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LXCat web application and web service


This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

cd .. # in root of repo
pnpm install
pnpm dev  # Starts app, database, schema workspaces in development mode

The application uses the @lxcat/database package, which needs an ArangoDB database server, see its README for how to setup the database.

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to visit the development environment.

You can start editing the page by modifying src/pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

The src/pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages. However, this app uses the app router instead of the pages router to implement API routes, so the files can be found at /app/api/**/route.ts.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Setup auth

The app can use Orcid, Auth0, Keycloak or GitLab Appliction to perform authentication. User management is stored in the ArangoDB users collection.

In auth0 dashboard

  1. Create a new application of type Regular Web Applications.

    • Allowed Callback URLs
      • For dev deployment set to http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/auth0
    • Allowed Logout URLs
      • For dev deployment set to http://localhost:3000
  2. Make sure disable sign ups is disabled in auth0 authentication database settings. So users can register themselves.

In GitLab application settings

  1. Create a new application

    • Redirect URI
      • For dev deployments set to http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/gitlab
    • Scopes
      • Select read_user, openid, profile and email

For Orcid sandbox

  1. Register on

    • Only one app can be registered per orcid account, so use alias when primary account already has an registered app.
    • Use <something> as email, because to register app you need a verified email and Orcid sandbox only sends mails to
  2. Goto and search for <something> and verify your email adress

  3. Goto, make email public for everyone

  4. Goto to register for public API.

    • Your website URL
      • Does not allow localhost URL, so use
    • Redirect URI
      • For dev deployments set to http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/orcidsandbox

For Orcid

  1. Register on

    • Only one app can be registered per orcid account, so use alias when primary account already has an registered app.
  2. Goto to register for public API.

    • Your website URL
      • Does not allow localhost URL, so use
    • Redirect URI, requires https
      • For dev deployments the nextjs server on http://localhost:3000 has to be reversed-proxied to https This can be done with caddyserver

        caddy run
        # This will ask for sudo login to install a CA certificate into local trust store so browser trusts the URL

        This will make app available on https://localhost:8443. In Orcid site set the redirect URL to https://localhost:8443/api/auth/callback/orcid. Also set NEXT_PUBLIC_URL=https://localhost:8443 in .env.local file.

      • For production deployments set to https://< lxcat domain >/api/auth/callback/orcid Also set NEXT_PUBLIC_URL=https://< lxcat domain > in .env.local file.

For Keycloak

Keycloak is an open source oauth provider which can be used for local accounts in production.

How to configure keycloak

First spinup a container with

docker run --rm  -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin start-dev

Goto http://localhost:8080/admin/master/console and login with admin:admin.

  1. Create realm called lxcat-test-realm
  2. Create users
    • The password must be set in Credentials tab, dont forget to turn off temporary field.
    • Set orcid and picture in Attributes tab to 0000-0001-2345-6789 and /lxcat.png respectively.
  3. Create client. This is the oauth provider the lxcat app will authenticate against.
    • Client ID: lxcat-test
    • Client protocol: openid-connect
    • Root URL: http://localhost:3000 or whatever url the application is running on.
    • After creation edit client some more
    • Access type: confidential
    • To Valid Redirect URIs field add https://localhost:3000/*
    • Save it
    • On Mappers tab create mapper to expose orcid and picture user attributes
      • orcid mapper
        • Name: orcid
        • Mapper type: User Attribute
        • User attribute: orcid
        • Token Claim Name: orcid
        • Claim JSON Type: string
        • Save it
      • picture mapper
        • Name: picture
        • Mapper type: User Attribute
        • User attribute: picture
        • Token Claim Name: picture
        • Claim JSON Type: string
    • On creditials tab copy Secret value to KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET in /app/e2e/.env.test file.

