Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --dirFiles=DIRFILES location dir of the files[/sps/lsst/users/gris/Output_Simu_pipeline_0] --prodid=PRODID db name [Test] --outDir=OUTDIR output dir [/sps/lsst/users/gris/Output_Fit_0] --nproc=NPROC number of proc [1] --mbcov=MBCOV mbcol calc [0] --display=DISPLAY to display fit in real-time[0] --fitter=FITTER fitter to use [sn_cosmo]
- Let us suppose that some simulations have been run using the sn_simulation package. In the output simulation directory, three files should be available: prodid.yaml, Simu_prodid_num.hdf5, LC_prodid_num.hdf5, where prodid has been defined in the yaml file used for the simulation. num is an integer corresponding to the multiprocessing configuration used at the simulation stage.
ls Output_Simu_380.0_800.0_ebvofMW_0.1 sn_cosmo_Fake_Fake_DESC_seas_-1_0.0_0.0_380.0_800.0_ebvofMW_0.1.yaml Simu_sn_cosmo_Fake_Fake_DESC_seas_-1_0.0_0.0_380.0_800.0_ebvofMW_0.1_0.hdf5 LC_sn_cosmo_Fake_Fake_DESC_seas_-1_0.0_0.0_380.0_800.0_ebvofMW_0.1_0.hdf5
- In that case, the fit of the light curves will be made using:
- python run_scripts/fit_sn/run_sn_fit.py --dirFiles Output_Simu_380.0_800.0_ebvofMW_0.1 --prodid sn_cosmo_Fake_Fake_DESC_seas_-1_0.0_0.0_380.0_800.0_ebvofMW_0.1_0 --nproc 4 --outDir Output_Fit
- Output directory after processing:
- ls Output_Fit
- ls Output_Fit