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Use case model


Name Check List of Places
Actor Uni app User
Description The user can check all avaliable places
Preconditions - The user is logged in UniFEUP.
Postconditions - The selected queue will be displayed
Normal flow 1. The community acesses the system, by using FEUP's sigarra credentials.
2. The system displays a list of supported places
Alternative flows and exceptions 1. [Filter] After step 2 the user can optionally choose to apply a filter to the results shown
Name Comment
Actor Uni app User
Description The user can leave a small message
Preconditions - The user chooses a place
Postconditions - The message will be displayed
Normal flow 1. The user chooses a place.
2. The user leaves a message
Alternative flows and exceptions 1. [Filter] Some words might be filtered.
Name Check Place Current State
Actor Uni app User
Description Shows the selected place queue and capacity
Preconditions - The User has a place selected.
Postconditions - Nothing (only displays capacity)
Normal flow 1. The user acesses the system, by using FEUP's sigarra credentials.
2. The system displays a list of places
3. The User selects a place.
4 The system shows the selected place capacity and queue status
Alternative flows and exceptions 1. [No Capacity] If, in step 4 of the normal flow, the capacity feature is not support then it will not be displayed.
2. [No Queue] If, in step 4 of the normal flow, the queue feature is not support then it will not be displayed.
Name Check Prediction
Actor Uni app User
Description Shows the predicted queue and/or capicity of the choosen place
Preconditions - The User has a place selected.
Postconditions - Nothing (only displays the prediction)
Normal flow 1. The user acesses the system, by using FEUP's sigarra credentials.
2. The system displays a list of places
3. The User selects a place.
4 The system shows the selected place capacity and queue status
5.The User selects the prediction option
6. The system shows the predicted queue and/or capicity of the choosen place of that day
Alternative flows and exceptions 1. [No Prediction] If, in step 6 of the normal flow, there isn't sufficient data then it will not be displayed.
Name Check History
Actor Uni app User
Description Shows the previous states of queues
Preconditions - The User has a place selected.
Postconditions - Nothing (only displays previous states)
Normal flow 1. The user acesses the system, by using FEUP's sigarra credentials.
2. The system displays a list of places
3. The User selects a place.
4 The system shows the selected queue previous states
Alternative flows and exceptions 1. [No History] If, in step 4 of the normal flow, there isn't sufficient data then it will not be displayed.
Name Receive Notification (Form)
Actor Uni app User
Description Will give a form asking about the states
Preconditions - The User reached a specific place
Postconditions - Nothing (only received the notification)
Normal flow 1. The user checks the displayed information and will go to the place he desires.
2. When he reaches a notification will be sent with a form
Alternative flows and exceptions None
Name Answer Form
Actor Uni app User
Description The User will answer a form
Preconditions - A notification was sent before
Postconditions - Displayed information will be updated
Normal flow 1. The User will open the form
2. Answer a form, to confirm and update information about capacity of places and state of queues
Alternative flows and exceptions The user can answer the form at his own will, to update outdated information.
Name Get Capacity
Actor Capacity API's
Description The API will provide us information to display
Preconditions - Check Place Current State
Postconditions - Displayed information will be updated
Normal flow 1. The information in the App will be based on it's information
Alternative flows and exceptions None
Name Update Queue
Actor Uni App User
Description The information about Queue will be crowdsourced by the FEUP Community
Preconditions - Information is outdated
Postconditions - Displayed information will be updated
Normal flow 1. The user sees a queue, the info is outdated
2. Will Answer a form to update it
Alternative flows and exceptions None

User stories

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to check a specific facility queue or available capacity predictions, so that i can properly plan ahead.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to check the queue status of a facility, so that I can plan ahead.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to be able to filter the supported facilities list, so that I can quickly select a facility.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want a way to report on a specific facility about its queue state, so that the community can also know about it.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to easily find the facility I'm looking for, so that I don't waste unnecessary time.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to be able to check a specific facility available capacity, so that I can plan ahead my journey.

Not implemented
  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to be able to login, so that I know who I'm talking with.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to report comments with false info, so that I can assure that the community chat is reliable.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to look for a specific facility past data, so that I can search for patterns.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want a fast way to report on a specific facility about its queue state, so that the community can also know about it.

  • As a member of the FEUP community, I want to communicate with other users at a certain facility, so that i can attain info about the facility and its services.

Domain model

Place: Representa a fila selecionada pelo utilizador
Capacity: Representa a capacidade máxima, os lugares livres e em uso do local selecionado.
DataPointPast: Representa um historico do local selecionado, por data, capacidade utilizada e estado habitual da fila.
DataPointFuture: Representa uma estimativa/previsão do estado das filas/capacidade do local, agrupado por dias da semana.
FEUP Community User: Utilizador da aplicação, engloba toda comunidade FEUP, este utilizador pode:
- Comentar : Colocar comentários sobre o estado atual de um local num chat.
- Reportar : O utilizador pode reportar certos comentários, que não se enquadrem com a realidade atual do local/fila.
- Notificação/Inquérito: O utilizador pode responder a um pequeno inquérito sobre o estado atual da fila de um certo local, permitindo uma atualização em tempo real do seu estado.