In local directory

In the root .env.development file (or .env.production depending on the desired environment) define the following key/value pairs

# Used as root url for absolute URLs.
NEXT_PUBLIC_URL=<URL where users visit server, like http://localhost:3000>

# Where openid identity provider should redirect back to.
NEXTAUTH_URL=<URL where users visit server, like http://localhost:3000>
# Secret used to sign JWT api tokens.
NEXTAUTH_SECRET=<Random string>

# Optional: URL of the ArangoDB api; usually left as default: http://localhost:8529.
# Optional: Name of the database that hosts LXCat related data. Default: `lxcat`.
ARANGO_DB=<Database name>
# Optional: Name of the restricted ArangoDB user used by `app` to communicate to the database. Default: `lxcat`.
# Password used by the `ARANGO_USERNAME` user to connect to database
ARANGO_PASSWORD=<ArangoDB `app` user password>
# ArangoDB root password.
ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=<Arangodb root password>

# When you want to use Auth0 as identity provider set the AUTH0_* vars
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=<Client ID from Auth0 application settings page>
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=<Client secret from Auth0 application settings page>
AUTH0_ISSUER=<Domain from Auth0 application settings page with `https://` prepended>

# When you want to use GitLab as identity provider set the GITLAB_* vars
GITLAB_CLIENT_ID=<Application ID from GitLab application page>
GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET=<Client secret from GitLab application page>

# When you want to use Orcid as identity provider set the ORCID_* vars
ORCID_CLIENT_ID=<Client ID from Orcid developer tools page>
ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET=<Client secret from Orcid developer tools page>
# To use Orcid sandbox instead of production Orcid set following var

# When you want to use Keycloak as identity provider set the KEYCLOAK_* vars
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID=<Client ID from Keycloak client page>
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET=<Client secret from credentials tab on the Keycloak client page>
KEYCLOAK_ISSUER=<Keycloak base url and realm. eg. http://localhost:8080/realms/master>

At least one identity provider should be configured.

End to end tests

The end to end tests (e2e/**.spec.ts) are written and run using playwright.

Before running test ensure playwright's chromium browser is installed with

npx playwright install chromium

Also make sure port 8001, 8002, and 8003 are not in use.

pnpm test:e2e

To debug and record add await page.pause() and run tests with

pnpm test:e2e -- --headed

The test command spins up the app dev server, ArangoDB in a Docker container, a test OpenID connect server and then executes the tests in the e2e/ directory.

graph TD
    playwright --> g[global setup]
    g -->|test container| a[ArangoDB:8003]
    g --> o[test OpenID connect server:8002]
    playwright --> d[app dev server:8001]
    playwright -->|execute| t[tests]

The e2e/global-setup.ts file is used as playwrights global setup to spinup the ArangoDB and test identity provider. It also

  • signs up admin user, to become admin user in tests add test.use({ storageState: "adminStorageState.json" });,
  • has utility functions to fill and truncate database collections.

The e2e/test-oidc-server.ts file contains an OpenID connect server which accepts any email/password combination and returns a dummy profile with orcid and picture. The application configures its client by using the TESTOIDC_CLIENT_* env vars.

Unit Tests

See code contributor doc


To see which modules are loaded by web browser use

ANALYZE=true pnpm build

The result is written to .next/analyze/client.html.

API Development

All API routes are built with zod schemas that can be used to verify query, path or body parameters by using the zodMiddleware function in your RouteBuilder chain. Each endpoint also has a corresponding openapi.ts file which is used to generate an OpenAPI endpoint description.

When the /api/doc endpoint is first queried, all register methods in every openapi.ts file under src/app/api/ will get called. This function should use the global OpenAPI registry() to register the defined behaviour of the endpoint using the zod-to-openapi function registerPath().

When using existing schemas in input or output schemas, add the schema to the register() function in app/api/schemas.openapi.ts, manually adding the required openapi metadata like shown in the already existing entries. Doing this will prevent the schema from being duplicated in the OpenAPI spec when used more than once, as it will be placed under the components/ path and referenced where used.