      else
-        return "[ERROR]";
+            string type;
+            if (is_num_expr(first_value, state) && is_num_expr(second_value, state))
+                type = "NUMBER";
+            else if (is_txt_expr(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_txt_expr(second_value, state))
+                type = "TEXT";
+            else if (is_num_map(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_num_map(second_value, state))
+                type = "NUMBER MAP";
+            else if (is_txt_map(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_txt_map(second_value, state))
+                type = "TEXT MAP";
+            else if (is_num_list(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_num_list(second_value, state))
+                type = "NUMBER LIST";
+            else if (is_txt_list(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_txt_list(second_value, state))
+                type = "TEXT LIST";
+            else if (is_list_list(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_list_list(second_value, state) &&
+                     variable_type(first_value, state) ==
+                         variable_type(second_value, state))
+                type = "LIST LIST";
+            else if (is_map_map(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_map_map(second_value, state) &&
+                     variable_type(first_value, state) ==
+                         variable_type(second_value, state))
+                type = "MAP MAP";
+            else
+                return "[ERROR]";
-      first_value = get_c_expression(state, first_value);
-      second_value = get_c_expression(state, second_value);
-      if (type == "NUMBER") {
-        if (rel_op == "EQUAL TO")
-          condition = "num_equal(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ")";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT EQUAL TO")
-          condition = "!num_equal(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ")";
-        else if (rel_op == "GREATER THAN")
-          condition = first_value + " > " + second_value;
-        else if (rel_op == "LESS THAN")
-          condition = first_value + " < " + second_value;
-        else if (rel_op == "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO")
-          condition = "(" + first_value + " > " + second_value +
-                      " || num_equal(" + first_value + ", " + second_value +
-                      "))";
-        else
-          condition = "(" + first_value + " < " + second_value +
-                      " || num_equal(" + first_value + ", " + second_value +
-                      "))";
-      } else if (type == "TEXT") {
-        if (rel_op == "EQUAL TO")
-          condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") == 0";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT EQUAL TO")
-          condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") != 0";
-        else if (rel_op == "GREATER THAN")
-          condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") > 0";
-        else if (rel_op == "LESS THAN")
-          condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") < 0";
-        else if (rel_op == "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO")
-          condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") >= 0";
-        else if (rel_op == "LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO")
-          condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") <= 0";
+            first_value = get_c_expression(state, first_value);
+            second_value = get_c_expression(state, second_value);
+            if (type == "NUMBER")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = "num_equal(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ")";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = "!num_equal(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ")";
+                else if (rel_op == "GREATER THAN")
+                    condition = first_value + " > " + second_value;
+                else if (rel_op == "LESS THAN")
+                    condition = first_value + " < " + second_value;
+                else if (rel_op == "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = "(" + first_value + " > " + second_value +
+                                " || num_equal(" + first_value + ", " + second_value +
+                                "))";
+                else
+                    condition = "(" + first_value + " < " + second_value +
+                                " || num_equal(" + first_value + ", " + second_value +
+                                "))";
+            }
+            else if (type == "TEXT")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") == 0";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") != 0";
+                else if (rel_op == "GREATER THAN")
+                    condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") > 0";
+                else if (rel_op == "LESS THAN")
+                    condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") < 0";
+                else if (rel_op == "GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") >= 0";
+                else if (rel_op == "LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = "str_cmp(" + first_value + ", " + second_value + ") <= 0";
+                else
+                    return "[ERROR]";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                first_value += ".inner_collection";
+                second_value += ".inner_collection";
+                if (rel_op == "EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = first_value + " == " + second_value;
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT EQUAL TO")
+                    condition = first_value + " != " + second_value;
+                else // >, >, <= and >= are only valid in NUMBER and TEXT
+                    return "[ERROR]";
+            }
+        }
-          return "[ERROR]";
-      } else {
-        first_value += ".inner_collection";
-        second_value += ".inner_collection";
-        if (rel_op == "EQUAL TO")
-          condition = first_value + " == " + second_value;
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT EQUAL TO")
-          condition = first_value + " != " + second_value;
-        else  // >, >, <= and >= are only valid in NUMBER and TEXT
-          return "[ERROR]";
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (tokens[ct] == "IN") {
-        MATCH("IN");
-        rel_op = "IN";
-      } else if (tokens[ct] == "NOT") {
-        MATCH("NOT");
-        MATCH("IN");
-        rel_op = "NOT IN";
-      }
+        {
+            if (tokens[ct] == "IN")
+            {
+                MATCH("IN");
+                rel_op = "IN";
