Display NSN metric results for WFD fields Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --dirFile=DIRFILE file directory [/sps/lsst/users/gris/MetricOutput] --nside=NSIDE nside for healpixels [64] --fieldType=FIELDTYPE field type - DD, WFD, Fake [WFD] --nPixelsFile=NPIXELSFILE file with the total number of pixels per obs. strat.[ObsPixels_fbs14_nside_64.npy] --listdb=LISTDB list of dbnames to process [plot_scripts/input/WFD_test.csv] --tagbest=TAGBEST tag for the best OS [snpipe_a]
- Plot the (NSN,zlim) results for files located in MetricOutput generated with nside=64 for a faint supernova for WFD surveys. Let us suppose that the metric has been run on the following OS: alt_base_v1.6_10yrs,baseline_nexp1_v1.6_10yrs,baseline_v1.4_10yrs,baseline_v1.5_10yrs and that output files are located in ../Files. Then we have to generate a csv file (WFD.csv) that looks like:
- python plot_scripts/metrics/plot_nsn_metric_WFD_summary.py --dirFile ../Files --listdb WFD_test.csv
- This command should display a summary plot (NSN, zlim) that will look like
- A ranking of observing strategies should also be available:
dbName nsn rank baseline_v1.5_10yrs 57815 1 baseline_nexp1_v1.6_10yrs 51411 2 baseline_v1.4_10yrs 45157 3 alt_base_v1.6_10yrs 42888 4