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Aberrated Optics Validation

Daniel Perrefort edited this page Aug 2, 2018 · 3 revisions

Effect: Abberated Optics

The LSST active optics system (AOS) is designed to minimize optical aberrations by modifying the positions and surface figures of telescope components in real time. The LSST AOS is comprised of two separate systems. The open loop control system uses a lookup table to compensate for errors that are constant in time. These errors are mostly comprised of errors in the fabrication and construction of LSST. The closed loop control system uses wavefront sensors to detect slowly varying optical aberrations. This includes thermally and gravitationally induced shifts and low spatial order surface errors for each optical element.

In the ideal case the AOS would be able to remove all optical aberrations introduced by the LSST optics system. However, in practice there are small, residual deviations that contribute to the PSF. Our goal is to simulate these residual errors and determine the induced optical aberrations. At present, we restrict ourselves to considering errors left uncorrected by the closed-loop control system. This does not include errors introduced by noise in the closed loop corrections.

Contact person(s) if any:

Daniel Perrefort, Aaron Roodman, Josh Meyers, Bo Xin

Reference Material

  1. The aberrated optics modeled by ImSim is based on the LSST adaptive optics system
    (AOS) as outlined in Angeli, Xin et. al 2014
  2. A general overview on wavefront aberrations can be found in Aron Roodman's DE School talk from 2016.

Data Provenance:

  1. Zemax estimates for the nominal state of the LSST optics system were provided by Aaron Roodman
  2. Values for the sensitivity matrix outlined in Angeli, Xin et. al 2014 were provided by Bo Xin.

Model Details

Optical aberrations can be described by a superposition of Zernike Polynomials Z_i. These polynomials form a complete set of functions, each of which represents a unique optical aberration. For coordinates (x,y) in the focal plane of LSST and (u,v) in the exit pupil, we write this superposition as


Note that the coefficients a_i are position dependent. Given an arbitrary coordinate, these coefficients provide a description of the strength and phase of each aberration introduced by the optics system. We can express these coefficients in terms of their nominal value n_i and deviations from that nominal value delta_n_i.


The nominal Zernike coefficients are estimated using the Zemax model. These will differ slightly from the real LSST, however an “as-built” Zemax model will not be available until closer to the completion of construction.

Since we are only considering slowly changing optical errors, in the present context delta_n_i represents the residual aberrations from the closed loop system.

The AOS consists of 50 degrees of freedom which are varied by the closed loop system. Deviations in each degree of freedom are represented by a set of 50 normal distributions. From these distributions, the aberrated optics model generates a random set of optical deviations representing an independent state of the LSST optics system. These deviations are then mapped to the corresponding Zernike coefficients using the sensitivity matrix A outlined in Angeli, Xin et. al 2014

The sensitivity matrix, and by extension \delta_n, has been simulated for 35 positions in the LSST focal plane. In order to determine a_i at an arbitrary location, we perform a 2-D fit for each Zernike coefficient in position space. Since the Zernike polynomials are a complete set of functions in a circular aperture, we use a superposition of Zernike polynomials to perform this fit. Note that this superposition is not the same as the first Equation above.

Validation Criteria

  1. For zero deviations from the nominal state, the aberrated optics model should return values in agreement with current Zemax estimates. This condition is enforced in the ImSim test suite.
  2. Random samples of optical deviations should form a normal distribution centered on zero. This represents our expectation that the optical system will (on average) oscillate around the nominal state.
  3. The PSF contribution due to the optical system should be physically reasonable over a collection of random optical states.

Validation Results

Condition (2) is demonstrated for a subset of optical degrees of freedom in Figure 1. Figure 2 demonstrates the Zernike Coefficients corresponding to the LSST optical system's nominal state. Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate the Zernike coefficients derived for a random set of deviations in each degree of freedom, both sampled discreetly and fitted using a superposition of Zernike Polynomials.

Figure 1: A set of 1000 perturbations in the LSST optical system that cause deviations from the nominal state (zero). Demonstrated for the first twelve optical degrees of freedom, these deviations are derived from a set of unique Gaussian distributions centered at zero. Units vary depending on the degree of freedom.

Figure 2: A set of nominal Zernike Coefficients sampled for 35 locations in the exit pupil of LSST. These coefficients collectively represent the nominal state of the LSST optical system. Coefficients are shown in units of observed wavelength.

Figure 3: A set of randomly generated Zernike Coefficients for 35 locations in the exit pupil of LSST. These coefficients include random deviations from the nominal state and represent a distinct state of the LSST optical system. Coefficients are shown in units of observed wavelength.

Figure 4: A two dimensional fit of randomly generated Zernike Coefficients in the exit pupil of LSST. Coefficients are shown in units of observed wavelength.

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