+            }
+            else if (tokens[ct] == "NOT")
+            {
+                MATCH("NOT");
+                MATCH("IN");
+                rel_op = "NOT IN";
+            }
-      second_value = tokens[ct];
-      ++ct;
-      string type;
-      if (is_num_expr(first_value, state) && is_num_list(second_value, state))
-        type = "NUM-IN-NUM-LIST";
-      else if (is_num_expr(first_value, state) &&
-               is_txt_list(second_value, state))
-        type = "NUM-IN-TEXT-LIST";
-      else if (is_txt_expr(first_value, state) &&
-               is_num_list(second_value, state))
-        type = "TEXT-IN-NUM-LIST";
-      else if (is_txt_expr(first_value, state) &&
-               is_txt_list(second_value, state))
-        type = "TEXT-IN-TEXT-LIST";
-      else if (is_num_expr(first_value, state) && is_map(second_value, state))
-        type = "NUM-IN-MAP";
-      else if (is_string(first_value) && is_map(second_value, state))
-        type = "STR-IN-MAP";
-      else if (is_txt_var(first_value, state) && is_map(second_value, state))
-        type = "TEXTVAR-IN-MAP";
-      else
-        return "[ERROR]";
+            second_value = tokens[ct];
+            ++ct;
+            string type;
+            if (is_num_expr(first_value, state) && is_num_list(second_value, state))
+                type = "NUM-IN-NUM-LIST";
+            else if (is_num_expr(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_txt_list(second_value, state))
+                type = "NUM-IN-TEXT-LIST";
+            else if (is_txt_expr(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_num_list(second_value, state))
+                type = "TEXT-IN-NUM-LIST";
+            else if (is_txt_expr(first_value, state) &&
+                     is_txt_list(second_value, state))
+                type = "TEXT-IN-TEXT-LIST";
+            else if (is_num_expr(first_value, state) && is_map(second_value, state))
+                type = "NUM-IN-MAP";
+            else if (is_string(first_value) && is_map(second_value, state))
+                type = "STR-IN-MAP";
+            else if (is_txt_var(first_value, state) && is_map(second_value, state))
+                type = "TEXTVAR-IN-MAP";
+            else
+                return "[ERROR]";
-      first_value = get_c_expression(state, first_value);
-      second_value = get_c_expression(state, second_value);
-      if (type == "NUM-IN-NUM-LIST") {
-        if (rel_op == "IN")
-          condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
-                      second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), (ldpl_number) " +
-                      first_value + ") != " + second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end()";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
-          condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
-                      second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), (ldpl_number) " +
-                      first_value + ") == " + second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end()";
-      } else if (type == "TEXT-IN-NUM-LIST") {
-        if (rel_op == "IN")
-          condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
-                      second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), to_number(" +
-                      first_value + ")) != " + second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end()";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
-          condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
-                      second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), to_number(" +
-                      first_value + ")) == " + second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end()";
-      } else if (type == "NUM-IN-TEXT-LIST") {
-        if (rel_op == "IN")
-          condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
-                      second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end(), to_ldpl_string(" + first_value +
-                      ")) != " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
-          condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
-                      second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end(), to_ldpl_string(" + first_value +
-                      ")) == " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
-      } else if (type == "TEXT-IN-TEXT-LIST") {
-        if (rel_op == "IN")
-          condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
-                      second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), " + first_value +
-                      ") != " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
-          condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
-                      second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), " + first_value +
-                      ") == " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
-      } else if (type == "NUM-IN-MAP") {
-        if (rel_op == "IN")
-          condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(to_ldpl_string(" +
-                      first_value + ").str_rep()) != " + second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end()";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
-          condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(to_ldpl_string(" +
-                      first_value + ").str_rep()) == " + second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end()";
-      } else if (type == "STR-IN-MAP") {
-        if (rel_op == "IN")
-          condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(" + first_value +
-                      ") != " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
-          condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(" + first_value +
-                      ") == " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
-      } else if (type == "TEXTVAR-IN-MAP") {
-        if (rel_op == "IN")
-          condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(" + first_value +
-                      ".str_rep()) != " + second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end()";
-        else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
-          condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(" + first_value +
-                      ".str_rep()) == " + second_value +
-                      ".inner_collection.end()";
-      } else
-        return "[ERROR]";
-    }
+            first_value = get_c_expression(state, first_value);
+            second_value = get_c_expression(state, second_value);
+            if (type == "NUM-IN-NUM-LIST")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "IN")
