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File metadata and controls

66 lines (63 loc) · 4.7 KB

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dbName=DBNAME       db name [alt_sched]
  --dbExtens=DBEXTENS   db extension [npy]
  --dbDir=DBDIR         db dir [/sps/lsst/cadence/LSST_SN_CADENCE/cadence_db]
  --outDir=OUTDIR       output dir [MetricOutput]
                        template dir
  --nside=NSIDE         healpix nside [64]
  --nproc=NPROC         number of proc  [8]
                        field type DD or WFD[DD]
  --zmax=ZMAX           zmax for simu [1.2]
                        remove dithering for DDF [0]
  --simuType=SIMUTYPE   flag for new simulations [0]
  --saveData=SAVEDATA   flag to dump data on disk [0]
  --metric=METRIC       metric to process [cadence]
  --coadd=COADD         nightly coaddition [1]
  --RAmin=RAMIN         RA min for obs area - for WDF only[0.0]
  --RAmax=RAMAX         RA max for obs area - for WDF only[360.0]
  --Decmin=DECMIN       Dec min for obs area - for WDF only[-1.0]
  --Decmax=DECMAX       Dec max for obs area - for WDF only[-1.0]
                        proxy level for the metric[2]
  --T0s=T0S             T0 values to consider[all]
                        light LC output[0]
                        outputType of the metric[zlims]
  --seasons=SEASONS     seasons to process[-1]
  --verbose=VERBOSE     verbose mode for the metric[0]
  --timer=TIMER         timer mode for the metric[0]
  --ploteffi=PLOTEFFI   plot efficiencies for the metric[0]
  --z=Z                 redshift for the metric[0.3]
  --band=BAND           band for the metric[r]
  --dirRefs=DIRREFS     dir of reference files for the metric[reference_files]
  --dirFake=DIRFAKE     dir of fake files for the metric[input/Fake_cadence]
                        ref name for the ref files for the metric[SNCosmo]
  --x1=X1               Supernova stretch[-2.0]
  --color=COLOR         Supernova color[0.2]
                        dir where to find pixel maps[]
  --npixels=NPIXELS     number of pixels to process[0]
                        number of clusters in data (DD only)[0]
  --radius=RADIUS       radius around clusters (DD and Fakes)[4.0]


  • run the (nSN, zlim) metric for DD fieds, OS name=descddf_v1.4_10yrs.db located in ../../DB_Files, nclusters(=nDDF)=5, using 4 procs:
    • python run_scripts/metrics/ --dbDir ../../DB_Files --dbName descddf_v1.4_10yrs --dbExtens npy --fieldType DD --metric NSN --nclusters 5 --nproc 4
  • run the (nSN, zlim) metric for WFD fieds, OS name=descddf_v1.4_10yrs.db located in ../../DB_Files, using 4 procs, on one pixel located in a region defined in RA in [36.,40.] and Dec in [-41.,-37.]
    • python run_scripts/metrics/ --dbDir ../../DB_Files --dbName descddf_v1.4_10yrs --dbExtens npy --fieldType WFD --metric NSN --nproc 4 --npixels 1 --RAmin 36. --RAmax 40 --Decmin -41. --Decmax -37 --radius 4. --verbose 1 --ebvofMW 0.0
  • run the cadence metric for WFD fields, OS name=descddf_v1.5_10yrs.db located in ../../DB_Files, on 10 pixels located in (RA,Dec): [20,24]x[-20,-24], r-band (default)
    • python run_scripts/metrics/ --dbDir ../../DB_Files --dbName descddf_v1.5_10yrs --dbExtens db --fieldType WFD --metric Cadence --nproc 1 --npixels 10 --RAmin 20. --RAmax 24. --Decmin -24. --Decmax -20 --radius 4. --saveData 1
  • run the SNR metric for WFD fields, OS name=descddf_v1.5_10yrs.db located in ../../DB_Files, on all the pixels located in (RA,Dec): [0,36]x[-36,0.], r-band (default), using the Fake_cadence_snrmetric.yaml file in input/Fake_cadence, for the season 3:
  • python run_scripts/metrics/ --dbDir ../../DB_Files --dbName descddf_v1.5_10yrs --dbExtens db --fieldType WFD --metric SNRr --nproc 4 --npixels -1 --RAmin 0. --RAmax 36. --Decmin -36. --Decmax 0.0 --radius 4. --verbose 0 --ebvofMW -1.0 --saveData 1 --dirFake input/Fake_cadence --season 3
  • run the ObsRate metric for WFD fields, OS name=descddf_v1.5_10yrs.db located in ../../DB_Files, on all the pixels located in (RA,Dec): [0,36]x[-36,0.], gri bands (default), using the Fake_cadence_snrmetric.yaml file in input/Fake_cadence, for the season 3:
  • python run_scripts/metrics/ --dbDir ../../DB_Files --dbName descddf_v1.5_10yrs --dbExtens db --fieldType WFD --metric ObsRate --nproc 4 --npixels -1 --RAmin 0. --RAmax 36. --Decmin -36. --Decmax 0.0 --radius 4. --verbose 0 --ebvofMW -1.0 --saveData 1 --dirFake input/Fake_cadence --season 3