Releases: LSSTDESC/qp
Releases · LSSTDESC/qp
v0.8.4, various updates and fixes
What's Changed
- Cleaning up docstrings by @delucchi-cmu in #174
- Spruce up the README by @delucchi-cmu in #179
- Add a new factory method read_metadata by @joezuntz in #183
- Issue/186/fix readthedocs by @eacharles in #187
- fix scipy wrapper to work with newer scipy by @eacharles in #189
- Issue/178/metrics docs by @aimalz in #181
- fix demo to refer to by @eacharles in #194
- Move quant_pdf tests into their own test module by @drewoldag in #195
- attempt to use copier template by @eacharles in #197
- udpated to copier template v0.3.1 by @eacharles in #198
- Implemented normalisation for weights with sum larger than one. Also … by @BStoelzner in #185
New Contributors
- @aimalz made their first contribution in #181
- @BStoelzner made their first contribution in #185
Full Changelog: v0.8.3...v0.8.4
What's Changed
- Remove duplicate values before creating PIT Ensemble. by @drewoldag in #173
Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.8.3
What's Changed
- protect quantile prepresenation used in PIT by @eacharles in #172
Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.8.2
v0.8.1, reduced dependencies, minor delinting, added lazy_modules
What's Changed
- reduced dependencies, minor delinting, added lazy_modules by @eacharles in #169
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.1
Outstanding changes since Nov. 2022
What's Changed
- Incorporated vectorized versions of PIT goodness of fit metrics by @drewoldag in #132
- New metrics notebook by @drewoldag in #133
- Support specifying random_state when converting to mixmod ensemble by @drewoldag in #135
- Specify Scipy version to be 1.9.3 so that unittests pass. by @drewoldag in #138
- Replaced deprecated methods with warnings and updated docstrings. by @drewoldag in #140
- Build fails due to missing dependency by @drewoldag in #144
- Small link fix by @OliviaLynn in #142
- Unpinned the Scipy version. by @drewoldag in #145
- Piecewise linear quantiles by @drewoldag in #134
- Implementing original qp PDF constructor by @drewoldag in #150
- Fix installation instructions by @delucchi-cmu in #154
- added pdf_constructor_name to _updated_ctor_param by @eacharles in #152
- Added packed_interp_pdf and packing_utils by @eacharles in #155
- Fix up a docstring by @eacharles in #158
- Issue/159/iterated read by @eacharles in #160
- spliting reading into two reading tables and building ensemble from t… by @eacharles in #165
New Contributors
- @OliviaLynn made their first contribution in #142
- @delucchi-cmu made their first contribution in #154
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2
Incorporated new summary and comparison statistics
What's Changed
- Added unit test for iterator under mpi by @eacharles in #123
- Fixed pyproject.toml to include required dependencies in build by @drewoldag in #124
- Moved Brier and PIT metrics from RAIL to qp by @drewoldag in #125
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1
Refactored package, moved metrics, added iterator
What's Changed
- added pypi.yaml workflow by @eacharles in #115
- Issue/91/risk based point estimate by @maxwest-uw in #116
- Updated readme badges and links by @drewoldag in #117
- Pyproject and code organization by @drewoldag in #118
- Issue/120/iterator by @eacharles in #121
- Separated qp metric wrappers and implementations by @drewoldag in #119
New Contributors
- @drewoldag made their first contribution in #117
Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.7.0
What's Changed
- Issue/109/calculate kld by @maxwest-uw in #111
- changed package name to qp-prob for pypi by @eacharles in #113
New Contributors
- @maxwest-uw made their first contribution in #111
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.3
Temp branch for tagging a test release
What's Changed
- Issue/109/calculate kld by @maxwest-uw in #111
New Contributors
- @maxwest-uw made their first contribution in #111
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2