+                    condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
+                                second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), (ldpl_number) " +
+                                first_value + ") != " + second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end()";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
+                    condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
+                                second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), (ldpl_number) " +
+                                first_value + ") == " + second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end()";
+            }
+            else if (type == "TEXT-IN-NUM-LIST")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "IN")
+                    condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
+                                second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), to_number(" +
+                                first_value + ")) != " + second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end()";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
+                    condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
+                                second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), to_number(" +
+                                first_value + ")) == " + second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end()";
+            }
+            else if (type == "NUM-IN-TEXT-LIST")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "IN")
+                    condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
+                                second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end(), to_ldpl_string(" + first_value +
+                                ")) != " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
+                    condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
+                                second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end(), to_ldpl_string(" + first_value +
+                                ")) == " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
+            }
+            else if (type == "TEXT-IN-TEXT-LIST")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "IN")
+                    condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
+                                second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), " + first_value +
+                                ") != " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
+                    condition = "find(" + second_value + ".inner_collection.begin(), " +
+                                second_value + ".inner_collection.end(), " + first_value +
+                                ") == " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
+            }
+            else if (type == "NUM-IN-MAP")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "IN")
+                    condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(to_ldpl_string(" +
+                                first_value + ").str_rep()) != " + second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end()";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
+                    condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(to_ldpl_string(" +
+                                first_value + ").str_rep()) == " + second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end()";
+            }
+            else if (type == "STR-IN-MAP")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "IN")
+                    condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(" + first_value +
+                                ") != " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
+                    condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(" + first_value +
+                                ") == " + second_value + ".inner_collection.end()";
+            }
+            else if (type == "TEXTVAR-IN-MAP")
+            {
+                if (rel_op == "IN")
+                    condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(" + first_value +
+                                ".str_rep()) != " + second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end()";
+                else if (rel_op == "NOT IN")
+                    condition = second_value + ".inner_collection.find(" + first_value +
+                                ".str_rep()) == " + second_value +
+                                ".inner_collection.end()";
+            }
+            else
+                return "[ERROR]";
+        }
-    if (ct < tokens.size() && (tokens[ct] == "AND" || tokens[ct] == "OR")) {
-      if (tokens[ct] == "AND")
-        condition += " && ";
-      else if (tokens[ct] == "OR")
-        condition += " || ";
-      ++ct;
-      string next_condition = get_c_condition(state, tokens, ct);
-      if (next_condition == "[ERROR]") return next_condition;
-      condition += next_condition;
+        if (ct < tokens.size() && (tokens[ct] == "AND" || tokens[ct] == "OR"))
+        {
+            if (tokens[ct] == "AND")
+                condition += " && ";
+            else if (tokens[ct] == "OR")
+                condition += " || ";
+            ++ct;
+            string next_condition = get_c_condition(state, tokens, ct);
+            if (next_condition == "[ERROR]")
+                return next_condition;
+            condition += next_condition;
+        }
-  }
-  return condition;
+    return condition;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ldpl_lib/ldpl_lib.cpp b/src/ldpl_lib/ldpl_lib.cpp
index 71e14ca..e98f5ea 100644
--- a/src/ldpl_lib/ldpl_lib.cpp
+++ b/src/ldpl_lib/ldpl_lib.cpp
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ class LdplNumber
         integerValue = v;
         isInteger = true;
+    LdplNumber(size_t v)
+    {
+        integerValue = v;
+        isInteger = true;
+    }
     LdplNumber(long long v)
         integerValue = v;
@@ -465,7 +470,7 @@ class LdplNumber
         else if (!isInteger && !other.isInteger)
-            return floatingValue > other.floatingValue;
+            return floatingValue < other.floatingValue;
@@ -487,28 +492,57 @@ class LdplNumber
     bool operator<=(const LdplNumber &other) const
-        return (*this < other || *this == other);
+        return *this < other || *this == other;
     bool operator>=(const LdplNumber &other) const
-        return (*this > other || *this == other);
+        return *this > other || *this == other;
-    // Stream insertion operator
-    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const LdplNumber &num)
+    friend bool operator<(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs)
