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--dbName=DBNAME db name [descddf_v1.4_10yrs]
--dbDir=DBDIR db dir [ /sps/lsst/cadence/LSST_SN_CADENCE/cadence_db]
--dbExtens=DBEXTENS db extension [npy]
--outDir=OUTDIR output dir [Output_Simu]
--nside=NSIDE healpix nside [64]
--nproc=NPROC number of proc [8]
--diffflux=DIFFFLUX flag for diff flux[0]
--season=SEASON season to process[-1]
field - DD or WFD[DD]
--x1Type=X1TYPE x1 type (unique,random,uniform) [unique]
--x1min=X1MIN x1 min if x1Type=unique (x1val) or uniform[-2.0]
--x1max=X1MAX x1 max - if x1Type=uniform[2.0]
--x1step=X1STEP x1 step - if x1Type=uniform[0.1]
color type (unique,random,uniform) [unique]
--colormin=COLORMIN color min if colorType=unique (colorval) or
--colormax=COLORMAX color max - if colorType=uniform[0.3]
color step - if colorType=uniform[0.1]
--zType=ZTYPE zcolor type (unique,uniform,random) [uniform]
daymax type (unique,uniform,random) [unique]
daymax step [1]
--zmin=ZMIN min redshift [0.0]
--zmax=ZMAX max redshift [1.0]
--zstep=ZSTEP max redshift [0.02]
--saveData=SAVEDATA to save data [0]
--nodither=NODITHER to remove dithering [0]
--coadd=COADD to coadd or not[1]
--RAmin=RAMIN RA min for obs area - for WDF only[0.0]
--RAmax=RAMAX RA max for obs area - for WDF only[360.0]
--Decmin=DECMIN Dec min for obs area - for WDF only[-1.0]
--Decmax=DECMAX Dec max for obs area - for WDF only[-1.0]
--remove_dithering=REMOVE_DITHERING remove dithering for DDF [0]
--pixelmap_dir=PIXELMAP_DIR dir where to find pixel maps[]
--npixels=NPIXELS number of pixels to process[0]
--nclusters=NCLUSTERS number of clusters in data (DD only)[0]
--radius=RADIUS radius around clusters (DD and Fakes)[4.0]
--simulator=SIMULATOR simulator to use[sn_cosmo]
--prodid=PRODID prod id tag[Test]
--ebvofMW=EBVOFMW ebvofMW value[-1.0]
--bluecutoff=BLUECUTOFF blue cutoff for SN[380.0]
--redcutoff=REDCUTOFF red cutoff for SN[800.0]
Simulation using one proc, nside_healpix =64, (x1,color) = (-2.0,0.2), z in range [0.01, 1.] (random), random daymax, on 1 pixel of the sky, for the OS file baseline_v1.4_10yrs.db located in ../../DB_Files, on WFD
python run_scripts/simulation/ --nproc 1 --nside 64 --x1Type random --x1min -2.0 --x1max -2.0 --colorType random --colormin 0.2 --colormax 0.2 --zType random --zmin 0.01 --zmax 0.6 --zstep 0.01 --daymaxType random --daymaxstep 1. --npixel 1 --dbName baseline_v1.4_10yrs --dbDir ../../DB_Files --dbExtens db --fieldType WFD --RAmin 36. --RAmax 40 --Decmin -41. --Decmax -37 --radius 4.