See the links below, which should also match the internal DESC paper tracking page. Unless otherwise stated these documents describe work in progress, that has not yet undergone collaboration review, and so they should be treated with caution!
DC2 Plan (Note: tex, PDF, folder). Overview of whole project, including summaries of science uses, initial survey design, available tools, and construction schedule. Cite as "LSST DESC 2018a, in preparation"
DC2 Run 1.1 Specifications (Note: Google doc, PDF). Technical details of the Run 1.1 test run. Cite as "LSST DESC 2018b in preparation".
DC2 Run 1.2p PhoSim Specifications (Note: Google doc) Results for PhoSim tests carried out to determine parameter settings for Run 1.2p.
DC2 Run 2.0/2.1 Specifications (Note: Google doc, PDF). Technical planning note for 2.0/2.1 with information on survey design.
protoDC2: A Test Catalog for preparation of the Second DESC Data Challenge (Note: PDF on DESC confluence) Technical description of the protoDC2 extragalactic catalog. Cite as "Korytov et al 2018 in preparation".
Image Simulation Speed with PhoSim 3.7 at NERSC (Note: Google doc, PDF) Report on timing tests. Cite as "Habib et al 2018 in preparation".
The DC2 Cookbook: Recipes for Emulating the LSST DM Data Release Processing Pipeline (Note: ipynb) Adapted from the DC1 notes. Cite as "Krughoff et al 2018 in preparation".