-        if (num.isInteger)
-        {
-            os << num.integerValue;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            os << num.floatingValue;
-        }
-        return os;
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) < rhs;
+    }
+    friend bool operator>(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs)
+    {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) > rhs;
+    }
+    friend bool operator<=(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs)
+    {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) <= rhs;
+    }
+    friend bool operator>=(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs)
+    {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) >= rhs;
+    friend bool operator<(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs)
+    {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) < rhs;
+    }
+    friend bool operator>(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs)
+    {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) > rhs;
+    }
+    friend bool operator<=(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs)
+    {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) <= rhs;
+    }
+    friend bool operator>=(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs)
+    {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) >= rhs;
+    }
+    // Stream insertion operator
+    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const LdplNumber &num);
     // Stream extraction operator
     friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, LdplNumber &num)
@@ -589,6 +623,46 @@ class LdplNumber
         return floatingValue;
+    friend LdplNumber operator*(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) * rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator+(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) + rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator-(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) - rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator/(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) / rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator%(int lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) % rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator*(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) * rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator+(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) + rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator-(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) - rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator/(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) / rhs;
+    }
+    friend LdplNumber operator%(double lhs, const LdplNumber &rhs) {
+        return LdplNumber(lhs) % rhs;
+    }
 LdplNumber floor(LdplNumber a)
@@ -636,12 +710,12 @@ class graphemedText
     string str_rep() const;
     graphemedText(const string &x);
-    graphemedText(const double &f);
+    explicit graphemedText(const double &f);
     graphemedText &operator=(const string &x);
     graphemedText(const char *x);
     graphemedText &operator=(const char *x);
     graphemedText(const char *x, size_t len);
-    graphemedText(char x);
+    explicit graphemedText(char x);
     graphemedText &operator=(char x);
     string operator[](size_t i);
     // string operator[](int i);
@@ -692,7 +766,7 @@ bool operator==(const graphemedText &ch1, const char c2);
 bool operator<(const graphemedText &c1, const graphemedText &c2);
 bool operator>(const graphemedText &c1, const graphemedText &c2);
 bool operator!=(const graphemedText &ch1, const graphemedText &ch2);
-graphemedText to_ldpl_string(double x);
+graphemedText to_ldpl_string(ldpl_number x);
 void graphemedText::regenerateGraphemeIndex()
@@ -1148,11 +1222,10 @@ ifstream file_loading_stream;
 ofstream file_writing_stream;
 string file_loading_line;
 ldpl_number VAR_ERRORCODE = 0;
-graphemedText VAR_ERRORTEXT = "";
+graphemedText VAR_ERRORTEXT = (string) "";
 ldpl_text joinvar; // Generic temporary use text variable (used by join but can be
 // Forward declarations
-graphemedText to_ldpl_string(ldpl_number x);
 graphemedText trimCopy(graphemedText _line);
 #ifndef LDPLMAP
@@ -1163,6 +1236,7 @@ struct ldpl_map
     unordered_map<string, T> inner_collection;
     T &operator[](graphemedText i);
     T &operator[](ldpl_number i);
+    T &operator[](int i);
     bool operator==(const ldpl_map<T> &map2) const;
@@ -1179,6 +1253,12 @@ T &ldpl_map<T>::operator[](graphemedText i)
     return inner_collection[i.str_rep()];
+template <typename T>
+T &ldpl_map<T>::operator[](int i)
+    return inner_collection[to_ldpl_string(i).str_rep()];
 template <typename T>
 T &ldpl_map<T>::operator[](ldpl_number i)
@@ -1212,7 +1292,7 @@ T &ldpl_list<T>::operator[](ldpl_number i)
              << inner_collection.size() << ")" << endl;
-    return inner_collection[i];
+    return inner_collection[i.to_size_t()];
 template <typename T>
@@ -1343,10 +1423,10 @@ ldpl_number get_char_num(graphemedText chr)
 graphemedText getAsciiChar(ldpl_number value)
     if (value < 0)
-        return "?";
+        return (string) "?";
     if (value > 127)
-        return "?";
-    return (char)value;
+        return (string) "?";
+    return graphemedText((char)(value.to_int()));
 void join(const graphemedText &a, const graphemedText &b, graphemedText &c)
@@ -1365,13 +1445,19 @@ graphemedText charat(graphemedText &s, ldpl_number pos)
 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13686482/
 graphemedText to_ldpl_string(ldpl_number x)
-    ostringstream out;
-    out.precision(10);
-    out << fixed << x;
-    string str = out.str();
-    str.erase(str.find_last_not_of('0') + 1, string::npos);
-    str.erase(str.find_last_not_of('.') + 1, string::npos);
-    return str;
+    if (x.IsInteger())
+    {
+        return x.internalIntegerValue().to_string();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ostringstream out;
+        out << fixed << setprecision(5) << x.to_double();
+        string str = out.str();
+        str.erase(str.find_last_not_of('0') + 1, string::npos);
+        str.erase(str.find_last_not_of('.') + 1, string::npos);
+        return str;
+    }
 #include <array>
@@ -1677,3 +1763,17 @@ void utf8_split_list(ldpl_list<graphemedText> &result, graphemedText haystack, g
             result.inner_collection.push_back(charat(haystack, i));
+// Stream insertion operator
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const LdplNumber &num)
+    if (num.isInteger)
+    {
+        os << num.integerValue.to_string();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        os << to_ldpl_string(num.floatingValue);
+    }
+    return os;